Wikipedian in residence, Violetova, Diary

I am Violetova and Виолетова, and I am Wikipedian in Residence in The Archives of Republic of Macedonia (DARM). View the usage of the uploaded files with those tools: GLAMorous tool and GLAMorgan.

This page will serve as a diary for my work. All uploaded files are in this category: Wikipedian_in_Residence_at_DARM

26 January 2017


The winners are:

Statistic results (some according to GLAMorgan tool):

  • 16 participants
  • from 8 different language wikis
  • more than 50 new articles created at the time of DARM Challenge 2
  • 35.55% of all images of category
  • 1,392 pages on 33 wikis use those files.
  • In GLAM Newsletter - January 2017

26 December 2016


19 December 2016


12 December 2016

  • Working on new images. Several Archive's boxes with images left to be scanned till the end of the year.

5 December 2016

  • Working on DARM Challenge 2 this week, and on organizing a workshop for DARM employees.
  • Day off this week (public holiday): Thursday, December 8.

28 November 2016

  • Created five new categories for uploading old photos and old postcards of various towns in Macedonia.
  • Uploaded: 1,552 files in total.

21 November 2016

  • Several meetings with DARM employees who are interested in editing Wikipedia. I am planing to organize a workshop for them.
Postcard of Ohrid from 1922, Plane Tree, or Platanus Orientalis, already hundred years old in 1922. This is the oldest tree in Republic of Macedonia, and still on the same place

14 November 2016


7 November 2016

  • Traveling to Prilep and working on digitizing files from Prilep Department, donation of more than 300 photos "Old images of various cities and towns".

31 October 2016

  • Uploaded: 1,379 files in total.

24 October 2016


17 October 2016

Me as a guest at popular TV show, talking about Wikipedia, GLAM Macedonia user group,Wikipedian in Residence at DARM, and Wiki Club in the Museum of Macedonian struggle in Skopje
All together in the end of the first day of Wiki Club session in the Museum of Macedonian struggle in Skopje
  • First Wiki Club in Macedonia, as a part of the Children Room in the Museum of Macedonian struggle in Skopje, started on Wednesday, 19th October 2016. This is not a part of my WiR duties, but as a Wikipedian in charge for this Club, I cannot resist to mention it here.
  • Main page about Wiki Clubs in Macedonia
More photos on: Category:Wiki Clubs in Republic of Macedonia

10 October 2016

Wikipedian in residence at DARM giving lecture about Wikipedia to the group of students in the Archives
A group of students in DARM
A group of students in DARM, through the Archive
  • A group of students in DARM come on 10 October 2016. Wikipedian in Residence at DARM (me) gave a lecture about Wikipedia to the students and introduced to them the first Wiki Club which will start on 19th October in the Museum of Macedonian struggle in Skopje. DARM gave a present to all of them, a calendar with old photos of Macedonian voivode.
  • I have a three hours meeting with a teacher who will participate in the Wiki Club in the Museum of Macedonian struggle in Skopje. The meeting included agreement on how she could help with the Wiki Club, and also lecture and basics about Wikipedia. New user is:

Matilda Bajkova

  • Uploaded: 1,298 files

3 October 2016

  • I spent time on meetings with officials from secondary school in Skopje, in order to organize the students from 9th class to visit Archive and to attend a lecture about Wikipedia. Also I had meetings with officials in DARM, in order everything to be organized well. DARM officials decided to give present to the students - a calendar with an old photos of Macedonian voivode.
  • In the category Photographs by Manaki Brothers, now we have 284 in total. There were a few photos (23 total) in the category Manaki Brothers at that moment when I started negotiation about this photos with the Management of the Archives in May.

26 September 2016

  • Working on new photos I get in the Archives, i.e. digitized them.

19 September 2016

  • Spent time to get an old photos from Prilep Department, contacting the officials from Prilep. In the end of the week, it was decided that Prilep Department will send the boxes in Skopje, in DARM, because the same files I asked for Wikipedia will be used in some other project in Skopje. I don't have to travel to Prilep to get them.

12 September 2016

  • Uploaded: 1,175 files
  • Note: On Monday (12 September) I was out of office, as many people in Macedonia, due to high magnitude (4.1 and 5.2) earthquakes which happened in Skopje on Sunday.

5 September 2016

  • Meetings: I spent time in the Museum in discussion with the officials about Wiki Club. I am happy to see the results, starting from October. The Director of the Museum announces our collaboration in public, on 5th Anniversary of the Museum. It is also published on the web page of the Museum.
  • Note: Thursday (8 September) was a public holiday in Macedonia.
  • Note: I spent time in scoring process as Project Grants Committee member

29 August 2016

  • Meetings: Many meetings took a part this week for me. One of them was with the officials in the Museum of Macedonian struggle. We are starting together collaboration on organizing Wiki Club in scope of their Club for children.

22 August 2016

  • Meetings: I was sent by DARM manager on several meetings this week with officials in Karpoš Municipality and the schools in Skopje. The project we are working on is to bring students in the GLAM institutions on workshops and editing Wikipedia.

