Grants:Project/Expanding the Wikimedia movement in Peru with a focus on ecology, culture and gender
This project is funded by a Project Grant
proposal | people | timeline & progress | finances | midpoint report | final report |

Project idea
editWhat is the problem you're trying to solve?
editWhat problem are you trying to solve by doing this project? This problem should be small enough that you expect it to be completely or mostly resolved by the end of this project.
Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
Art+Feminism Peru and Wiki Loves Andes are the most consolidated wikimedia projects in Peru to date. They have successfully managed small projects funded by the Rapid Grants program in the last years; accumulating learnings, promoting the movement and decentralizing activities in the country. Still, as their activities are limited to a couple of events per year, this situation limits the possibility to build and maintain a strong community of active Wikimedians interested in developing content related to ecology, culture and gender in the Peruvian context.
How to strengthen a community of editors? How to advance the Wikimedia movement in Peru? We have learned that the regularity of activities is a very important element, as well as communication strategies, alliances and innovation. Being present and available in order to maintain relations with editors (new and veteran), teachers and private & public institutions is crucial.
We understand that the problem is more complex and we have been reflecting and discussing about this for many years. Why there are relatively strong Wikimedian communities in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, and Mexico. Affiliates from those countries apply to the Simple Annual Plan Grants. Why not in Peru, Ecuador or Bolivia? What is happening? Ironically, in these three Andean countries diverse and rich ancestral civilizations arose and concentrated much knowledge of South America for more than 5000 years.
The problem is complex and there are issues related to the educational context, the economic policies and the underrepresentation of communities, especially linked to indigenous cultures, women and the natural context. Still, enriching the Spanish Wikipedia, as an open-collaborative online encyclopedia, by strengthening and expanding the local community of Wikipedians is a small step forward that can benefit both the Wikimedian movement and the educational context, where Peruvians can find open access content about themselves.
What is your solution to this problem?
editFor the problem you identified in the previous section, briefly describe your how you would like to address this problem.
We recognize that there are many ways to solve a problem. We’d like to understand why you chose this particular solution, and why you think it is worth pursuing.
Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
This project aims to strengthen, expand & maintain a presence of the Wikimedia movement in Peru through the organisation of online and offline activities (editing workshops, editathons, photo walks, glam projects, webinars) in relation to underrepresented knowledge and heritage linked to culture, ecology and gender.
Arte + Feminismo Peru activities started in 2015 with offline and online annual events based in the capital, Lima, that recruited and trained new editors, developed content about women artists and building a network of editors. Wiki Loves Andes activities started in 2018 with offline and annual events based in Huaraz with a similar strategy, and allied with A+F Peru, but focusing on cultural and natural heritage in the Ancash region in the central Andes of Peru. In 2020, also with a Rapid Grant funded project, activities of Wiki Loves Andes, also in alliance with A+F Peru, went national through a one month editathon, the production of video tutorials and the organization of three webinars. Both projects have started alliances with public and private organisations like national universities, institutes of technology, cultural centers, museums, research centers and the Peruvian ministries of Culture and Environment.
Arte + Feminismo Perú and Wiki Loves Andes through this project establish an alliance to develop a program of continuous activities that consolidate the presence of Wikimedia projects in Peru. We seek to provide new and greater training spaces, continue to develop quality content for Wikimedia projects through editing campaigns with a focus on gender equality and environmental awareness, and consolidate and create new alliances with cultural institutions, especially oriented towards GLAM initiatives. Among the activities planned are: regular editing meetings, workshops, webinars, digitization of image files, creation of educational materials and photographic expeditions.
We especially want to establish new alliances with cultural institutions such as libraries, archives and museums in order to upload quality content to Wikimedia, reach new audiences, and present Wikimedia projects as an alternative for the programming of activities offered by these institutions.
Project goals
editWhat are your goals for this project? Your goals should describe the top two or three benefits that will come out of your project. These should be benefits to the Wikimedia projects or Wikimedia communities. They should not be benefits to you individually.
Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
Our main goals are:
- GOAL 1: Strengthen the Wikimedia Movement - Recruitment, content creation and community building
- GOAL 2: Initiate Glam projects in Peru
- GOAL 3: Knowledge Management for the Movement in Peru and beyond
These goals are part of a feminine vision where ecology, culture and gender are connected and intertwined. This vision aims to build community in diversity, promote the connection to nature, to our collective memory and to ourselves, foster individual and collective agency, and respect and service to all 'others' (humans and non-humans). This vision is rooted in Andean and other Native American understandings where ancestral and traditional concepts such as Yanantin have been lived in order to reach a harmony between complementary opposites.
