Grants:Project/Brazal.dang/Wikipedia and Wikimedia Projects as Open Educational Resource in the Bikol Region

statusnot selected
Wikipedia and Wikimedia Projects as Open Educational Resource in the Bikol Region
summaryThis project aims to conduct an inventory of public school libraries collection vis-a-vis with the number of enrolled students to identify the significant difference between the public school library collection and the students, as the library users, in terms of access to information. Through the data gathered, this project will support public schools with minimal library collection by providing Wikipedia hotspots to chosen public schools or school libraries. The purpose of these hotspots is to serve as a support to the collection of the chosen libraries to bridge the gap of limited access to information and provide ready-reference to remote (rural and coastal) public schools within Bicol Region.
targetEnglish Wikipedia, Wikimedia Projects
amountPHP 810,750 / USD 16,699.29
this project needs...
created on08:58, 8 March 2021 (UTC)

Project idea


What is the problem you're trying to solve?


What problem are you trying to solve by doing this project? This problem should be small enough that you expect it to be completely or mostly resolved by the end of this project. Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.

Public schools and public school libraries in the Bicol Region have minimal online educational resources in terms of ready-references especially those connected with public schools. Mostly, junior and senior high school students preferred to conduct their research gathering on university libraries. However, there are only very few universities in Bicol Region that has subscriptions to online resources and they can only be accessed exclusively by library users enrolled within the university. It requires a lot of bureaucratic requirements for students from public schools to be able to access this services from a University Library. Public schools have tried to resolve this through putting up library hubs that were located in strategic locations. However, the collections are far from being reference materials. It only includes story books, collection of fictions, and other creative literature. Given this whole picture unavailability of online ready-reference materials for school libraries within the region, setting up an open educational resource and offering proper training to students on how to maximize this resources will lessen the gap of access to information of students within Bicol Region.

The following are the problems that this project is trying to solve:

  1. The unavailability of online resources for ready-references within school libraries in the Bicol Region.
  2. The limited access to information of junior and senior high school students situated in rural and coastal areas of Bicol.
  3. The limited access to reading materials and references of students enrolled in public schools
  4. The limited access to Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects in the Bicol Region.

What is your solution to this problem?


For the problem you identified in the previous section, briefly describe your how you would like to address this problem. We recognize that there are many ways to solve a problem. We’d like to understand why you chose this particular solution, and why you think it is worth pursuing. Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.

This project aims to conduct an initial inventory of public school libraries collection vis-a-vis with the number of enrolled students to identify the significant difference between the public school library collection and the students, as the library users. Through the data gathered, this project will support public schools with minimal library collection by providing Wikipedia hotspots to chosen public schools or school libraries. The purpose of this hotspots is to serve as a support to the collection of the chosen libraries to bridge the gap of limited access to information and ready-references. Distribution of these hotspots may provide the solution on the surface. However, if this is to be distributed without having the factual data as to the status of the school's capacity in provide learning materials to students, school library collections and how ready the recipients are, this will be a futile attempt of resolving knowledge gap. The actual solution would be acquiring the actual data which can provide the detailed statistics about the present condition of the libraries, technical know-how of the students in accessing and evaluating information, and how Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects as an open educational resource would impact their learning.

Project goals


What are your goals for this project? Your goals should describe the top two or three benefits that will come out of your project. These should be benefits to the Wikimedia projects or Wikimedia communities. They should not be benefits to you individually. Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.

  1. To provide support to public schools and public school libraries by providing Wikipedia hotspots as open access educational resource to address the gap of limited access to information of students from communities located in the rural and coastal areas of Bicol Region.
  2. To increase access and promote readership of Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects to public schools and public school libraries within Bicol Region.
  3. To publish an open-source documents on
a. Situational analysis of public schools' capacity to provide access to information to its students;
b. Significant difference of public school libraries collections and access to information of students enrolled in junior and senior high school;
c. Impacts of Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects as part of open access educational resource of public school and public school libraries within the region.

Project impact


How will you know if you have met your goals?


For each of your goals, we’d like you to answer the following questions:

  1. During your project, what will you do to achieve this goal? (These are your outputs.)
  2. Once your project is over, how will it continue to positively impact the Wikimedia community or projects? (These are your outcomes.)

