Grants:Project/Rapid/5th Anual Art+Feminism Wikipedia editathon in Peru/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2017-18 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

Yes. We can consider that this year's event was a success. First, the expected number of participants who attended our events was fulfilled. These editors, belonging to a diverse set of disciplines and communities, covered a wide range of topics ranging from the humanities, activism or science at the time of writing their articles. This, in addition, allowed us to form new alliances with other groups interested in expanding their different topics with the resources of Wikipedia that we offered them.



Please report on your original project targets.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
2 events 2 events One previous 3 hours workshop about how to edit on Wikipedia.

One Art+Feminism Wikipedia editathon.

40-50 participants 42 participants 16 people participate in the workshop.

26 people participated in the editathon.

  • 1 person participated from Huaraz and 1 other person participated from Canada.
30-40 new editors 38 new editor Most of our audience have read Wikipedia, but they have never edit it before.
20-30 articles created or improved 22 articles created or improved 9 new articles

13 improved articles

  • 8 articles in draft.

You can see all articles created or improved here.

30 repeat participants 8 repeat participants The total amount of people who attended the workshop was 16, so 50% of the audience participated on both events.



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?

This year, during our previous workshop, we strongly emphasized motivational aspects in the participants to generate in them a greater commitment to the campaign. We focus on the idea of ​​a global community (showing videos of other events held in the world), we delve into the concepts of the gender gap and how this unequal production of knowledge can have an impact on society.

We also decided to bring a greater promotion of the event through the press and television media. This resulted in a broad coverage in the main media of our country (see details in the Anything else section). We highlight the interview we did on cable television, since it is the first time that a Wikimedia project has appeared on a platform of this type in our country. Also, we were invited by the Lima's Contemporary Art Museum to participate on a work session titled "Visibility of women in contemporary art". The video can be found here.

  • What did not work so well?

This year, due to the large number of participants who attended the event, we experienced problems with WIFI internet coverage. At some point the lines became saturated which caused some changes, made by the participants, to be lost.

At another time, some users had problems when saving the edits made because their pages were blocked by the system itself. This is not a recent problem because it has happened on previous occasions.

  • What would you do differently next time?

We have planned that for the following year, we will ask the spaces that receive us a greater technical support that can take charge of the WIFI power issue.

This year we invited some artists of great importance in Peru. Although their presence served as a great stimulus among the participants, we believe that in the following editions they can assume a more active role through talks, talks or complementary activities.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

  • Food and drink for 2 events = $ 290
  • Graphic design of poster, banner, brochure, pins, stickers, certificate = $ 400
  • Printing of bibliographic materials and editing guides = $ 70
  • Printing of reference materials and merchandising production: posters, 1 banner (reusable), brochures, pins, certificates and stickers = $ 250
  • Transport of the organizers for the work of compiling reference materials = $ 30
  • Volunteer team transportation = $ 30
  • Office supplies = $ 30
  • Costs of digitalization of reference materials on the subject of editatón = $ 40
  • Prizes for 5 outstanding editors (bags and commemorative t-shirts), 5 prizes valued $ 30 each = $ 124
  • Video recording of the two events, including camera and tripod rental = $ 350

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?

No, we don't have remaining funds.

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?

  • We made a promotional video of this year event, the material will be promoted on our social media and can be found here.
  • A list of media coverage can be found here:
  • We asked for a central notice in order to promote the event among Wikipedia readers in our city.
  • We made a meetup page on Wikipedia and another one on Dashboard.
  • We created a page on Instagram. We didn't create a page on Twitter, as we already dedicate a lot of time to Facebook and Instagram.
  • We created a survey for participants. This will help us to improve the event for the following year. We can send the results by email.