Although in Peru the Wikimedia movement is rather small, these three topics have larger and committed persons, collectives and institutions in the country dedicated to the protection of cultural & natural heritage (SDG 11 Target 3; SDG 12 Target 8), promoting equal quality access in education (SDG 4 Targets 5 & 6), achieving gender equality and empowering all women & girls (SDG 5), and trying to reduce the impacts of climate change (SDG 13 Target 3). Moreover, in Peru, ecology, culture and gender approaches are part of the 7 strategic transversal educational policies and must be taken into account in all public activities:
- Environmental approach
- Gender equality approach
- Intercultural approach
In 2020 a National Policy in Culture to 2030 document was produced after a process that took many years, based in community demands and international conventions such as Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003) and the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005). Prioritized objectives (PO) include:
- PO 1. Strenghten the valuing of cultural diversity
- * 1.4 Generate strategies for the production and dissemination of cultural content through television, radio and digital media
- * 1.5 Generate strategies for the intergenerational transmission and revaluation of intangible cultural heritage and traditional knowledge
- PO 4. Strenghten the valuing of cultural heritage
- * 4.1. Implement awareness, information and training programs for knowledge and social appropriation of cultural heritage
- * 4.2. Develop strategies and incentives for scientific research, dissemination and critical reflection on cultural heritage
- PO 5. Strengthen the protection and safeguarding of cultural heritage for its social use
- * Generate strategies for the revaluation and intergenerational transmission of intangible heritage
- * Implement the digitization of cultural heritage
Finally, in 2021 Peru celebrates its 200th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. There are special policies related to the promotion of equal opportunities, sustainability, and identity and diversity, but due to political, sanitary and economic crisis in the country these policies are difficult to implement although many groups of interest are working on them.
We are in contact and are part of these movements. But not many persons, collectives and institutions understand the potential of Wikimedia projects in areas such as knowledge mobilization in relationship to cultural and natural heritage, creation of individual agencies in digital literacy and the expansion of free acces to knowledge. Through the activities planned in each of the goals, the objective is to engage new actors into the movement at national, regional and local levels and try to change the perceptions of what Wikimedia is.
Project impact
editHow will you know if you have met your goals?
editFor each of your goals, we’d like you to answer the following questions:
- During your project, what will you do to achieve this goal? (These are your outputs.)
- Once your project is over, how will it continue to positively impact the Wikimedia community or projects? (These are your outcomes.)
For each of your answers, think about how you will capture this information. Will you capture it with a survey? With a story? Will you measure it with a number? Remember, if you plan to measure a number, you will need to set a numeric target in your proposal (i.e. 45 people, 10 articles, 100 scanned documents).
Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.
- GOAL 1: Strengthen the Wikimedia Movement - Recruitment, content creation and community building
- Organize two general online one-month editathons, each will include 5 online counseling sessions
- Organize four thematic online one-weekend editathons, each will include an online editing workshop and a webinar related to the topic of the editathon: related to ecology, culture and gender
- Organize two thematic photo contests, one on culture and one on ecology
- Organize three photo walks in the Peruvian coast, mountains and amazonian basin
- Organize one photo expedition in the Andes
- Outcomes:
- Transfer of skills, which include not only Wikipedia contributing skills, are important to dinamize individual and group situations. Especially in virtual spaces where any kind of questions can arise. In the editathon we organized on 2020, we implemented 11 not-planned online counseling sessions and we learned that they are crucial not only to promote participation in the editathon but also to communicate in Peru what Wikipedia and the Wikimedia movement was about. Through the editathons and contests, we will also promote the recruitment and the expansion of skills of new editors.
- The editathons, contests and image uploads from Peru will add and improve contents about underrepresented communities in the Spanish Wikipedia related to gender, ecology and culture. These contents will also contribute to other wikimedia projects in other languages. Very importantly, the content created and improved will serve people in Peru as there will be more information about themselves.
- These 12 events are oriented to strenghten and promote a sentiment of community, by sharing space, opening dialogue and shared a common objective. In Latin american cultures is very important this 'weaving of the fabric of relationships' and collective actions depend on social bonds: it is better to do things together when you already have done things together. A social movement that has the objective of free knowledge has a powerful message and can motivate more participation, new users and new ideas. Also, apart of a stronger sense of community, we hope that new lessons learned will come from these events.