For each of your answers, think about how you will capture this information. Will you capture it with a survey? With a story? Will you measure it with a number? Remember, if you plan to measure a number, you will need to set a numeric target in your proposal (i.e. 45 people, 10 articles, 100 scanned documents). Remember to review the tutorial for tips on how to answer this question.

Brief Background

As of 2018, there are 663 schools offering senior high school program and 707 offering junior high school program within the region. [1]

In a survey conducted in 2019 shows that most Filipino households owned cellular phones (86.8%) and televisions (79.9%). On the other hand, about only two out of five (41.4%) households had a personal computer or internet connectivity. Rural areas have an lower exposure rate to the use of Internet for research work compared to urban areas in the Philippines. About 96.1 percent of Filipino households owned at least one ICT device and used it mostly for learning (73.8%). Moreover, about six out of ten (66.2%) households had at least household member familiar with open distance learning. Familiar or not with open distance learning, about eight out of ten (82.4%) households expressed willingness to engage in the learning system, if given the chance without restrictions.[2]

According to the enrollment figure issued by DepEd Bicol as of July 15, 2020, there are 193,132 students enrolled in senior high school and 485,645 in Junior high school.[3] Further, there are 3,290 filled teaching positions within the region.[4]

The scope of this project focuses on bridging the gap of access to information between urban and rural areas with Bicol Region through the use of Wikimedia Projects as a support to open educational resources of public schools across the region. The following outputs and outcomes are the target of this project:


1. Wikipedia hotspots as open access educational resource to address the gap of limited access to information.

At the start of the project, an evaluation of public school libraries in Bicol will be conducted to identify the current status of their library collection and the access to information of students enrolled.. Thirty (30) school libraries from 6 provinces in Bicol will be chosen as the recipient of the hotspot servers.

2. Increase access and promote readership of Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects

A survey and focused group discussion will be conducted among chosen junior and senior high school students to know the extent of their capacity to access and read Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects. Also, if possible, this project will generate report on the page viewed by users on Wikipedia. If report generation will be impossible for the offline hotspots, we will encourage the recipients of this project to sign a memorandum of agreement to provide us data on who accessed the hotspots and their purpose via manual registration within the host community.

3. Provide support to the community on how to maximize the Wikipedia hotspots

A series of training will be provided to the partner communities on how to maximize the use of the Wikipedia hotspots. Training for the partner communities will include simple troubleshooting of the device and upgrading of the software. This project also aims to a series of simple edit-a-thon on how to contribute to the Wikimedia Projects and promote campaigns of the Wikimedia Movement. The proponent of this project commits to support the partner communities as long as possible even though the entire project has already ended. If the proponent will not be able to provide actual help, she will introduce the partner communities to capable Wikimedians within the local area or via remote communication.

4. Open source documents on situational analysis on access to information of public schools in Bicol Region

At the end of the project, the proponent aims to create open access documents on the following problems:
  1. Situational analysis of public schools' capacity to provide access to information to its students;
  2. Significant difference of public school libraries collections and access to information of students enrolled in junior and senior high school;
  3. Impacts of Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects as part of open access educational resource of public school and public school libraries within the region.


1. Wikipedia hotspots as open access educational resource to address the gap of limited access to information

Public schools and public school libraries will be provided an avenue to advance themselves as an information provider to their students and their community. With this project they will be able to provide access to information synchronously to multiple users unlike providing access via printed resources.
No. of target public schools / school libraries = 30 Schools, 5 schools for each of the 6 provinces
No. of enrolled students within the partner communities = target partners should have at least 500 enrollees to achieve an average of 15,000 students that can be benefited by the Wikipedia Hotspots

2. Increase access and promote readership of Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects

A wider community of readers in the region will be able to access Wikipedia and other Wikimedia Projects online and offline. Students of public schools will be given a chance to access information for free. These students might be possible creators of knowledge in the future.
No. of respondents to survey / focus group sessions = Five students for each province for the focus group and a minimum of 500 survey respondents
No. of users who access via hotspots / time duration = 50% of target community or 8,000 pageviews / 6 months

