
This page is a translated version of the page Meta:Administrators/Removal (inactivity) and the translation is 81% complete.
本页面涉及元维基管理员因不活跃,依据相关标准而移除权限的程序。 这基于在Meta talk:Administrators/confirm讨论的回应而创建——见此——并取代了此前的管理员确认程序



  1. 在预定的除权日期(4月1日或10月1日)前六个月内编辑次数少于10次的管理員将解除权限,而不予通知。
  2. 在同期限内,作出多于10次编辑,但少于10次管理员特权操作的管理員(记住,这包括对受保护页面的编辑等)将给予一周时间,以表态其是否希望保留有关权限。 此分类中的用户将在第一天收到通知,且如果没有回应,那么在第七天其管理员权限将被移除,而不再另行通知。
  3. Administrators who are desysopped also lose bureaucrat, interface administrator and CentralNotice administrator rights, if they have them, but not translation administrator rights.
  4. Interface administrators who are not also local administrators lose their access if they fail to make at least 10 global edits in the last 6 months. This is to be checked every April 1 and October 1 as well.
  5. CentralNotice administrators that are not Meta-Wiki administrators will automatically lose the permission if they have not made any edit or logged action for which this permission is required in the last 12 months immediately prior to the designated review date (October 1).
  6. Any translation administrator inactive on Meta will have their translationadmin user right removed. "Inactivity" is defined as total inactivity (no edits or logged actions) in the past two years. This is to be checked every April 1 and October 1.


None currently