- GOAL 2: Initiate Glam projects in Peru
- Organize two pilot GLAM projects where organizations will upload part of their digital images archives to Commons: with a cultural organization in Lima and a research centre in Tarapoto
- Organize two webinars on glam projects, one on culture+gender and one on ecology
- Outcomes:
- There are no formal experiencies of GLAM projects in Peru. Some institutions like the Larco Museum and Pontificial Catholic University in Lima have digital repositories but their licences are not for public domain or CC-BY-SA. These two pilot GLAM project will generate experience, partnerships and visibilize what is possible and its importance.
- * In the past, as A+F Peru, we've worked with cultural institution like Espacio Fundación Telefónica, the Contemporary Art Museum in Lima, the Lugar de la Memoria, la Tolerancia y la Inclusión Social and the Cultural Centre of Spain in Lima. We will strengthen our ties with these organizations and seek to establish new alliances.
- * As WLA, last year initial context was made and 14 images were sent and uploaded with Taki Wasi Center in Tarapoto in the northern Amazon of Peru, see Taki Wasi images gallery. We have discussed this part of the project, are interested and have agreed in participating in a pilot GLAM project. They have a large archive of which around 1000 digital images about plant species and indigenous traditions are relevant to Wikipedia in Spanish, Wikispecies and Wikimedia Commons. Also, they have 200 more relevant print images that will be digitized and also uploaded to Commons.
- GOAL 3: Knowledge Management for the Movement in Peru and beyond
- Create a page on Wordpress dedicated to the project to share advances, reflections and lessons learned
- Produce a video report on the activities implemented and lessons learned of the pilot GLAM projects
- Update editing guides
- Outcomes:
- The video, the page on Wordpress and the update of the editing guides are strategies to visibilize the activities and its results. These activities will be complemented by the Communications Strategy (see Community Engagement section below). The video will be uploadad to our YouTube page & Commons and our communication campaign on social networks will focus also on disseminating the resources created and updated.
Do you have any goals around participation or content?
editAre any of your goals related to increasing participation within the Wikimedia movement, or increasing/improving the content on Wikimedia projects? If so, we ask that you look through these three metrics, and include any that are relevant to your project. Please set a numeric target against the metrics, if applicable.
Based in our experience and results from previous years, we estimate we can reach the following numeric targets in the three metrics:
Metric | Description | Numeric targets |
1 | Total participants |
2 | Number of newly registered users |
3 | Number of content pages created or improved, across all Wikimedia projects |
Project plan
editTell us how you'll carry out your project. What will you and other organizers spend your time doing? What will you have done at the end of your project? How will you follow-up with people that are involved with your project?
We will develop the project over 12 months. We will be following the COVID-19 Risk Assessment protocol and national restrictions in offline activities in relation to the pandemic. Activities include:
GOAL 1: Strengthen the Wikimedia Movement - Recruitment, content creation and community building
- Organization of two main editathons in Spanish Wikipedia
- * We will organize the 7th edition of the annual Arte + Feminismo editathon in Peru in March 2022, dedicated to generating content about Peruvian women artists, increasing the participation of female editors in Peru and raising awareness about the gender gap on Wikipedia.
- * We will organize the 5th edition of the annual Wiki Loves Andes editathon in November 2021, dedicated to creating content about Peru's natural and cultural heritage on Wikipedia in Spanish, increasing the number of editors in Peru and promoting ecological awareness.
- * Both editions will be online, will last one month, includes an online editing workshop, five counseling sessions and will have a national scope.
- * Awards will be given to the best editors in different categories, including some to best images uploaded to Commons.
- Organization of four thematic editathons and two photo contests
- * We will organize four thematic two-day online editathons focused on natural heritage in Spanish Wikipedia (plants, water bodies, surf breaks and archaeological sites), each will include an online editing workshop.
- * We will organize two thematic photo contests focused on natural and cultural heritage in Wikimedia commons (plants and cultural heritage locations).
- * Awards will be given in the two thematic photo contests in 4 categories.
- * Each of the thematic editathons will have a thematic webinar and will be open to the general public, will have a invited guest, and will take place virtually every two months.
- * The special guests will be researchers, representatives of cultural institutions or artists linked to the chosen topic, who will present their work, relating it to Wikimedia, for example: suggesting lists of potential articles, repositories from trusted sources, creating specific content or commenting on existing content or gaps that exist around them in Wikimedia projects.
