Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/15th Bikol Wikipedia Anniversary Celebration (ID: 21990595)

Follow-up Questions - Programme Officer


Hello @Filipinayzd,

Thank you for putting in a grant application. These are further questions, we'll love to have your responses to:

From the application

  • Question 1: Do you have the references for these statistics? And could you elaborate more on the background/context?

We currently use and are happy to learn about other tracking tools as well. Thank you.

    • The main challenge of Bikol Wikipedia Community is establishing and maintaining Bikol Wikipedia as the main resource of knowledge in the local language by its over 2,500,000 native speakers and 3,500,000 second language speakers.
    • "Launched in 2007, the Bikol Wikipedia has become a useful online resource, both of local and global knowledge. From 8,862 articles with a depth of only 7.0 last 5 March 2019, the project has now grown to 12,514 articles to date with a depth of 20.71. On 14 November 2021, the WikiDepth Project was launched by Filipino Wikipedians focusing on the Depth of Philippine language-based Wikipedia projects. The initiative project is led by Ralff Nestor Nacor, former president of Philippine Wikimedia Community (PH-WC) with the main objective of improving the Depth of selected Wikipedia editions. The project serves as a tool for depth monitoring and thus provide data analysis to the trends."

  • Question 3: Could you provide the links and more content about the conference you are planning/have in mind? This will help us understand what the 2-3 day conference entails. Programme, organisers, participants etc. Here are examples of wiki conference pages in the region. ESEAP 2022 conference, Wellington Wiki Conference. About the weekly radio programme, could you elaborate more? For example: Why weekly episode on radio (i.e local context)? Sample of content? Organisers of content? How will radio help you reach and engage your target audience? Here's an example of Wikimove
    • "Conducting a three-day conference, a weekly radio program for a period of 2 months, and awarding of recognition to organizations and institutions for their valuable support to the promotion of Bikol Wikipedia as the activities for the 15th Bikol Wikipedia anniversary celebration will raise and deepen the awareness of Bikol Wikipedia and related topics, among the stakeholders."

  • Question 6.1: How do you know there is a content gap, and how do you know there is an interest in these topics?
    • Topics to be discussed in the conference and radio program focus on the local knowledge, local culture, history and relevant issues, and language of a minority ethnolinguistic group in the Philippines. The conference will also utilize the Wikipedia content translation tool focusing on other regional Philippine languages to bridge gender and knowledge gaps.

  • Learning, Sharing and Evaluation Section
    • One of the main objectives of your conference, radio and awarding of recognition seeks to increase awareness of a) wikimedia movement b) Bikol wikipedia and communities behind it c) recognition + continued partnership of existing or new institutions etc. In your learning question and matrix, it would be useful to be intentional about understanding how these activities will/may increased awareness, knowledge or how it will lead to more partnerships / engagements with Phil Wiki or Bikol community. In this segment, we would recommend using it to detail a plan on what/how/when/who/why to measure. Could you make another attempt at answering these questions?

  • Could you provide a timeline and tentative schedule for your project?

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 04:16, 3 April 2023 (UTC)Reply



Hello @Jacqueline,

The change that we are trying to bring about and we deem important is establishing and maintaining Bikol Wikipedia as the main open resource for its native speakers. Conducting an in-person event participated by the local Wikipedians and people from the academe will reach and spur interest of the stakeholders. The activities will further bring Bikol Wikipedia closer to its readers, and involve the public in the conversation on free and open knowledge, in general.

Question 1. In my presentation, I figured out the usefulness of Bikol Wikipedia in spite of the slow progress compared to other Philippine language based editions.[1] In terms of Wikipedia article depth, Bikol Wikipedia only ranks 6th with a depth of 21 among the eight Philippine language-based edition. It is only higher than Cebu Wikipedia (4) and Waray Wikipedia (2). Both Cebuano Wikipedia and Waray Wikipedia have more than 5 million and 1 million articles, respectively, written mostly by a bot.[2] Cebuano Wikipedia which is currently the 2nd largest Wikipedia in terms of number of articles, was proposed to be closed down because of the bot activities but the community opposed the proposal because there is an active editing community and there is no policy justification to close it. It was found that the community allowed the use of both in order to entice people to edit with content that is already there but the small community of editors could not maintain the bot generated content. (The depth or editing depth of Wikipedia is one of several possible rough indicators of the encyclopedia's collaborative quality, showing how frequently its articles are updated. It refers to the depth of collaborativeness—a descriptor that is highly relevant for a Wikipedia, in a particular project.)[3]

