
This page is a translated version of the page Reform of copyright and copyright-related protections and the translation is 24% complete.
Whither next?

There are several copyright and copyright-related protections which should be changed, or fully taken advantage from. Here's a probably incomplete list. In a second step, an attempt will be made to prioritise the issues. Further work can be done to include more objectives, order by importance (for us and/or everyone), order by activity on the topic by us and others, order by impact. Work on this page has been re-started after a mailing list discussion following a policy statement by Creative Commons, supporting a copyright reform.


นี่คือรายการสิ่งของส่วนใหญ่ที่เพจต่างๆ แชท และเมลล์เอาไปอ้างอิง บางสิ่งอาจจะเหมือนกันมากหรือแตกต่างกันมากๆ รายการเหล่านี้มันไม่จำเป็นสำหรับการสะท้อนให้เห็นถึงความสำคัญใดๆ

  • Freedom of orphan works (see Category:Orphan works for now)
  • Freedom of panorama everywhere: commons:Commons:Freedom of panorama campaign
  • Get Library of Congress to digitize all U.S.A. copyright records (wikisource:Catalog of Copyright Entries)
  • Get U.S.A. to apply rule of the shorter term
  • Get U.K. to officially kill "sweat of the brow"
  • Repeal database rights in EU
  • Repeal Sonny Bono Copyright Extension Act
  • Fix absurd copyright terms in Mexico
  • Get works by U.S.A. states added to public domain
  • Get EU government and government-funded works (not only research as "now" [1]) in the public domain (or under a free CC license)
  • Get all USA government-funded research open access (page should be on Meta)
  • Scrap special copyright extension (30 years in France for "dead in combat").
  • Reduce the copyright term to 50 pma (or 14+14 as originally in USA, or whatever)
  • Standardized limitations/exceptions
  • Freedom of deep space objects (this is a very low importance item)
  • Term reform/limitation (i.e., fighting the next wave of term extensions)
  • Copyright status of government works / official works
  • Reproductions of 2D works --> should make sure that the law/regulations are very clear that this is not a new work
  • Software patents
  • Exceptions to circumvent rules (disability-DRM, archives etc)
  • Copyright on publicly funded works
  • Incentives for Open Government Data
  • Public Sector Information
  • Raising treshhold for required added creativity (to qualify for copyright)
  • Collecting societies (and Creative Commons)
  • Principle in applying the most flexible rule
  • Free use of product packaging images
  • Clear rules on what constitutes mass production
  • International agreement excluding money and postage stamps from copyright
  • Specific issues in countries with "interrupted history" (e.g. Baltic states)
  • Shortening copyright term for media channels
  • Opt-in copyright instead of current automatic system

Condensed list

This is an attempt to create a shorter, non-repetitive list of the above gathered points.

  • Shorten copyright terms (and prevent their expansion)
  • Global Freedom of Panorama
  • Free use of Orphan Works
  • Digitalisation of copyright records
  • Rule of shorter term
  • Raising threshold for required added creativity (incl. killing Sweat the brow)
  • Repeal EU Database Rights
  • Have government created works (incl. EU, EU Member States, US States, etc.) released into the public domain
  • Have publicly funded works released under free licenses
  • Standardised limitations and exceptions (incl. removing special extensions)
  • Software patents
  • Exceptions to DRM
  • Open Government Data (& FoI)
  • Public Sector Information
  • Collective Rights Management
  • Use of product packaging images
  • Copyright on money and stamps
  • Opt-in copyright system


The points should be prioritised along criteria like impact, urgency, feasibility, importance to community, positioning of other organisations, fit-to-strategy and falling within the scope of Wikimedia. All these criteria need to be better defined. A first and partial overview of the "importance to community" could be found in the results of the Policy Issues Survey 2013.


Historical discussions