Pilipinas Panorama Community/Membership

Main pageMembershipFreedom of PanoramaCultural HeritageGLAM-WikiMovement StrategyMeetups

The Pilipinas Panorama Community (PPC) is a thematic Wikimedia organization based in the National Capital Region of the Philippines.

The community was founded by Filipino Wikimedians advocating equity, cultural heritage, history, language & ethnicity, art, freedom of panorama, and Wikimedia's Movement Strategy, contributing to expand the global availability of free knowledge.

Roster of Members

Membership Matrix


Advocacies & Discussions
(FoP, Cultural Heritage, GLAM, ESEAP)
Regular Members
Community Members

Gender Balance (Regular and Community Members)

He/Him She/Her They/Them Prefer Not Say
13 7 0 0

Regular Members

Username Editing activities Community involvements
Advocacies Featured Photo/Icon Pronoun
Buszmail English Wikipedia (Extended Confirmed), Tagalog Wikipedia President, Wikimedia Philippines (2014-2015), President, PhilWiki Community (2022-2023), ESEAP Interim Hub Committee (2023), Movement Charter Drafting Committee, Advisor (2023-2024), ESEAP Preparatory Council (2023-2025), Wikimedia Affiliations Committee (2024), Freedom Of Panorama (FOP) in the Philippines, ESEAP Hub, Wikimedia Movement Charter
Ralffralff Bikol Wikipedia (Sysop), English Wikipedia (Extended Confirmed), Wikimedia Incubator (Hiligaynon Wikipedia), Wikimedia Commons President, PhilWiki Community (2021-2022), Bikol Wikipedia Community, Commons Photographers UG Local Language as Learning Resource, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Science and Technology
Markadan English Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Philippines Chairperson of the Board (2016-2017), Wikimedia Philippines Board Secretary (2015-2016), Wikimedia Philippines Vice President (2013-2015) Public administration and governance, Agricultural development, Renewable Energy, and Gender Equality & Social Inclusion
Churihan Wikimedia Commons, Bikol Wikipedia Co-facilitator, Wiki Editing Workshop, Philippine Digital Rights Summit 2024; Cultural Heritage Science and Technology, Local Language as Learning Resource
Lady01v Pangasinan Wikipedia, Ilokano Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons Pangasinan Wikipedia Community, Wikimedia Philippines Board Member (2014-2015), Babaylan PH (Co-Founder), Shared Knowledge Asia Pacific NGO (Founder) Digitization of Philippine local laws and ordinances
RCJourn English Wikipedia Wikimedia Philippines Auditor
Rotary International
PhiliptheNumber1 English Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons Mass Transportation Efficiency
Kunokuno Bikol Wiktionary (Sysop), Bikol Wikipedia, Wikimedia Incubator, Wikimedia Commons Wiki Advocates Philippines (Co-Founder) Art and Feminism Campaign, Local Language as Learning Resource
Ballardmaize Bikol Wiktionary, Bikol Wikipedia, Wikimedia Incubator, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata Wiki Advocates Philippines (Co-Founder) Education, Local Language as Learning Resource

Community Members


Username Editing activities/
Community involvements
Advocacies Pronoun
JWilz12345 Wikimedia Commons (Image Reviewer), English Wikipedia (Extended Confirmed), Tagalog Wikipedia Freedom Of Panorama (FOP) in the Philippines
Inarawan1979 English Wikipedia (Extended Confirmed) Freedom Of Panorama (FOP) in the Philippines
Cyrus noto3at bulaga Tagalog Wikipedia, English Wikipedia (Extended Confirmed) Freedom Of Panorama (FOP) in the Philippines
Longcake Higad English Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Tagalog Wikipedia Cultural Heritage Preservation, Mass Transportation Efficiency
Slvrdlphn English Wikipedia (Extended Confirmed), Tagalog Wikipedia Filipino Music
Zirconaut English Wikipedia Information Technology
Lucky Ambago Purok Otso English Wikipedia (Extended Confirmed), Wikimedia Commons Freedom Of Panorama (FOP) in the Philippines, Climate Activism, and Renewable Energy
Zoyamilk Wikimedia Commons Numismatics
Howdy.carabao Wikimedia Commons (Autopatrolled), English Wikipedia (Extended Confirmed) Freedom Of Panorama (FOP) in the Philippines
Raymondsiyluy05 Wikimedia Commons, English Wikipedia Freedom Of Panorama (FOP) in the Philippines
Jj Yang English Wikipedia Digital Rights


Foreign Wikimedians who wish to join our community may simply log themselves here.

Username Editing activities/
Community involvements
Let's Connect Working Group 2024 Live learning sessions (clinics)
Encouraging participation from Wikimedians in all regions
Peer-to-peer learning initiative
Your username Your activities Your interests
Your username Your activities Your interests


Name Advocacies
Aris Cruz Dela Cruz Freedom Of Panorama (FOP) in the Philippines
Bikol Express Cultural Heritage Preservation
Jersey39 Science and Technology, Local Language as Learning Resource
FrincesEzra Wikimedia Commons, Arts & Culture
Paikotikotlang Digital Rights
Panahonngmgadapat Digital Rights

PPC Historical Summary

The Naga City-based Wikimedia affiliate, PhilWiki Community (PH-WC), moved for branches to be established in other Philippine regions, whereby a resolution was passed on June 25, 2021 to this effect. The soonest viable user group extension was a Manila Branch to complement the Bicol headquarters, henceforth a provisional Manila Community was set up. On December 02, 2022, two PH-WC Past Presidents, Juan Bautista H. Alegre and Ralff Nestor S. Nacor co-founded a startup PhilWiki Community - Manila; but despite this, on December 14, 2022, the seminal community itself concluded its own thematic goals, and thus formally became the independent Pilipinas Panorama Community (PPC) as a thematic Wikimedia organization.