Using the Wikipedia statistics tool you provided, we can learn that the number of content and non-content edits on Bikol Wikipedia by human editors is growing albeit slow. Creating non-content pages and large amount of editing activities by human editors contribute to the depth of a Wikipedia project.[4] The edits in Bikol Wikipedia are made by human contributors,[5] unlike the Cebuano and Waray Wikipedias.[6][7] It is worth to note that Tagalog, Ilokano, Cebuano, Bikol and Waray languages are the most spoken languages in households in the Philippines with a Wikipedia project.[8] Using the statistics on Page Views, the Bikol Wikipedia had 38 million views from December 2007 to January 2016 (in a span of 9 years)[9] and 74 million views from February 2016 to March 2023 (in span of 7 years)[10] or an average of 7.3 million views annually.

We are grateful to learn about this tracking tool which will be helpful in monitoring and thus providing data analysis to the trends.

Question 3. We have put up the page for the proposed conference on Bikol Wikipedia collaboration. It is a hybrid of a conference and training for teachers which includes presentations on indigenous languages revitalization, connecting Wikipedia and education, and trainings on basic Wikipedia editing, and Wikipedia content translation tool. We will use the Wikipedia training modules for the training part of the conference. For the radio program, we plan to conduct a weekly 1-hour program using a talk show format. Each episode, there are invited guests to discuss about the subject matter and integrate Wikipedia in the discussion similar to the Abogado Juan - Hapot mo Simbag. Lenggwaheng Bikol, Naghihinagdan? PHILHEALTH: Sumpay buhay o dai? (YouTube) August 29, 2020 episode (jump to 28:32) on Home Radio 95.1 Naga wherein I was among the guests, and in Ini An Totoo on DWOK 97.5 OK with Ramon Olano, Jr. The planned radio program will be hosted by a local radio personality who already has a following while the guests will be a mix of Wikimedians and experts in their field. Radio traditionally reach more audience and the discussions on relevant topics and on Wikipedia will be heard by new audience not usually reached by advocacy and outreach activities on the internet.

Question 6.1. We have started the WikiProject on Wikipedia:1,000 core topics inspired by the 2.000 artikulu 12-16 urteko ikasleentzat of Euskal Wikilarien Kultura Elkartea (EWKE) for Euskara Wikipedia. We hope to replicate this strategy and expand the core topics to 2,000 by soliciting inputs from the teachers themselves who are the target participants of the project. The objective of the Euskal WikiProject is to list the most important subject matters needed by students ages 12-16 which are based on the curriculum and write quality articles. Local knowledge is what the stakeholders find useful as found in my presentation Bikol Wikipedia as a local resource. Articles about the arts, culture, history, biographies of artists, writers and heroes are most of the articles utilized in textbooks. Hence, we need to focus our efforts in creating and improving these article around these topics to establish and maintain Bikol Wikipedia as the main open resource for its native speakers.

-Filipinayzd (talk) 10:49, 5 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Learning, Sharing and Evaluation Section

We hope that the readership and contributors on Bikol Wikipedia will increase dramatically thru these activities (namely the conference for teachers, radio program and awarding of recognition), and that the articles on the local knowledge increase both in quantity and quality. Specifically, we aim that the total monthly page views reach 2.5 millions, and that the figure increase from thirty-eight (38) to 50 active users in September 2023. We also aim that the Wikipedia:1,000 core topics be 100% completed based on the inputs of the conference participants, with 50% or 500 Start-class to Class B articles, also by the end of September 2023.

We hope that thru these activities, the Wikipedia community (or active editors), with the support of the stakeholders in the Bicol region (including the individual, organizational and institutional partners), will continue to thrive for another 15 years. Specifically, we aim that the figures increase from nine (9) to 20 active editors, and that we encourage 20 additional community members by the end of September 2023.

Could you provide a timeline and tentative schedule for your project?

We hope to start by June 1 for the legwork, conduct the conference for teachers on the 3rd week of July (14 - 16) or 1st week of August (4 - 6) in time for the National Language month celebration, launch the 2-month radio program by August 1, and conduct the awarding of recognition towards the end of August.

Thank you for the comments and clarifications.

