Wikimedia Hong Kong/Donation

支持我們 ※ Support us
成為會員 Membership
會員費 ※ Membership Fee
Notes for Membership Applicants
捐款 ※ Donation
概覽 ※ Overview
Memorandum of Association
Articles of Association
代表會附例 ※ Bylaws of the Council
理事會附例 ※ Bylaws of the Directory
會議規則 ※ Meeting Regulations
2014年會章修訂議案 ※ Constitution Amendments Bill 2014


Wikimedia Hong Kong is one of the Charitable Institutions of a Public Character exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.


Individual and business donors within the Hong Kong SAR, who are chargeable to salaries tax, personal assessment or profits tax can claim deduction for the aggregate of approved charitable donation up to 25% (up to 35% from the year of assessment 2008-09 onwards) of the assessable income or profits, as the case may be, in the basis period of a year of assessment. Such aggregate must not be less than $100. (Sections 16D and 26C of the Inland Revenue Ordinance)


"Approved charitable donation" means a donation of money to any charitable institution or trust of a public character, which is exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, or to the Government, for charitable purposes. (Section 2 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance)


You may transfer your donation to the account listed below in Chong Hing Bank:

  • Name: Wikimedia Hong Kong Ltd
  • A/C No. : 041-258-20-900305-8