- Organization of three photo walks and one photo expedition
- * We will organize three one-day photo walks, open to the general interested public, focused on the registration of species in three different regions: Valle del Chillón (Lima region, coastal valley), Cordillera Blanca (Ancash region, mountain valley) and Cordillera La Escalera (San Martín region, amazon).
- * In Lima, we will organize the event through a partnership with Sociedad Peruana de Cactus y Suculentas (SPECS), a non-for-profit organization that has been promoting botanical awarness since 1987.
- * In San Martin, we will organize the event through a partnership with Taki Wasi Center, a private research institution dedicated to addiction treatment based in Amazonian herbal pharmacopoeia. Through their alliances we intend to reach university students, nature enthusiasts and local photographers.
- * In each photo walk, an theoretical and practical photography workshop will be offered to attract participants and record quality images.
- * Apart from the one day photo walk in Ancash, we will also organize a six-day photographic expedition in a mountain valley to do a more thorough registration of native species of plants, insects and fungi.
- * The multimedia files will be uploaded to the Wikimedia Commons.
- * We will organize three one-day photo walks, open to the general interested public, focused on the registration of species in three different regions: Valle del Chillón (Lima region, coastal valley), Cordillera Blanca (Ancash region, mountain valley) and Cordillera La Escalera (San Martín region, amazon).
GOAL 2: Initiate Glam projects in Peru
- Pilot projects for the development of future more extensive GLAM Projects
- * GLAM counseling to at least one cultural institution that has an archive on Peruvian art, with a special focus on art made by women.
- * GLAM advice to the TakiWasi Center in Tarapoto (northern Amazon, San Martin region), for the organization of its digital plant files to upload them to Wikimedia Commons, would be a first pilot for a GLAM project.
- * Digitization of at least 2 photographic archives of artists, whose articles have been created in previous editions of the Arte + Feminismo editathons in Peru.
- * The image files will be uploaded to the Wikimedia Commons.
- * Organization of two webinars on GLAM projects in Peru with guests.
GOAL 3: Knowledge Management for the Movement in Peru and beyond
- Development of promotional and training resources
- * Update of editing guides in Wikipedia and contribution to Wikimedia.
- * Development of a Communication Plan to promote all activities and results of the project.
- * Creation of a page on Wordpress dedicated to the project, in which we will report our progress and record our learnings.
- * Produce a video report on the activities implemented and lessons learned of the pilot GLAM projects
- Other
- * We will keep a record and control of those registered and participants in the activities.
- * During the development of the project, we will invite enthusiastic participants to join the organization of the activities according to their availability.
- * We will track the editions of the participants during and after each activity, so that we can track metrics and provide support and advice. We have experience using the Outreach Dashboard software, and we'll use to record the metrics during the editing events.
Covid-19 Guidelines Compliance Plan
The activities of the project that involve gatherings in this project are:
- GOAL 1: Strengthen the Wikimedia Movement - Recruitment, content creation and community building
- + The three photo walks included in this goal are limited to the participation of 10 people maximum, including organizers. We expect to include 7 participants that have to register through a form, and then be evaluated and selected. We will comply to the requirements of social distancing of 2 meters, no close personal contact and no sharing food. Mobilization to and from the outdoor spot will follow local regulations in Peru as restrictions depend on the region where the activities take place.
- + In Tarapoto and Lima, the photo walks include a photographic workshop a day before the walk. We expect to include 7 participants that have to register through a form, and then be evaluated and selected. We will comply to the requirements of social distancing of 2 meters, no close personal contact and no sharing food.
- + For the photo expedition, although we will stay overnight in an outdoor location, personal tents will be available for the 7 participants. We will comply to the requirements of social distancing of 2 meters, no close personal contact and no sharing food.
- GOAL 2: Initiate Glam projects in Peru
- + These projects will include gatherings (co-editing, work meetings) in Huaraz, Lima and Tarapoto. We will comply to the requirements of social distancing of 2 meters, no close personal contact and no sharing food. The number of persons meeting in these gatherings we expect range from 2 to 5 individuals. We will follow local regulations of the region in Peru where we are working.
Contingencies Plan
- Scenario 1: Covid 19 pandemic restrictions change.
