This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Italia and the translation is 67% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Wikimedia Italia-logo-blackleft

Wikimedia ItaliaAssociazione per la diffusione della conoscenza libera - APS je italská pobočka hnutí Wikimedia.

Členové Wikimedia Italia na valné hromadě 23. června 2019.

Kontaktní informace na Contatti (v italštině). Obecné e-maily na Wikimedia Italia můžete posílat na adresu info(_AT_)

Oficiální webové stránky Wikimedia Italia jsou $doména1, na adrese $doména2 je také wiki pro členy a anglicky/francouzsky mluvící uživatele.

Současná rada

Since May 18, 2024.


Současní zaměstnanci

See also: wmit:Personale

Adresa kanceláře

via Bergognone 34, c/o BASE Milano
20144 Milano (MI)

Telefon: +390256569662
e-mail: segreteria


As of December 2023, the association counts 354 members. The 2023 budget comprised around 740,000 €, raised from donations, "Cinque per mille" tax donations and contributions to institutional activities.

What has been done so far (most links in Italian, sorry)
  • we participate round-the-year in local and national events and fairs, seminars, lectures in classrooms, etc. for promoting WMF projects in Italy (logbook)
  • we support and collaborate in nationwide petitions and campaigns
  • we organized some online and offline initiatives (Wiki@home (angličtina), WikiAfrica, BWM, Biblioteca, Musica)
  • 3rd part publishers released a DVD-version of it:wp (more than 20,000 copies sold) and a handbook about Wikipedia and the Wikis
  • we have obtained the status of "associazione di promozione sociale" (social promotion association, a "charity" status in Italy); this grants tax deductibility on donations for the donors and other facilitations: we have also joined the WMF 2009 fundraising and 2010 "cinque per mille" campaign (sort of en:Eight per thousand for charities)
  • we have an office in Milan.
Best successes
Worst headache
  • the squatted domains***.it
  • some legal complaints about the content of some Wikipedia articles (mainly bios of politicians), passed through to the VRT, as WMI is not the proper recipient, except one which went through a 5-years trial before WMI won in the Court.



Viz dedikovaná stránka.

Účetní závěrka

Wikimedia Italia také vydává zpravodaj (Wikimedia News) přibližně dvakrát měsíčně.


Wikimedia Italia byla založena v pátek 17. června 2005 v Caninu.

Stanovy byly připraveny a schváleny Nadací Wikimedia.

Během schůzky IRC s Jimbem, Angelou a Anthere byly schváleny stanovy a nadace povolila pokračovat.

Viz též