Vikimedijos 2017 m. Vidurio ir Rytų Europos pavasaris
Vikipavasaris arba Vikimedijos vidurio ir rytų Europos pavasaris (angl. WMCEE Spring) – tarptautinis 3 mėnesių renginys, organizuojamas vidurio ir rytų Europos regionų Vikipedijose. Jo pagrindinis tikslas yra skatinti kurti straipsnius apie kiekvieną šalį Vidurio ir rytų Europoje kiekvienoje šio regiono Vikipedijoje.
Renginio dėka yra skleidžiama informacija apie kiekvieno Vidurio ir rytų Europos regiono kampelių istoriją, kultūrą, tradicijas ir žmones, taip pat yra didinama ir regiono žinių kokybė, kiekybė ir prieinamumas visame pasaulyje.
Yra tikimasi, jog šis tarptautinis projektas išjudins ir padidins regioninį bendradarbiavimą visoje vidurio ir rytų Europoje.
Pirmasis Vikimedijos VRE 2017 m. konkursas įvyko 2015 m., trečiasis įvyks 2017 m. (nuo kovo 21 d. iki 2017 m. gegužės 29 d.).
Wikimedia CEE Spring aims at joining local forces of free knowledge to accumulate and distribute information about history, culture, traditions and people in every corner of the region to support mutual acknowledgement and understanding and to increase the quantity and quality of free knowledge available about the CEE region globally.
The event itself takes place traditionally from the 21st of March to the 31st of May. During this time period there will be an individual article competition on hopefully all Wikipedias in the region and many outside of it, concentrating on creating and significantly improving articles in different categories like history, culture and notable people of each and every participating country from the region. For more information about article topics, please consult the pages with the article lists.
Local competitions are organised by local teams and in every community the competition will have a bit different face to take local context into account. Contact data of the local coordinators can be found on the contacts page. In last two editions it was proved that volunteering organisers from the different communities carried on the tasks for the contest until the end. Local teams present lists of articles about their country which they would like to see in every possible language and editors from all other countries create and significantly edit those articles, whereby participants can write about any topic, connected with the other participating countries in the region.
The more participants, the merrier. If there are new countries to join during the spring, local organisers should work on the list of tasks — and have fun!
International organisers
Name | Username | Country | Affiliation |
Nikola Kalchev | Лорд Бъмбъри | Bulgaria | Wikimedians of Bulgaria User Group |
— | Алиса Селезньова | Bulgaria | Wikimedians of Bulgaria User Group |
Mārtiņš Bruņenieks | Papuass | Latvia | Wikimedians of Latvia User Group |
Philip Kopetzky | Philip Kopetzky | Austria | Wikimedia Österreich |
Natalia Szafran-Kozakowska | Magalia | Poland | Wikimedia Polska |
Vira Motorko | Ата | Ukraine | Wikimedia Ukraine |
Bohdan Melnychuk | Base | Ukraine | Wikimedia Ukraine |
Liam Wyatt | Wittylama | Australia | Europeana Liaison |