- + The possibility of restrictions to offline activities exist. In Peru, for example, in the Lima province on February 2021, people could only go out til 6 pm, restaurants were closed and no social gatherings were allowed. From the 1st of March 2021 onwards, these measures have been changed: now people can go out til 9 pm, restaurants can open at 30% of capacity, and social gatherings in cultural events is allowed to 20% capacity. We dont know for sure if this situation will continue the same for the rest of the year as new variants and waves can continue.
- Possible actions:
- 1. Pospone and/or reschedule activities to a moment in time where it is possible.
- 2. Change destination. Not all provinces in the region have the same restrictions. For example, on February 2021 restrictions in the Ancash region were differente: in the Santa province were much more harsh (categorized as Extreme) than in the Huaraz province (categorized as Very High) and the Carhuaz province (categorized as High).
- 3. Cancel the activity and allocate resources in another activity. It is very unlikely as our outdoor activities take place in rural provinces, but if we have to: we will be resilient, seize opportunities, improvise and take new actions that align with the principles and recommendations of the Wikimedia 2030 Strategy in coordination with the Project Grants officials.
- 4. Not use the resources and coordinate with WMF program representatives on the possible options.
- Scenario 2: Unexpected opportunities and challenges
- + As mentioned by a Senior Program Strategist, "what happens if one of your events goes really-really well, and the partner wants to do something more ambitious or another event? Does your budget have room for more unexpected events beyond the plan you already have?" We aim to reach all of our planned activities and targets but through past experience in Rapid Grants and other projects, we understand we have to leave space for change. We believe that project management is about flexibility and dynamism. Moreover, being raised and living in a country like Peru were social unrest, natural disasters, economic crisis, political crisis and other unexpected situations, being dynamic and flexible is kind of sequenced in our DNA.
- Possible actions:
- 1. If opportunities are within the scope of our project design (e.g. editathons, thematic webinars, photo walks, digitization, etc) and topics (ecology, culture and gender), and do not affect planned activities, we will evaluate and use part of the contingencies budget.
- 2. If opportunities are within the scope of our design (e.g. editathons, thematic webinars, photo walks, digitization, etc) and topics (ecology, culture and gender), and affect planned activities, we will evaluate, consult with program officers and change activities. We might use part of the planned budget and/or contingencies budget.
- 3. If opportunities are out of our project design but related to our topics (ecology, culture and gender) and might affect planned activities, we will evaluate, consult with program officers and incorate new activities or change the planned activities. We might use part of the planned budget and/or contingencies budget.
editHow you will use the funds you are requesting? List bullet points for each expense. (You can create a table later if needed.) Don’t forget to include a total amount, and update this amount in the Probox at the top of your page too!
List of expenses
- ART + FEMINISM (A+F) GENERAL EDITATHON: prizes + shipping & handling = 1035 usd
- WIKI LOVES ANDES (WLA) GENERAL EDITATHON & PHOTO CONTESTS: prizes + shipping & handling = 920 usd
- LIMA (A+F GLAM): Transportation to artists/institutions location = 150 usd
- LIMA (WLA PHOTO WALK): Travel, board, accomodation and local mobility = 160 usd
- LIMA, TARAPOTO & HUARAZ (WLA PHOTO WALK): Food and drink for 3 photo walks and 2 photo workshops, 10 persons + bus rental = 690 usd
- TARAPOTO (WLA GLAM & PHOTO WALK): Travel, board, accomodation and local mobility for GLAM pilot = 620 usd
- TARAPOTO (WLA GLAM): Office space and additional personnel support for image classification, digitization & upload (26 days, 100 usd per day, 8-9 days per month) = 2600 usd
- HUARAZ & LIMA (WLA, A+F, DIGITIZATION): Equipment (scanner, monitor, external drive) = 700 usd
- HUARAZ (PHOTO EXPEDITION): Equipment and support personnel for 6-day photo expedition in mountain valley + bus rental = 2100 usd
- Take away meals for participants of synchronic virtual editing event = 450 usd
- Gifts for invited panelists, includes delivery (10 persons, A+F & WLA) = 1150 usd
- Graphic design of affiches and certificates = 200 usd
- Gender and Art Coordinator (800 usd per month, 20 hrs per week, 9 months) = 7200 usd
- Ecology and Culture Coordinator (800 usd per month, 20 hrs per week, 9 months) = 7200 usd
- Communications officer (800 usd per month, 20 hrs per week, 8 months) = 6400 usd
- Zoom meeting suscriptions, We Transfer Pro, Facebook ads and Wordpress personal account = 400 usd
- International bank transfer = 200 usd
- Internet connectivity = 480 usd
- Contingency costs 10 % = 3345 usd
Total Budget Requested = 36000 usd
Resources required such as photographic and audiovisual equipment (cameras, tripod, lenses, mics, etc.) as well as laptops belong to volunteers and participants.
