Talk:Wikipedia & Education User Group/User Group election 2018-2020/Nominations

Questions to nominees from Joalpe


Hello all! Thanks a lot for nominating yourself for the board of Wikipedia & Education User Group. This is an exciting moment for our community, and I am very impressed by the amazing work all the nominees have presented. Yet, I only know some of you :( (I guess this is one of the challenges of being a global movement), and I thought it'd be nice to ask a couple of questions to know more about what you think. I hope this is OK, and again thanks a lot for being up to the challenge. --Joalpe (talk) 14:39, 16 September 2018 (UTC)Reply

@Joalpe: Thanks for these questions. They also help us to open up our minds to see what can be done. KCVelaga (talk) 00:38, 17 September 2018 (UTC)Reply
  1. Education is context-dependent, nevertheless we have understood a global group was needed. So, what exactly do you think our user group can contribute to specific education realities?
    1. Ziko: Yes, I agree with your statement. In my experience with Open Educational Resources, the teachers nearly always adapt the OER unit for their own lessons. Maybe it would be useful if educational material and plans would be more written in a way that it can be adapted more easily (for a specific culture or country, age group, background etc.). But I find difficult to make a general assesment. Ziko (talk) 16:25, 18 September 2018 (UTC)Reply
    2. Vojtěch Dostál:
    3. Ananth subray:
    4. KCVelaga: This is a very interesting question. To date, when we speak of Wikipedia in Education, we've only mostly talked about opportunities for students to contribute to Wikipedia or its sister projects as a part of their academic curriculum. However, the chance to use Wikipedia as a tool in pedagogy is not much explored. I am aware that there are a few examples, but it is not as popular as the former one. We may not have much opportunity in systems where the medium of instruction is English. However, when the medium is the local language in which there isn't much reading material on broad topics, Wikipedia of that language can be an excellent tool for teachers. We can explore a lot of opportunities in this type of collaboration. For example, teachers create a list of topics that may be of use to their students that should be read in their native language, and the community members can improve the articles in this list, or probably even students from another Education program. So I conclude saying that Wikipedia has an excellent opportunity to fill the gap of resource materials in local languages, and we as a user group can facilitate such discussion, provide support for volunteers, and help them while they build a new model. The above said can also be considered in terms of subject areas, for example, not enough material on Space exploration in ABC language, Wikipedia can help.
    5. Esh77: In a way, your question holds the answer -- despite the fact that most EDU-Wiki endeavors are run by local affiliates and are adjusted to local audience, there is a variety of issues / challenges that touch all, such as technological infrastructure, community capacity building, creating resources etc. The UG is all about supporting the local work, while making sure that the common denominators are also advocated for in a structured and organized way. So activities such as advocating for the *global* needs we all have in common, curating work *globally* so we can learn from one another and not invent the wheel time and time again, creating global collaborations that can be then practiced locally, and offering support to emerging communities via the mentoring program -- these are all part of what this group is about. It's also important to note that the Wikimedians involved in the UG come from all over the world and have a lot of "hands-on" experience leading a variety of initiatives. This experience allows them to use it in order to guide and support emerging communities and individuals even if the exact reality is a bit different from place to place. Yes, Education is context-dependent, but there are also many similarities between different places when trying to start a program. The number of obstacles is finite and given its accumulated experience, the group can address a specific context in question. It's also important to stress that the UG's job is not to replace local affiliates doing work locally, but rather, facilitate, guide, support, organize etc. As such, the UG creates a platform for a global discussion and advocacy of EDUWiki-related issues, gives a voice to diverse and multiple needs from around the world, as well as addresses specific needs.
    6. Hasive:
    7. dungodung: I think the inclusiveness of this group will provide the diversity of viewpoints and experiences, which can only strengthen us and reinforce our mission. We are creating a transparent network of people interested in Wiki*edia in Education and that network alone could be beneficial for someone's work. I see us doing mentoring, spreading information, creating resources etc.: so basically, helping each other out and preventing the reinvention of the wheel around the world.
    8. WikiTatik:@Joalpe: Thanks for questions.I would like to emphasize the other important aspect of Wikipedia editing. It is the process of Wikipedia editing as a tool of (or for) creative learning. Students develop, enhance and improve Wiktionary and the Wikipedia which improves their knowledge, thinking abilities and concentration skills. They also acquire self-learning habit for their entire life. This approach gives students an opportunity to improve their knowledge irrespective of the level of teachers professionalism. I hope that we can disseminate this approach to enhance studying independently from given educational system.