Towards January 29, 2023, Wikimedia Philippines (WMPH) Past Chairman John Paul Antes joined the thematic community, giving stature to PPC as a composite of two Philippine affiliates: the defunct WMPH and the aforementioned PH-WC. The Pilipinas Panorama Community (PPC) hereby actively committed itself to advocate cultural heritage preservation in the Philippines, the passage of Freedom of Panorama (FoP) in the Philippines, and aligned itself with Wikimedia's ongoing Movement Strategy towards 2030.

Towards June 30, 2024, the co-founders of Wiki Advocates Philippines User Group, headquartered in Pasacao, Camarines Sur, namely Imelda Brazal and Anthony Diaz also joined the PPC roster, to manage the community's GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) initiative. This wholistic aggrupation of leading lights in the Philippine Wikimedia Movement propels PPC to the forefront of thematic advocacy.

Trustees & Officers

2024 to 2026 Trustees & Officers

Pilipinas Panorama Community (PPC) Founding Head Johnny Alegre (Buszmail) led the executive session of the organization during the Manila 22 Meet-up. The event was held at the Casino Español de Manila, a cultural heritage site in Ermita, Manila City, on April 07, 2024 (Sunday).

The executive session led to the appointment of trustees for the 2024 to 2026 term. John Paul Antes, a public servant, Doctor of Public Administration student (U.P. Diliman) and graduate of two (2) Master's degrees, namely: Master of Public Administration (U.P. Diliman) and MA in International Business and Development Studies (Sophia University), was appointed as the Chairperson. Ralff Nestor Nacor, a Licensed Chemical Engineer and M.S. Environmental Engineering student (U.P. Diliman), was appointed as President. Charrie Anne Nacor, a B.S. Computer Science student (U.P. Baguio), was appointed as Secretary. Jocelyn Alegre, a B.S. Economics (U.P. Diliman) and Master of Business Administration (Ateneo de Manila University) graduate, was appointed as Treasurer. Lastly, Johnny Alegre, a multi-awarded composer-musician of the Philippines, continues to serve as Founding Head (emeritus) of the Pilipinas Panorama Community.

Name of Trustee Username Position
John Paul Antes Markadan Chairperson
Ralff Nestor Nacor Ralffralff President
Charrie Anne Nacor Churihan Secretary
Jocelyn Alegre RCJourn Treasurer

On April 14, 2024 (Sunday), through a consultation with the members, the PPC Trustees appointed User:JWilz12345, an active Wikimedia Commons user (Image Reviewer) based in the Philippines, as FoP Advocacy Manager. He will work closely with the FoP Philippines Discussion Group (FoP-PHDG) which is the think tank group of the Pilipinas Panorama Community (PPC) dedicated to study and advocate on the Freedom of Panorama (FoP) initiative.

During the Manila 24 Meet-up, PPC Regular Members discussed the appointment of Managers on various advocacies and initiatives of the organization. User:Ballardmaize was appointed as the GLAM-Wiki Manager, User:Markadan as the Cultural Heritage Preservation Manager, and User:Ralffralff as the Manager of the Philippine Panorama Project initiative.

Username Position
JWilz12345 FoP Advocacy Manager
Ballardmaize GLAM-Wiki Manager
Markadan Cultural Heritage Preservation Manager
Ralffralff Philippine Panorama Project Manager


Name Advocacies Country of Residence Featured Photo/Icon
Asmah Federico Malay Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums)


Name Advocacies Featured Photo/Icon
Gnangarra Governance, Copyright, Outreach, Wikimedia Commons
Ringer Bikol Wikipedia, Art, Philippine History

Current Areas of Activity

Juan Bautista H. Alegre, Founding Head (emeritus)

Buszmail belongs to Wikipedia’s esteemed Fifteen Year Society, an informal grouping of editors who have been contributing to the Wikipedia project for fifteen years or more. He served as an officer (President, 2014-2015) (Vice-Chairman, 2015-2016) and trustee of the former Wikimedia Philippines (that became the Wiki Society of the Philippines). In 2022 Johnny Alegre was voted president of the Philippine Wikimedia Community UG based in Naga City; his tenure concluding at year-end in favor of co-founding and heading the Pilipinas Panorama Community on December 2, 2022.

Earlier in 2020, he was engaged in meetings towards clarifying effective Philippine regulations and legislation on the country's Freedom Of Panorama (FoP); that primed his involvement with the proposed ESEAP regional hub, leading to his joining the ESEAP Interim Hub Committee and the role of Associate Lead Organizer of the ESEAP Strategy Summit 2023 in Wikimania 2023 Singapore. Also in 2023, he was voted to the ESEAP Preparatory Council. He is also engaged as a Movement Charter Ambassador (2022-2024). Alegre headquarters his activities in the Philippines' National Capital Region metropolis where he resides. and serves as administrator of the Facebook discussion group, Philippine Wikimedia Kapihan Network.

User templates

On English Wikipedia, you may show your PPC community membership by pasting the codes below into your user page.

* {{User Pilipinas Panorama}}
* {{User Pilipinas Panorama supporter}}
This user is a member of
Pilipinas Panorama Community
This user supports the advocacy of
Pilipinas Panorama Community

Interested in participating

If you are interested to participate in our thematic activities, please enlist yourself below. You may also join our social media group, Pilipinas Panorama Community in Facebook.

  1. Cyrus noto3at bulaga (Talk to me) 12:55, 10 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Zoyamilk (talk) 01:11, 8 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Membership application

Self-Enlist as a Member
Signify your Interest
Sign our Guest Book

See Also