15 August 2016

  • I spent time with DARM employees to correct mistakes given to me in Bitola Department as descriptions of some of the photos. That is why uploading is not so easy and quick.

8 August 2016


1 August 2016

Example for damaged and broken glass plate, photo from 1898
  • GLAM Newsletter - report for July 2016
  • BG Blog - Bulgarian Wikimedians mention DARM Challenge and Bulgarian winner on blog
  • Note: 2 August (Tuesday) was public holiday in Macedonia.

25 July 2016

In the Archives Bitola Department on duty.
  • I spent time in the Bitola Department, digitizing materials. I get almost 300 photos out of 6,000, which are kept in the Bitola Dpartment, as donation from the Archives Bitola Department. All photos were filmed on glass plate. There are many of them which are damaged or broken, but still recognizable what is on the photo. I spent whole week in Bitola, in order to get and digitized material. All digitized 290 photos will be uploaded in the next weeks. All photos are black and white.
  • There were a few photos (23 total) in the category Manaki Brothers at that moment when I started negotiation with the Management of the Archives in May.
  • My Report for Wikimania 2016 is ready.

18 July 2016

Part of the books for winners of DARM Challenge
  • Spent time to purchase the books for winners, contacting them via e-mail, packing the books, and sending the books via post office.

11 July 2016

530 points - Ilikeliljon from
295 points - SirGoldenBlade from
265 points - Ранко Николић from
220 points - CarRadovan from
141 points - Andrew J.Kurbiko from
  • Statisitc results (some according to GLAMorgan tool):
25 participants
from 15 different language wikis
more than 50 new articles created at the time od DARM Challenge
29.02% of all images of category
419 pages use those files.

4 July 2016

  • In media:
  1. DARM Challenge
  2. In
  • Note: I continue with my work as WiR at the Archive, while waiting my 2nd term grant request to be reviewed.
  • Note 2: Tuesday 5 July 2016 was public holiday in Macedonia.

27 June 2016

  • Last week of my first 6 months term as WiR at the Archives: I spent time to preparing and digitizing files, to be uploaded after DARM Challenge will end.
  • My interview in media about Wikimania 2016

20 June 2016


13 June 2016

Wikipedian in Residence at DARM, searching the old documents
  • DARM Challenge is running.
  • I spent time to fill out the Report, and searching the old documents at the Archives.
  • Note: I spent days and nights, including the Weekend to upload as many files as I can, which I get home from the Archives, because next week I will be at Wikimania 2016.
  • Uploaded: 1,027 files

6 June 2016


30 May 2016

Part of the employees in the State Archives of the Republic of Macedonia, who participate in the Edith-a-thon.
  1. Vaskodu
  2. Pandora Knows
  3. Misssirena7
  4. GjorgjiP

23 May 2016

  • Meetings: Several meetings with officials in the Archives on rewards which could be given to the Wikimedians who will take a part in the Archive Challenge. Consultation about Archive Challenge with several Wikipedians, also.
  • Uploaded: 638 in total
  • Note: 24th May 2016 was a holiday in Macedonia.

16 May 2016

  • First three days of this week I spent time in the office of The State Archives of the Republic of Macedonia, department in Skopje, digitizing files. In previous meetings, we come to an agreement (me, as a WiR and the management of the Archive Department in Skopje) that Skopje Department is going to release at least 50 (fifty) files for Wikipedia, but we end up with 518 files ready to be uploaded on commons: 300 from the 1963 Skopje earthquake, 13 from the 1962 Skopje flood, 164 from the parts of Skopje photographed before 1940, and 41 other files.
  • Meetings: Several meetings with employees in the Archive Department in Skopje, speaking them about Wikipedia and other Wiki projects, and answering questions.
  • Note: All 518 files will be uploaded in the next days, because the Archive Department in Skopje has limited internet access, which means that I was not able to upload the files from their office, but only to digitized the files.

9 May 2016

  • Most of the time, I spent time in the office of The State Archives of the Republic of Macedonia, department in Skopje, digitizing files.
  • Meetings: Several meetings with the Manager of the Archive Department in Bitola. The plan is that I will have to travel in Bitola in order to get at least 50 files (photos) from Manaki collection of photos, which the Department in Bitola will release for Wikipedia.
  • Note: On Friday 13 May 2016, I was out of office in the Archives, due to my presence on WikiLive 2016 in Belgrade, where I have a presentation on WikiWomen

2 May 2016

Wikipedian in residence at The State Archives of the Republic of Macedonia, department in Skopje, at work, i.e. digitizing files
  • Starting from this week, in the next days I spent time in the office of The State Archives of the Republic of Macedonia, department in Skopje, digitizing files.
  • Uploaded: 474 in total
  • Note: I had three working days this week, because 2nd of May is public holiday in Macedonia, and 6th of May I had activities in my son's school.

25 April 2016

  • Meetings: Meeting with the manager of Skopje department of the State Archives in his office and with the employee who is responsible for photos and documents about 1963 Skopje earthquake. The management of the Skopje department of the State Archives are willing to donate at least 50 photos about this disaster event. There is few photos (18 total) in the category 1963 Skopje earthquake at the moment.
  • Note: I had three working days this week, because 28th and 29th of April were part of the public holidays, free days.

