Iberocoop:Iberoconf 2014

O IV Encontro Wikimedia Iberoamericano é uma iniciativa da Iberocoop que reunirá em Buenos Aires, de 21 a 23 de novembro de 2014, os representantes dos capítulos e grupos Wikimedia existentes na Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Espanhaña, Itália, México, Portugal, Uruguai e Venezuela, com a participação de representantes da Fundação Wikimedia, do Comitê de Organizações (AffCom) e convidados da Amical Wikimedia, Costa Rica e Equador.

Objetivos generais da Iberoconf 2014
A Iberocoop (Iniciativa de Cooperação Regional para Iberoamérica), se converteu, desde sua criação, em um espaço para trocas de experiências e perspectivas sobre a implementação de projetos e métodos para alcançar sucesso. A Iberocoop encoraja seus membros a repensarem sua posição: trabalhar tanto a nível regional e local, através da cooperação dos capítulos, como uma forma de mostrar o nosso modo de ser no contexto global.
The Ibero-American chapters annual conference (Iberoconf) represents the perfect field for the Iberocoop’s members to be able to take strategic positions and be able to be heard in their own languages. As cooperation and collaborative work space, Iberoconf can’t be defined simply as an “annual gathering”. Chapters, user groups and working groups gather horizontally, honoring the Wikimedia values, aiming to give a proper answer to the needs of the global context through a structure of work based on cooperation and teamwork. Former editions of Iberoconf were the key to consolidate the presence of the Wikimedia movement in Latin America, and helped on the particular needs of each group through mutual assistance.
This time held by Wikimedia Argentina and with the support of the Wikimedia Foundation, 2014 Iberoconf aimed to be useful in strengthening the development of the Wikimedia movement in Ibero-America. The summit aimed to be the resumption of established agreements taken on previous editions of the conference. We want to strengthen the role and capacity of Iberocoop’s partners, not only as individual entities, but as part of an integrated cooperation network. While 2013 Iberoconf was the ideal field to encourage chapters and groups to “re-think“ some of their projects and programs, 2014 Iberoconf aimed to not just define the strategic course to co-design the GLAM and Education programs from a regional perspective, but also to be the perfect space to review all the results obtained this year by the chapters, to discuss these results, and to design a more effective evaluation plan that includes all parties.
The specific objectives for 2014 Iberoconf were determined by analysis of a preliminary survey.
Venue and program
Accommodation and local information
See also
2013 Ibero-American Wikimedia Summit
External links

Report from Wikimedia Uruguay