د ليدنمخ سمونگران

This page is a translated version of the page Global interface editors and the translation is 50% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

د ليدنمخ سمونگران هغه باوري کارنان دي چې په ټولو ويکي گانو کې د مېډياويکي نومتشيال په گډون، ټول مخونه سمولای شي. دا کارنان د کينډيو سمبالښت او د وېبځي د جاواسکرېپټ *.js او د کسکېډېنگ سټايل شيټ *.css سرچينې هم سمبالولی شي. دا پرېښه د ويکيمېډيا په ټولو عامه ويکي گانو، چې د CentralAuth او SUL له لارې شريک لاسرسی لري، چارنه شوې او بايد يوازې د ناناندريزو سمبالښتونو لپاره وکارېږي، يا هم د سيمه ايزې ټولنې له خوا يې غوښتنه وشي. دا چې د دې ډلې کارنانو لخوا ناسمه کارېدنه د ويکيمېډيا د ويکي گانو جدي گډوډي رامېنځ ته کوي، نو په همدې دليل پرېښه يا اجازه يوازې هغو کارنانو ته ورکول کېږي چې د کوډونو او سکرېپټونو د سمبالښت يوه اوږده سابقه ولري.


همدا نړېواله ډله، چې د "Global interface editors" (نړيوال-ليدنمخ-سمونگر) په نامه يادېږي، د ويکيمېډيا په ټولو ويکي گانو باندې، چې د CentralAuth او SUL له لارې لاسرسی شريکوي، چارنه شوې (د تړل شويو په گډون او د شخصي اوفېش باول ويکي گانو پرته). پروژې له دې څخه مستثنا نه دي. خو، د ليدنمخ سمونگران نه بايد هغه ناندريز سمونونه ترسره کړي چې د پروژو په ليدنمخ کې، د دوی سيمه ايزې اړوندې ډلې نه دي او کارن رښتې او حقونه پکې ورکړل شوي.

Global interface editors should avoid making routine changes to the interface on larger wikis without prior agreement. Projects with established communities and processes for maintaining scripts should be avoided. Wikimedia Foundation staff who are editing the interface as part of their official duties are exempt, as the Wikimedia Foundation has its own internal policy regarding staff and user permissions.


Requests for this permission should be placed on Steward requests/Global permissions, and the discussion should last no less than five days; if there is consensus and the criteria from the scope are fulfilled, the permission will be granted by a steward. The need for this permission should be stated very clearly. Substantiating information should also be provided, such as MediaWiki development experience or other experience with code on Wikimedia wikis.

Alternatively, this permission may be granted to Wikimedia Foundation staff at the request of the Wikimedia Foundation.

By default, appointment will be temporary, lasting any time up to a year. A longer appointment may be requested by long-term interface editors after several successful renewals. Requests for renewal can be done by placing a new request on Steward requests/Global permissions. This does not apply to paid employees of the Wikimedia Foundation.


Continued access to the interface is dependent on activity and community trust.

  • Misuse or abuse: If this permission is used for any actions which are controversial, such as major additions or removals to a site's interface, or continued disruption due to errors, access will be revoked by a steward. Requests can be made to any steward by placing a request on Steward requests/Permissions#Removal of access or, in emergencies, the #wikimedia-stewardsنښلول IRC channel.
  • Inactivity: If an interface editor has made no global edits to the interface for six months, the permission may be revoked by a steward.
    Wikimedia Foundation staff accounts are exempt from this policy when the rights are assigned for WMF purposes, but the permission may be removed at the request of the Wikimedia Foundation when it is no longer needed.

Review of an interface editor's actions can be requested from any steward or via Requests for comment.


Technical requests for assistance can be made at Steward requests/Miscellaneous. Tech-related wiki questions can be asked at the Tech Forum.

If disputes arise with local communities, all efforts must be taken to resolve the issue(s) calmly. If in doubt, global interface editors are advised to post advanced notice of their edits to the local community via a community noticeboard, explaining what the edits will achieve. If disputes still cannot be resolved, a request for comment may be initiated, or a review may be requested from any steward.

Global interface editors should also create a global user page where they explain that they have these global permissions and how they may be used (i.e. by linking to this page).


د ليدنمخ سمونگران له دغو لاندينيو رښتو څخه برخمن دي:

  • Not be affected by IP-based rate limits (autoconfirmed)
  • مخونه سمول (edit)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers" (editautopatrolprotected)
  • Edit the content model of a page (editcontentmodel)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only editors" (editeditorprotected)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers" (editextendedsemiprotected)
  • د کارن ليدنمخ سمول (editinterface)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only administrators" (editprotected)
  • Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users" (editsemiprotected)
  • Edit sitewide CSS (editsitecss)
  • Edit sitewide JavaScript (editsitejs)
  • Edit sitewide JSON (editsitejson)
  • د نورو کارنانو د CSS دوتنې سمول (editusercss)
  • د نورو کارنانو د JS (جاوا سکرېپټ) دوتنې سمول (edituserjs)
  • د نورو کارنانو د JSON دوتنې سمول (edituserjson)
  • Edit restricted pages (extendedconfirmed)
  • Enable two-factor authentication (oathauth-enable)
  • د ژغورنې کچه بدلول او ځوړاوبېزه ژغورلي مخونه سمول (protect)
  • د مخ ګرځونه بغير له پخوانۍ نوم ځای پر ځای کولو (suppressredirect)
  • Override the disallowed titles or usernames list (tboverride)
  • Edit protected templates (templateeditor)

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