18 April 2016

  • Јанаки Манаки (created from documents provided by DARM)
  • and 4 more new articles created from documents provided by DARM
  • Meetings: Several meetings this week with officials and employees about my next engagement in the Skopje department of the State Archives. From Monday on, I will visit Skopje department of the State Archives, in order to get photos, documents and materials from their depot. On the meetings, me and the employees set a course of activities.

11 April 2016

Students and Wikipedians at terrace in DARM
Visiting DARM
  • Wikipedian and foreign students tour through the Archives, organized by WiR, took place on 12 April 2016.
  • Вангел Чукаловски (created from documents provided by DARM)
  • and 5 more new articles created from documents provided by DARM
  • Meetings: With management of the State Archives, due to my next course of engagement in the DARM. The propose for me is to visit several departments of the State Archive in other cities (Bitola, Prilep, etc.), including the department in Skopje, which is in the same city, but in different settlement.

04 April 2016

  • Meetings: Several meetings with officials due to organizing tour through the Archives for a group of foreign students and Wikipedians.
  • Uploaded: 464 in total

28 March 2016

  • Template:PD-GOV-RM - New template for uploaded written material files. I will have to change licence in all files already uploaded.
  • Note: Because of sickness (flu), I was out of office two days this week.

21 March 2016

  • Wikipedia workshop: A "hands on" session with one of the employee. New editor is
  • Никола Дејков (created by new editor, employee of the Archives)
  • Uploaded: 425 files in total

14 March 2016

  • Wikipedia workshop: Nine students were on basic editing workshop, on Friday, March 18, 2016. Six of them created usernames, and three of them were unable due to limit of six new users at once. The new users are:
  1. Marija Milanovska
  2. Radmila Karamacoska
  3. Baeilcov
  4. Shenas imer
  5. Aleksandravasilkova
  6. Jelenakrstic94

7 March 2016

  • Ѓорѓи Скопјанчето (created from documents provided by DARM)
  • Wikipedia workshop: Five students were on basic editing workshop, on Tuesday, March 8, 2016. Two were new users, and three of them were second time. The new users are:
  1. Dragana93.d
  2. Andrijana.g

The students have created 3 new articles and 1 article was improved.

29 February 2016

A group of students on Wikipedia workshop in the Archives, on 4 March 2016
  • Наум Златарев (created from documents provided by DARM)
  • and 5 more new articles created from documents provided by DARM
  • Wikipedia workshop: Five students were on basic editing workshop, on Friday, March 4, 2016. New users are:
  1. Nikola Loshkovski
  2. Sotiroska
  3. Bekiroski
  4. Asanovski
  5. Karajanovska

The students have created 2 new articles and 3 articles were improved.

  • Uploaded:371 files in total

22 February 2016

Serbian report on the role and activities of the Democratic Party in Skopje (Skopje, 18 January 1910)
  • Meetings: I had a meeting with the professor of several students from History department, who will have practice hours at DARM, probably in March. The professor was interested in Wikipedia, and she wants her students to have basic editing workshop in the Archives. We were negotiating the details of the upcoming Wikipedia workshop.
  • Uploaded: 347 in total

15 February 2016


8 February 2016

  • Битолска околија (1955-1957) (created from documents provided by DARM)
  • Meetings: I was called on meeting with the Chief Executive Officer at National Archives of Republic of Macedonia. I gave report on how is going my work as WiR.
  • Uploaded: 257 in total
  • Note: Because of sickness, I was out of office three days this week.

1 February 2016

Wikipedian in residence at DARM, at work.
Report about the misery of the population in all places in Vilayet, even in those villages that have not participated in the uprising, as Poreche villages. Villagers are hungry and barefoot, begging from the Consulate to Consulate, to be protected from the Turkish government. (15 October 1903)

to search in boxes with original documents from the last century.

  • Uploaded: 242 files in total
  • Note: The employees were introduced with basic editing on Wikipedia. No one of them create account in front of me, so I am not able to provide their user names or contributions. They asked many questions, as: Who will give us permission to contribute on Wikipedia? Why is better option to have account with user name? How to check who created an article? Is it allow to change false data in the articles? Is it possible to see list of articles related to same subject, and how to do that? etc.

25 January 2016


18 January 2016


11 January 2016

The old file
Another one with better quality
  • Created invitation: Open day at the DARM on the Village Pump
  • Created: event page on meta
  • Meetings: With the employee who has to give support about ASNOM files. We come to an agreement about pace of uploading files. Meeting with the Chief of Security at DARM, about number of visitors and Wikipedians at "Open day", and other details. Meeting with guides at DARM, who will guide the tour for visitors and Wikipedians on 15th January.
  • Open day, was held successfully.
  • Images from the event are in this category
  • Educated: Two new Wikipedians
  • First Edit-a-thon held in DARM, with five Wikipedians.
  • Историски архив (Битола) (created from the documents provided by DARM)
  • Used files: 26 images used so far
  • Uploded: 102 files in total

4 January 2016


First week: I started at 4 January 2016, as a first working day in the 2016. This week there are two more holidays, on 6th and 7th January.