Hubs/Global Conversations June 24-26, 2022
Das Movement Strategy and Governance Team der Wikimedia Foundation wird am 24., 25. und 26. Juni eine globale Gesprächsrunde zu regionalen und thematischen Hubs veranstalten. Im Mittelpunkt der Veranstaltung steht die Diskussion über die vorgeschlagenen Mindestkriterien zu Hub-Pilotprojekten. Die Veranstaltung soll dazu dienen, Feedback zu den Kriterien zu sammeln und einen Konsens zwischen den Teilnehmer/innen zu finden, um den Entwurf weiterzuentwickeln und zu verfeinern, wobei die Bedenken und Meinungsverschiedenheiten der Teilnehmer/innen vor und während der Veranstaltung berücksichtigt werden.
Es ist die dritte Veranstaltung zu globalen Gesprächsrunden über Hubs, die erste war der Co-Creation Workshop am 27. November 2021 (Bericht), die zweite die globale Gesprächsrunde am 12. März 2022 (Bericht). Außerdem wurden im Februar und März 2022 im Rahmen der Interviewreihe Hubs Dialogue 17 Gruppen befragt, die an der Einrichtung eines Hubs in ihrem Umfeld arbeiten oder die wie ein Hub strukturiert sind. Es gibt eine Zusammenfassung dieser Interviews.
Context, Goals, and Purpose of the Event
There is a lot happening around regional and thematic hubs with different research and planning projects. As agreed and announced as a next step during the last event in March 2022 to advance on the development of Hubs, a first draft of Minimum Viable Piloting Criteria was shared for feedback and review. Having these criteria would support piloting parties having clarity regarding the work that needs to happen and also would generate accountability of hub pilots towards the whole movement.
Purpose and Goal:
Purpose of the upcoming event is to create a shared understanding of the implications of piloting the hubs. Ideally, participants agree on the essential criteria to enable piloting, and use the space to discuss concerns and share their points of view. Goal of the event is to improve the draft of the Minimum Criteria and to map open discussion items (areas of disagreement).
The event will focus on the discussion around Minimum Criteria for Hub Pilots, that means:
- Gather feedback on the criteria overall and on the changes proposed during the review period
- Building consensus among participants to get us to the next draft. This includes mapping of concerns and disagreements.
The participants are expected to have read the criteria prior to the meeting, so they have context to fully take part in the discussion.
Logistics of the event
To enable more participants to participate and share their opinion, the event consists of three sessions of 120 min each, organized across different time zones. Each session has the same agenda/program. The sessions will take place on Zoom, and will be facilitated and supported by the external facilitation agency Insightpact, which has supported previous virtual Movement Strategy events already.
Date and time of the sessions:
- Friday, June 24: 11:00 – 13:00 UTC (starts at this time in your time zone) with simultaneous interpretation in Arabic, French, and Spanish
- Saturday, June 25: 16:00 – 18:00 UTC (starts at this time in your time zone) with simultaneous interpretation in Arabic, French, Spanish, and Portuguese
- Sunday, June 26: 05:00 – 07:00 UTC (starts at this time in your time zone) without interpretation
- Each session will be 120 min long. More details on the schedule will be shared very soon.
- Main language of the sessions is English.
- We'll provide simultaneous interpretation in Arabic, French, Spanish (for the sessions on June 24 and 25), Russian (only June 24) and Portuguese (only June 25)
- Registration closed on June 23rd.
Questions? Comments? Feedback?
- If you can’t wait until the event to discuss the hub matters, join the discussion
- on meta,
- on Telegram with Movement Strategy or Hubs specific groups
- or the newly available MS Forum!
- Send the organizers an email to strategy2030
Time elapsed | Content |
0:00 - 0:10 | Introductions and welcome |
0:10 - 0:20 | Context setting presentation and Q&A |
0:20 - 0:55 | Discussion 1 - validation process and stakeholders
0:55 - 1:00 | BREAK |
1:00 - 1:05 | Summary of discussion 1 |
1:05 - 1:15 | Poll - Essential Piloting Criteria |
1:15 - 1:50 | Discussion 2 - essential piloting criteria discussion |
1:50 - 2:00 | Summary of discussion 2 - Next steps
2:05 ~ 3:00 | Social time in virtual corridors (break out), if you like! |
Further information / documents
- Hubs – main page on Hubs
- First event on Hubs: Co-creation workshop on November 27, 2021 (+ report)
- Second event on Hubs: Global conversations event on March 12, 2022 (+report)
- Hubs Dialogue interview series with groups working on Hubs; summary of these interviews.