  2. As a board member, what are steps you might consider to foster diversity in our group?
    1. Ziko: First it is necessary to have an overview of the current situation. Based on that, it is possible to reach out to people whose world view might be not represented. It will also be a challenge to create a useful structure for people to connect to the group in a way they find suitable for them. I say this thinking of the different backgrounds of the people who are involved in our issues (rich/poor country, female/male/other, freelance/full time etc.).
    2. Vojtěch Dostál:
    3. Ananth subray:
    4. KCVelaga: In the context of Wikipedia in Education, we need diversity in terms of global north–global south, representation from non-English communities (we have more than 250 Wikipedias but only 179 members–we miss a lot), students-teachers-campus ambassadors, secondary–higher education and volunteer program leaders–staff of WMF and affiliates. My suggestion to improve this diversity would be to set up working groups or task forces within the user group. For example, Asian task force, Wikipedia in school education task force. These task forces can lead to conversations and bring out more participation within their scope. This model also yields other benefits like easy coordination and contact points for various contexts, involving the members in our processes, clear working processes and goals–easy for reporting.
    5. Esh77: This UG is meant to be a hub of EDUWiki and involve all local affiliates doing EDUWiki work. We are diverse in nature and will continue to be so, making sure that all voices are heard, not only those of well-established, western programs. I believe that when it comes to diversity, the first step is awareness to it and to existing imbalances. As an EDUWiki advocate and activist, and as a woman, coming from a small country and a small Wiki, I have always been aware of the importance of diversity and have actively worked towards including more voices. I have every intention of continuing to do just that and actively work to make sure that less-heard voices are recognized and that decisions are made considering all relevant parties.
    6. Hasive:
    7. dungodung: We need to learn from our past mistakes as a Collab, so we should be as inclusive as possible, in order to have all the voices heard. I believe many of the UGs processes should be open and transparent, with everyone having the possibility to join in and voice their opinions. But actively spreading the word is also something that we should consider. Partnering up with WMF's education team can help us reach more people that might not have been exposed to our community at large.
    8. WikiTatik: I can help to enlarge and make small communities mature through implementation of educational projects that i have developed.
  3. There is currently a grant request for a Wikipedia+Education Conference in 2019. What role do you think our user group should have in supporting the Basque Wikimedians User Group in the organizing of this conference, if any?
    1. Ziko: Well, it would depend on how the W&E user group develops, and what are the wishes of the Basque Wikimedians). Likely, the W&E user group can link them to people who would like to help with the programme.
    2. Vojtěch Dostál:
    3. Ananth subray:
    4. KCVelaga: This is a much-needed proposal. Of course, the user group will support this in whatever way possible and whenever needed. We can leave the things the user group is confident. It is better if we can help them with the aspects they consider as risks. From the proposal, one such thing is project leadership and event management. Since the user group and the board have a fair amount of international experiences, we can help the organizers in implementing global best practices, by supporting and contributing while they form working groups or committees, say scholarship, program, on-site management, communications etc.
    5. Esh77: Well, if the Basque wouldn't have made this submission, then the UG probably would have created one quite soon. Having and EDUWiki global conference is something we have discussed in various occasions, specifically more so in the past 2 years. The UG will do whatever it can to support the Basque community in making this event a successful one. From helping with the program, to running workshops and sessions, to anything else the Basque might need -- we'll be there to help.
    6. Hasive:
    7. dungodung: I'm not sure the group is currently ready to help out in any way, and I believe the Basque team will do a good job in organizing the conference, but I also think that we can show official support, and also probably delegate some representatives to participate in the event.
    8. WikiTatik: I am not so familiar with the activities of the Basque Wikipedians User Group, but outside support is very important for small communities. My strong belief is that as a User Group we have to help each community in order to succeed in wiki education. We also can't underestimate the value of offline activities and events. With several communities we share our experience in education (Georgia, Albania, Belarus, Tatarstan, Macedonia)
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