Community engagement
editHow will you let others in your community know about your project? Why are you targeting a specific audience? How will you engage the community you’re aiming to serve at various points during your project? Community input and participation helps make projects successful.
- Communications Strategy
We will recruit a person or collective that will be occupy the position of Communications Officer. We will make implement a request for proposals for this position. The person or collective (group of persons working together for some time) will have to meet requirements such as experience in the planned activities, interest in the topics and cultural sensibility in relation to the Peruvian contexts. We will evaluate and select.
With the Communications Officer we will design a Communication Plan for the project's duration that will cover the following functions:
- Social media management
- Content generation
- Campaign management
- Visibilization of achievements
- Registration and analysis of indicators
- Propose alternate strategies
- Participate in the formation of alliances
Our target audience in order to expand and strengthen the Wikimedia movement in Peru is made up of:
- people who have no editing experience in Wikimedia projects.
- people who have participated in previous Wiki Loves Andes and Arte + Feminismo Peru activities.
- people and institutions who work or are committed to the issues of ecology, culture and gender equity.
- people and institutions who work are interested in GLAM projects.
- We will make alliances with cultural and environmental media organizations that work with our target audiences and that have a robust presence in social networks.
- We will use email, video calls, Wikipedia pages, and talk pages to promote our activities and get in touch with our audience.
- We will create a page dedicated to the project log on Wordpress, that will have posts dedicated to the documentation of each of the activites implemented and monthly reports.
- As on previous occasions, we will coordinate with the Wikimedia community the creation of geolocated banners (Central notice banner) to disseminate the edits among Wikipedia readers in Peru.
On March 2021, Arte + Feminismo Perú has pages on Facebook (more than 3,000 followers) and Instagram (more than 600 followers). Wiki Loves Andes has a page on Youtube (with 9 videos, 34 followers and more than 543 views since it was created on November 2020).
Get involved
editPlease use this section to tell us more about who is working on this project. For each member of the team, please describe any project-related skills, experience, or other background you have that might help contribute to making this idea a success.
- Melissa Tamani (she/her). She's an Art Historian based in Lima. She is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Management of Cultural and Creative Sector Organizations at the University of Buenos Aires. Since 2018, she's part of Art+Feminism leadership team in the role of lead co-organizer. She's been managing and leading the Art+Feminism program in Perú since 2015. She has plenty of experience organizing and facilitating Wikimedia related workshops, seminars and editathons.
- Carlo Brescia. He's a project manager and cultural researcher. Co founded Vasos Comunicantes in 2005 and he is the project director there. Has been managing and leading the Wiki Loves Andes program since 2018, writing proposals and reports, as well as organizing and conducting workshops, photo walks, seminars and editathons. Has a Master's degree in Project Design and Management, and another one in Cultural Anthropology. Has been designing and implementing projects since 2004 with Vasos Comunicantes, an organization based in Huaraz, Perú, dedicated to the conservation and promotion of Andean cultural heritage.
- Fabio Friso. He is the Communications Officer at the Taki Wasi Center in Tarapoto (San Martin region). He graduated as a Communicator from the University of Padova, Italy. He has published academic articles and will be the local coordinator of the project with Takiwasi.
- Gladys Jiménez. She is a professional trekking guide, birdwatcher, field producer and quechua interpreter in Ancash, Perú, for more than a decade and has explored Peru and beyond. She has also worked on several documentary films in various capacities. Has collaborated with Vasos Comunicantes since 2005 in various publication, film and event projects there. She will be leading the photographic expedition in terms of safety guidelines and registration of endemic fauna in the Huascaran national Park.
Related information:
- 5th Anual Art+Feminism Peru editathon Report
- Wiki Loves Andes 2018 Report
- Wiki Loves Andes 2019 Report
- Wiki Loves Andes 2020 Report
Community notification
editYou are responsible for notifying relevant communities of your proposal, so that they can help you! Depending on your project, notification may be most appropriate on a Village Pump, talk page, mailing list, etc.--> Please paste links below to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions. Need notification tips?