Regards, on behalf of the team, Filipinayzd (talk) 21:13, 9 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Follow-up Questions - Representative from ESEAP Funds Committee


Hello @Filipinayzd,

Here's also additional comments from a representative of the ESEAP Funds Committee (Taweetham)

1. The mass media engagement can probably be learnt from others and be the lesson for others to learn as well.

2. Engagement with mass media e.g. radio/TV/newspaper/magazine is important. Locals know best what will work for them but it is important to share your context so that other people understand the relative importance of each mode of the mass media in your community. To my understanding AM radio will have a wider audience than an FM radio due to the coverage. It is also important to mention if you get a prime time program or you get a program that nobody is tuning into but still get a reputation of being in the media anyway. Imagine you want to do your best, you will need to know relative ranking/popularity you are in at this moment.

3. Archiving the mass media products (news clipping, video clip, sound clip) on an appropriate repository would be a fair question to ask. Generally, it is not for Wikimedia Commons unless you get the copyright clearance.

Please feel free to provide your responses.

Thank you.

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 06:37, 11 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi @Jacqueline,
We are aware of different initiatives and mass media engagements within the Movement such as that of Wikimedia User Group Nigeria and the podcast Wikimove of WMDE. Certainly, we can learn from their experience. We would also like to share our learnings with our past mass media engagements since 2015. We want to use a "soft approach" this time as not many of the radio listeners (including mothers, home-based employees, public utility vehicle drivers and commuters, etc.) are aware of Wikipedia and Wikimedia or what their differences are. Hence, we will be inviting guests and talk about relevant topics that we deem interesting to the public and incorporate Wikipedia in the discussion such as introducing the guest or topic using Wikipedia, reading trivial information or using Wikipedia as source during the discussion, engaging the listeners to check out the Wikipedia Facebook pages relevant to the topic of the day, promoting on-going campaigns, to name a few. Discussing Movement Strategy or tutorial on editing would not be a good topic. We also learned that in order to reach more listeners, we need to tap more popular stations however our past media engagements were self-funded and thru invitations only so we could not afford to choose prime time programs and stations with wider audience.
Civic-oriented, news and public service programs have shifted from AM to FM band in recent years not only because the FM band has a clearer signal but there are more listeners tuning in to FM stations which used to play music and talk shows. The examples of these are Brigada News FM (Facebook), DWNX Naga (Facebook), 105.5 Bicol Idol FM Naga Facebook, and 95.1 Home Radio Naga (Facebook). The first two stations have the wider audience therefore have a higher prime time rate.
We will include in the discussion with the station manager on securing a copy of the materials produced for archiving on Wikimedia Commons.
Thanks, on behalf of the team, Filipinayzd (talk) 15:26, 12 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for your reply. I look forward to seeing the result. I want to learn more from you experience and engagement in the activity. Feel free to post your progress on the talk page here. I guess you can combine those into the final report easily at the end but having bits and pieces (or milestones) along the the duration of the project will be helpful. Taweethaも (talk) 10:47, 20 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Your Grant Application has been approved


Hello @Filipinayzd,

Congratulations! Your grant application has been approved. We know that it's been journey. As shared, your application had to undergo a more extended process of due diligence due to your lived experience with the movement and track record. Thank you for taking time to respond to the questions. We hope you'll be able to incorporate the additional metrics in your final report. We look forward to hearing about your progress and feel free to do a check-in here and ping us (myself and @Taweetham). Thank you.

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 04:10, 21 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Great to hear that our proposal has been approved. I'd be glad to incorporate the additional metrics in the final report. Thanks to you both for reviewing the proposal. --Filipinayzd (talk) 06:09, 21 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Additional Resources


Hello @Filipinayzd,

I'm starting a thread on resource sharing here. Please feel free to add resources about your project and we'll do the same if we come across any materials that may be useful.

Thank you.

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 04:16, 21 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Thank you, @Jaqueline! --Filipinayzd (talk) 06:11, 21 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

A month extension of project


Hello @User:JChen (WMF),

It has been a while and the project has made positive results to the conference participants and the public has become more familiar with Wikipedia and other project. We would like to request for an extension of one month in order to have more time in reaching out with the participants while the radio program will be running until mid-October as part of the agreement with the station which means more opportunity to reach people who never heard about the Wikimedia movement. Another component of this project has not been done yet which is the recognition of organizations and institutions who helped the community in its activities in the past years.

Thank you,

Filipinayzd (talk) 06:21, 22 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hello @Filipinayzd, your request has been approved. To confirm, the new grant end date is 31/10/2023 with a reporting deadline on 31/10/2023. Best, DSaroyan (WMF) (talk) 11:04, 4 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
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