Wallitore belegi Rewbe
Wallitore belegi Rewbe

Mi walkitai dou yaadu du
ko dudi dou humpitore de

Wikipedia e haundira ko buri miliyanji 1.9 tariha. Ko hewtinai kaso sappande sappo de didi dou Dari dou Rewbe e ko hori halete. Tabbitinki, fotoji, e Nyamdu yeeso Rewbe e ko hori e Nandi to Wikipedia. To Wikipedia e yidi warta kautowi ilmu lenyol ko yida kanjum woni dum canjo. Ko hendindiri Rewbe e worbe e yaaji ko dudi, ngonga kam fyottaki men ngam nyaamen nasaraku dou fotuki e Saadi. Nyalande Rewbe nder duniyaru yo lawol gootol ngol anditinten Ko'e men Muhammanci ko hendi en e worbe e kaadin no en kepta en balla to ko Ina ngamtiiden do yeeso ballindiren no haadi ngam ko moi debbo to duniyaru.
Shafire nder haundiri kujeji duddi fofudi dou nyalande Rewbe (8 march) e kadin lewru tariha Rewbe nder Maris 2024. Nyamdu yeeso meeden nder du lewru ngam often dou hebbitinki ko hendi en hakkude men e worbe.
Ko a keeso ko bo a wawani wailidante wikipedia a wawai Kolla balla maada dum andal fottide debbo e gorko to Wikipedia.
Wikimedia movement gender gap events are added to this page around February and throughout March every year. Please come back in 2025 to share your events! Meanwhile, for ongoing gender-gap activities and discussions, please visit the Gender Gap Portal. If you are curious about the 2024 March events, please visit this page.