3. Provide support to the community on how to maximize the Wikipedia hotspots

Wikimedia projects and campaigns of the Wikimedia Movement will be promoted to partner communities. Local Wikimedians will be able to reach to more remote communities to promote inclusive education and bridge knowledge gaps through open access educational resources.
No. of training on how to maximize the use of Wikipedia = 3 support trainings
No. of training of student participants = at least 250 students per province per session or 4,500 students
No. of training of teacher participants = at least 75 teachers per province per session or 1,350 teachers
No. of training materials developed = at least 2 training kits developed, (accessing and evaluating content from Wikimedia Projects)

4. A comprehensive report on the study, outcomes, and recommendations will be published publicly. It will also be used as a tool for endorsing Wikimedia Projects as a tool in advancing information literacy in the region. Other possible stakeholders might find these data useful and partner communities, public schools and school libraries, will be able to connect with other organizations to improve their capacity as information providers in the region.

  1. Situational analysis of public schools' capacity to provide access to information to its students;
  2. Significant difference of public school libraries collections and access to information of students enrolled in junior and senior high school;
  3. Impacts of Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects as part of open access educational resource of public school and public school libraries within the region.

Do you have any goals around participation or content?


Are any of your goals related to increasing participation within the Wikimedia movement, or increasing/improving the content on Wikimedia projects? If so, we ask that you look through these three metrics, and include any that are relevant to your project. Please set a numeric target against the metrics, if applicable.

Project plan




Tell us how you'll carry out your project. What will you and other organizers spend your time doing? What will you have done at the end of your project? How will you follow-up with people that are involved with your project?

Work Plan


Phase 1 : Preliminary Data Gathering (60 days)

Conduct an evaluation survey on the public school within Bicol Region in terms of their access to information.
Conduct a preliminary survey/observation on the inventory of public school library collection vis-a-vis with students enrolled in junior and senior high school.
Conduct a focused group discussion on students access to information.
Initial report of the data gathered on the status of public school and school libraries access to information.

Phase 2: Identifying Potential Partners and communities (30 days)

Identifying possible public schools and libraries that needs offline version of Wikimedia Projects
Identifying groups of students that will undergo the focus group discussion
Preparation of training materials for each of the partner communities identified
Initial report about partnership and identifying available training schedules

Phase 3: Installation / Community Training / Data Documentation (150 days)

Establishing partnerships and installation of hotspots
Distributing offline wikis to identified public school and libraries. Setting up Kiwix Serve for chosen partners that has Internet connectivity.
Conducting of training to partner communities
Data documentation of all the activities

Phase 4: Post Program Activities (30 days)

Gathering of results on statistics of school library users
Conducting survey on using Wikimedia Projects within the school libraries.
Conducting survey among students on the use of Wikimedia projects as an additional platform for accessing information
Conducting a focused group discussion on the experiences of the students on the availability of Wikipedia hotspots in their school.
Partial reporting of the data gathered

Phase 5: Research Paper Writing (60 days)

Consolidation of data from preliminary data gathering to post-program evaluations
Writing the paper, citing recommendations and identifying next possible actions on promoting the use of Wikimedia Projects in public schools as a tool for accessing information.

Phase 6: Post-Project Intervention (After project completion)

Publishing of the abstract of the research paper to a local publication (journal or newspaper)
Submitting a proposal to the Department of Education.



How you will use the funds you are requesting? List bullet points for each expense. (You can create a table later if needed.) Don’t forget to include a total amount, and update this amount in the Probox at the top of your page too!

Phase 1: Data Gathering

Phase Item Amount Scope Qty Total
Data Gathering Transportation: Mainland Provinces Php 1,000 4 provinces 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) Php 12,000
Transportation: Island Provinces 3,000 2 provinces 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) 18,000
Food Allowance: Mainland Provinces (1 day) 1,000 4 provinces 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) Php 12,000
Food Allowance: Island Provinces (3days) 3,000 2 provinces 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) 18,000
Room Rental 2,000 2 provinces (1 night for 3 persons) 8,000
Data Allowance 1,000 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) 3,000
Communication Allowance 1,000 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) 3,000
Total: Php 74,000.00