- We notified the Wikimedistas de Peru User Group on February 21st, 2021 by posting a message on the group's Telegram channel. We were asked about the project and explained its purpose. We obtained an endorsement. As on April 11th, 2021, there are presidential and congress elections, the active's members interests are there and on the creation of a wikiproject about a political ideology (Fujimorismo) in the Spanish Wikipedia.
- We had several meetings with non Wikimedia communities related to ecology, culture and gender in Peru. The purpose and importance for these groups is clear. Some suggestions are:
- * Meeting 1: Through the meeting with a member of a collective against gender violence, Killa Warmi, and the promotion of gender equality education at schools, Wiñay voluntariado, we have now strong arguments to dedicate one of the thematic editathons on these topics as they are related to gender and culture. For example, through the webinar, online workshop and editathon we aim to recruit volunteers and create content relevant to these movements such as:
- Programa Nacional Contra la Violencia Familiar y Sexual, national program against sexual and family violence.
- Centro De La Mujer Peruana Flora Tristán, feminist organization in Peru, since 1979 they have been promoting gender rights in the country (website).
- Movimiento Manuela Ramos, feminist organization in Peru, since 1978 they have been promoting gender rights in the country (website).
- and similar (programs, relevant institutions and persons).
- We will communicate with these institutions in order to gain more insight on the ways to reach more potential new editors by incorporating what they believe (through experience) what is important to incorporate as free knowledge into the project's activities. Also, through these relationships we aim to initiate alliances.
- * Meeting 2: Through the meeting with a Peruvian member of the ICCA consortium (dedicated to the conservation of biodersity and ecological functions, and promotion of sustainable livelihoods and wellbeing of indigenous peoples and local communities), where she has the role of Multimedia and Campaigns Coordinator, we identified possible partners in Peru (some of which we have been working with in the past) and the importance of including underrepresented indigenous debates that are in dispute with hegemonic visions in Peruvian society. Disinformation campaigns are financed by historically privileged groups in order to shape public opinion, especially on themes linked to the exploitation of resources in indigenous territories. These are threatened by legal companies but also by illegal mining, drug trafficking and logging.
- Moreover, she mentioned the importance of emphazising the reasons why Wikipedia is important for many groups and individuals in Peru, as many historically empowered groups and their academic representatives continue discrediting Wikipedia as a reliable source, since obviously challenges their representation and interpretation of reality in Peru.
- * Meeting 3: We had another meeting with a member of El Maizal, an itinerant and self-managing team of audiovisual creation, education and communication, which works alongside communities, organizations and collectives from Ecuador, Peru and Mexico. We received again the importance of building alliances with national actors on the topics of the project as all are interested in communicating issues as the situations are seen as critical. At the end of February, 2 indigenous leaders were assasinated in Peru; since 2011, at least 220 enviromental defenders have been killed because they were protecting their life. Also, the Covid-19 pandemic context has increased sexual violencie against women and girls in the country; the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations implement a program dedicated to attend cases of sexual, psychological, physical and economic violence in Peru: Equipos Itinerantes de Urgencia, which attended 18439 cases in 2020.
editDo you think this project should be selected for a Project Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project below! (Other constructive feedback is welcome on the discussion page).
- Strong support Un proyecto muy necesario para ampliar la comunidad Wikimedia en Perú. Conozco las capacidades de Melissa Tamani y su compromiso para llevar adelante este proyecto.Pablísima (talk) 16:03, 13 February 2021 (UTC)
- Strong support This project looks like a very important project to support the Wikimedia community in Perú. I've left some comments in the talk page but I this looks like a good proposal! Scann (talk) 22:19, 13 February 2021 (UTC)
- Comment I am very happy that we are finally being able to apply again with a bigger project. Through it, we would be able to expand the community, yield more information for Wikipedia about the Ancash region such as fungus and insects that live above 4000 masl, retrieve old photographic archives about Chavin de Huantar, and last but not least, more information about Peruvian female artists who even today still are not so visible. Evavequ (talk) 01:51, 15 February 2021 (UTC)
- Strong support A fascinating project that will help to add and improve the content about the rich historical heritage in Peru. I'm excited and looking forward to seeing how ecology, culture and gender intersects in a Wikimedia project. Señoritaleona (talk)
- Strong support It's needed because Peruvian Wikimedia community have new members. --2x2leax (talk) 04:54, 26 February 2021 (UTC)
- Support -—M@sssly✉ 18:41, 9 March 2021 (UTC)