WikiClassics User Group/Members

Contacts declared to WMF


As of 2023:

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User Languages Main projects & official roles Interests & Experiences
Epìdosis it-N, en-3, fr-2, de-1 Italian Wikipedia, Wikidata Ancient literature and history, main focuses are biographies of ancient Greek authors, ancient Greek literary works, events of ancient Greek history
Alexmar983 it-N, en-4, fr-4, de-3, es-3, nl-2, eo-2 Italian and English Wikipedia, Wikidata, Commons, Italian Wikisource ... I am mostly interested in cross-wiki coordination, the role of Wikisource, Structured Data, cultural heritage on Wikidata (and Wiki Loves Monuments) and scientific research in archaeology
Camelia.boban ro-N, it-5, en-2, fr-1 Italian and Romanian Wikipedia, Commons, Wikidata, Wikiquote, Wikibooks interested in many things (one is Greek and Roman mythology), I created WikiDonne project in Italian Wikipedia, Feminism Portal and Italian Wikibooks and co-founded WikiDonne User Group.
OrbiliusMagister it-N, en-3, vec-2 Italian and Latin Wikisource I am mostly interested in Ancient Greek and Latin language and Literature. I created a wikiproject about Italian translation of classics
FocalPoint el-N, en-5, fr-4, it-2 el-wikipedia, el-wiktionary, wikidata, commons, el-wikisource Interested in completing and connecting info in all Wikimedia projects
Ilbuonme it-N, en-5, de-1
Christelle Molinié fr-N, en-1 French Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata Mostly interested in the documentation of museum's archeological collections on Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata and the opening of professional practices to collaborative resources.
Mizardellorsa it-N la-Wikisource encyclicae, Acta eruditorum
Tursclan it-N, en-4, fr-3, de-2, es-1, pt-1 it_wikipedia, en_wikipedia, fr_wkipedia, Wikidata Mostly interested in Etruscology and pre-Roman Italy.
Saintfevrier en-N, el-N
SurdusVII it-5, en-N, es-3, fr-3, de-1
Marcus Cyron de-N, en-2, ru-1 German Wikipedia, Commons (Admin), Wikidata; OTRS agent; WMDE board member History (Project Roman Consuls) & Archaeology, main focusses are pottery (Project CVA Germany/Project Kerameikos/Ceramics project), museums, history & reception of classics, biographies of classicists and archaeologists (Project decased classicists/Project living classicists/Project Travel Grants DAI) & ancient artists, artisans, craftsmans (My Opus magnum: Ancient potters and vase painters)

Former "Wikipedian in Residence" at the German Archaeological Institute; Kulturbotschafter ("Wikimedia culture ambassador"); Co-Organizer of Conferences "Wikipedia trifft Altertum" ("Wikipedia meets the ancient world", 2011) and "Wikidata trifft Archäologie" ("Wikidata meets archaeology", 2013); Wikimedia contact for Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Antikensammlung Berlin, Antikenmuseum der Universität Heidelberg, Antikensammlung Erlangen, Antikensammlung der Universität Göttingen, Münzkabinett Berlin, Museum August Kestner, Alamannenmuseum Ellwangen, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Museums and the Internet

Gts-tg el-N, en-5, fr-3, ru-3, is-3, it-2 Greek Wikipedia, Ancient Greek incubator, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata Interested in language and writing overall; classical tradition; Hellenistic states. I can contribute with article writing, research, and software development + DBPedia based datasets.

Some wiki activity:

Geraki el-N, en-3 Greek Wikipedia, Greek Wikisource, Commons, Wikidata Wiki Loves Monuments, data for monuments and mythology in Wikidata, texts in Wikisource
Sp!ros el-N, en-5, it-5, fr-2 Wikidata, Greek Wikipedia, Italian Wikipedia, English Wikipedia, Commons, Wikicite Interested in ontologies, vocabularies, monuments, and museums
DerHexer de-N, en-3, grc-3, la-3, es-1 Administrator on Meta, Commons, German and English Wikipedia; Steward; OTRS agent; WMDE employee Greek language, literature, history, mythology, philosophy, natural science; Latin language literature + Roman history; Ancient archaeology; lexicography, palaeography, and codicology;; de:WP:Redaktion Altertum, de:Wikipedia:Wikipedia trifft Altertum, formerly de:Portal:Latein
Ijon he-N, en-5, grc-3, la-3, fr-1, de-1, uk-1, yi-1,arc-1 Hebrew Wikipedia, Wikidata, Commons Ancient Greek literature, history
Sir Henry fr-N, en-4, de-2 French wikipedia Late Roman Empire/early Byzantine Empire, but with a general interest in the whole time span since ancient Greece
Eunostos fr-N, en-3, grc-3, lat-3, es-1 French wikipedia, Commons, French Wikiquote Greek mythology, ancient Greece and Rome, mythological studies
T8616 fr-N, en-4 English Wikipedia, Commons Mostly Roman Republic (prosopography), and numismatics.
Rena pt-N, en-5, fr-2, es-2, de-1, el-2, la-2 Portuguese Wikipedia, Commons Greek, Rome and Byzantine Empire in general (and all themes rellated to them like Islamic, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, German, Celtic, Iberian History, etc.)
Taketa NL-N, en-4 Dutch Wikipedia
DerMaxdorfer de-N, en-3, fr-2, la-2, grc-1 German Wikipedia, Commons Escpecially ancient Roman history, epigraphy and prosopography
DarwIn pt-n, en-4, es-3, fr-2, gl-2 Portuguese Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata Mostly Ancient Roman history related to Portugal, Spain and the Magreb
Prof.Lippold pt-n, en-3, es-3, fr-2, it-2 Portuguese Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons Mostly Ancient Roman history related to Portugal, Spain and the Magreb...
Richard Nevell en-N English Wikipedia, Wikidata Medieval archaeologist by training with an interest in Roman Britain, especially Pevensey. I'm also interested in Wikidata to map how publications link to each other on certain topics, such as Roman archaeology.
Hartmann Linge de-n, en-3, it-1, la-1, nl-1 German Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons Roman Empire, Roman military history, history and archaeology of the Roman provinces, history and archaeology of the Roman limites; museums and biographies of scholars related to these topics ...
German Wikipedia project "Roman limes"
Xenophôn en-3, fr-N French Wikipedia, Commons, Wikisource Ancient Greek history
Csisc ar-N, fr-N, en-4, it-2, de-1, mt-1 French Wikipedia, Wikidata Enhancing the coverage of Roman Empire on Wikidata
Pradigue fr-N, en-2, French Wikipedia, Commons Roman Empire, phoenician and punic world, Carthage, North Africa, Afghanistan
Pompilos es-N, fr-3, ca-3, en-2, el-1 Spanish Wikipedia, Commons, Wikidata Ancient Greek, ancient navigation, Classical architecture, etymology of Spanish vocabulary,
Kaizenify Yo-N, en-4, fr-1 Yoruba and English Wikipedia, Commons, Wikidata Enhancing the coverage of Yoruba religion across all wikimedia projects and curating black artifacts.
Millars es-N, ca-N, en-3, fr-3, it-3, pt-3, de-1 Spanish and Catalan Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata, etc. History, Arts, Cultural heritage. Current History student
llywrch en-N, de-2, la-1, ang-1 English Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata, Wikisource General history (political & social) up to about 10th century; currently creating biographies of consular (& some equestrian) Roman Imperial personages
HalfdanRagnarsson en-N English Wikipedia, Commons Finance in antiquity, also broadly into antiquity in general, esp. late and classical
Z. Blace sh-N, hr-N, en-4, de-2, ?latin-1 English Wikipedia, Commons, Wikidata, Wikispore, Studied art pedagogy (including art history) and interested in antiquity and connections of Adriatic to Mediterranean coasts
Jahl de Vautban fr-N, en-3, de-2, it-2, es-1, la-1, grc-1 French Wikisource, Wikidata Interested in the whole hellenistic history, as well as reception and traduction of ancient texts
Digitalphilologist it-N, en-1, fr-2, de-2, la-1, grc-1 English Wikipedia, Wikidata Interested in Greek and Roman history and philology, as well as in Digital Classics and Digital Humanities
User:So9q en-4 Wikidata Interested in lexemes in ancient greek and other ancient cultures that have derivations in languages I know (Swedish and Danish mostly).
Yamen ar-N, fr-5, en-5, it-1, es-1, mt-1 French, Arabic, English Wikipedia, Commons, Wikidata Phoenician and punic world, Carthage, North Africa, Roman Empire...