Phase 2:Preparation of materials

Phase Item Amount Qty Total
Preparation of materials Printer Php 25,000 Php 25,000
Data Allowance 1,000 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) 3,000
Communication Allowance 1,000 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) 3,000
Raspberry Pi for offline Wikis 10,000 30 (30 schools) 300,000
Office supplies for training materials 87,750 3 (training sessions) 87,750
Total: Php 418,750.00

Phase 3: Observational Phase

Phase Item Amount Scope Qty Sessions Total
Observational Phase Transportation: Mainland Provinces Php 1,000 4 provinces 3 volunteers 3 (training sessions) Php 36,000
Transportation:Island Provinces 3,000 2 provinces 3 volunteers 3 (training sessions) 54,000
Food Allowance: Mainland Provinces (1 day) 1,000 4 provinces 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) 3 (training sessions) 36,000
Food Allowance: Island Provinces (3days) 3,000 2 provinces 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) 3 (training sessions) 54,000
Room Rental 2,000 2 provinces (1 night for 3 persons) 3 (training sessions) 12,000
Communication Allowance 1,000 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) 3,000
Data Allowance 1,000 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) 3,000
Camera 30,000 (for Documentation) 30,000
Total: 228,000.00

Phase 4: Post Program Activities

Phase Item Amount Scope Qty Total
Post Program Activities Transportation: Mainland Provinces Php 1,000 4 provinces 3 volunteers Php 12,000
Transportation::Island Provinces 3,000 2 provinces 3 volunteers 18,000
Food Allowance: Mainland Provinces (1 day) Php 1,000 4 provinces 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) Php 12,000
Food Allowance:Island Provinces (3days) 3,000 2 provinces 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) 18,000
Data Allowance 1,000 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) 3,000
Communication Allowance 1,000 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) 3,000
Room Rental 2,000 2 provinces (1 night for 3 persons) 8,000
Total: Php 74,000.00

Phase 5:Research Paper Writing

Phase Item Amount Qty Total
Research Paper Writing Data Allowance 1,000 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) 3,000
Communication Allowance 1,000 3 (1 organizer + 2 volunteers) 3,000
Proofreader fee 5,000 5,000
Statistician 5,000 5,000
Total: Php 16,000.00

Total = Php 810,750.00

Community engagement


How will you let others in your community know about your project? Why are you targeting a specific audience? How will you engage the community you’re aiming to serve at various points during your project? Community input and participation helps make projects successful.

Since this project focuses more on gathering data on access to information of public schools in Bicol Region, and studying the probable impact of including Wikimedia Projects as a tool for supporting access to information, community involvement will be limited to the education sector and the local government unit. This project will ask for support from school heads through the Department of Education within the region. Local Wikimedians are invited to participate on the trainings to be conducted for the teachers and students. Also, a pool of invited guest from different sectors will be present during the identification of possible recipients and partners for this project.

Get involved




Please use this section to tell us more about who is working on this project. For each member of the team, please describe any project-related skills, experience, or other background you have that might help contribute to making this idea a success.

Community notification


You are responsible for notifying relevant communities of your proposal, so that they can help you! Depending on your project, notification may be most appropriate on a Village Pump, talk page, mailing list, etc.--> Please paste links below to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions. Need notification tips?



Do you think this project should be selected for a Project Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project below! (Other constructive feedback is welcome on the discussion page).

  •   Support. I do not comment on nor endorse the budget as I have no idea whether it is relevant in the Bikol Region. However, I support the project goal itself, as well as the means described to reach that goal. I think it very worthwhile. As side note... I will point out that, should this project be supported by WMF, I hope it will try to integrate WikiFundi to help the training in those areas where connexion is complicated. If there is no internet connexion, I do not see how Kiwix would help train people to edit/participate to Wikipedia. Kiwix provides the educational resources in read-only mode. WikiFundi would provide the editing plateform. Since WikiFundi can be install directly on the hotspot from Kiwix serve, it is a no-cost addition. Besides, we are currently working on a Spanish version of the WikiFundi software, so it would be available by the time the project is launched. Last, I will note that Spanish educational content relevant to Wikimedia project has been curated and is available here : WikiAfrica Offline Resources/es. The latest collection "Wikipedia in the classroom" produced by WMF Education team should come super handy. Anthere (talk) 22:55, 19 April 2021 (UTC)

