Resolution:Developing Scenarios for future of fundraising/de
Nach Absprache mit der Wikimedia-Gemeinschaft auf Meta veröffentlicht das Kuratorium der Wikimedia Foundation die nachfolgenden Leitlinien, welche dazu dienen sollen, die Beschaffung und Verteilung von Spenden durch Wikimedia zu regeln.
Wir ersuchen den Geschäftsführer unter angemessener Einbeziehung Anspruchsberechtigter und interessierter Parteien, ein Modell für das Kuratorium auszuarbeiten, das die Beschaffung und Verteilung finanzieller Mittel regelt. Dieses sollte – so gut wie möglich – mit den Richtlinien vereinbar sein. Das Kuratorium bittet darum, den Entwurf bis zum Gespräch bei der Sitzung des Kuratoriums im Februar 2012 fertig zu stellen.
Richtlinien für Szenarien zur Beschaffung finanzieller Mittel
- Consistency with mission, vision and values. All Wikimedia fundraising activities must be conducted in a manner that's consistent with our overall mission, vision and values. They must not create unnecessary legal exposure for the projects, or otherwise unduly interfere with our ability to achieve our mission.
- Minimal cost and minimal disruption. All Wikimedia fundraising activities must aim to raise the maximum possible amount of money from donors while minimizing administrative costs as much as possible (in order to reserve the largest amount of money possible for programmatic activity), while causing minimal disruption and annoyance for users of the projects.
- Transparency: All Wikimedia fundraising activities must be truthful with prospective donors. We need to tell people what we intend to use their money for, before they donate. And we need to report in a timely fashion on how it was actually spent.
- Responsibility: All Wikimedia fundraising activities must ensure funds received are safe from fraud or misuse as determined by existing third-party standards for appropriate financial controls, and must adhere to relevant laws and regulations.
- Internationalism: Our movement is international in scope, and our fundraising practices must support the easiest possible transfer of money internationally in support of the movement's priorities.
- Independence: We prefer a fundraising model in which we are supported primarily via the many-small-donors model, because this is the model that best supports our independence.
- Flexibility: We do not need to adhere to a single monolithic model for fundraising: multiple donation streams are fine.
- Sustainable donor relations: We must safeguard donor privacy and avoid slowing the "donate now" flow.
- Good faith: The Wikimedia movement assumes that all movement participants are acting in good faith, with regards to each other's actions and intentions.
Richtlinien für Szenarien zur Verteilung finanzieller Mittel
- Protect the core: Core activities that ensure the continuity of the projects need to be funded first.
- Impact: Funds should be distributed in ways that support mission work, agnostic with regard to where the money was raised.
- Transparency and stability: Decisions about funds distribution must be made transparently, in accordance with published guidelines and processes. The model must enable each entity to carry out financial planning to support efforts to be sustainable.
- Decentralization: Funds must be distributed in ways that support decentralized programmatic activities for furthering our mission.
- Responsibility and accountability: Funds must be distributed in ways that enable the Wikimedia movement to confidently assure donors that their donations will be safeguarded appropriately, and that spending will be in line with our mission and with the messages used to attract donors.
- Collaboration and openness: Funds must be distributed in ways that are collaborative and open, and which respect the diverse and international nature of the Wikimedia movement.