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We are asking for community opinion on these five movement-wide guidelines that would help identify potential conflicts of interest when asking for resources belonging to the Wikimedia movement. The proposed draft of these guidelines is set out below for community review. We welcome your comments at the meta discussion page. After community consultation, we expect to finalize the guidelines and propose them to the WMF Board of Trustees for adoption by resolution.
Generally, mismanaged personal interests resulting in potential conflicts of interest can hurt our movement, both in reputation and financially. The proposed guidelines seek to encourage full disclosure of personal and financial interests with respect to people’s requests for movement resources. The guidelines help ensure that those movement resources -- like grants, staff time, scholarships, trademark licenses, travel reimbursements, fellowships, employment, and conference resources -- are used in pursuit of our mission. The guidelines apply to requests for resources from any movement entities, groups, associations, or persons, such as the Wikimedia Foundation, chapters, thematic organizations, movement partners, user groups, Wiki Loves Monuments, GLAM organizations, and Wikipedians in Residence. The guidelines are not comprehensive or exhaustive. They are intended to support existing movement values and conflict of interest policies, which may require recusal or other ways of managing the conflict.
Importantly, the guidelines are not intended to address directly more specific controversial topics, like paid editing. We understand that the community is engaged in that discussion in other venues. That said, these guidelines may serve as a foundation upon which to build more specific policies in the future. For now, however, we simply want to suggest some simple, hopefully uncontroversial guidelines to help people know when they should be disclosing their personal or financial interests in their requests for and use of movement resources.
We would like to hear what you think. Feel free to leave your comments or propose edits on the meta discussion page. We are not seeking consensus or an RfC. This is to help us hear where we need to improve the document. To help ensure global understanding and easier translations, we are proposing that the guidelines be short and confined to one page. The WMF legal department greatly appreciates the opportunity to hear your thoughts and benefit from your wisdom there. We of course will read and respond to your comments and take them into consideration in drafting a final version for proposal to the Board.
We anticipate closing the comment period on January 15, 2013. This may allow for a proposal to the Board during its February 1-2, 2013, meeting. Otherwise, we may extend the comment period and ask the Board to approve the guidelines at another time. We encourage international participation, and, if more time is needed to allow for translations or comments, we want to take that into consideration.
Many thanks, as always, for your comments and active participation.
Geoff Brigham
General Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation
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In the WMF Board’s resolution regarding organizational best practices, for example, “more developed organizations” are encouraged to “adopt core governance policies including a code of conduct for Board and staff that requires at least disclosure of all potential conflicts of interest.” Movement organizations, of course, are free to adopt more strict and tailored conflict of interest rules that go beyond the minimum standards of these proposed guidelines.
議決維基媒體基金會理事會特此批准並採用下文載列的申請維基媒體運動資源時申報潛在利益衝突的指引。 這些指引旨在對理事會於2012年3月31日通過的組織最佳實踐決議案作出補充。在申請、使用及分配維基媒體運動資源時,鼓勵維基媒體組織和社群成員遵守這些指引。
不善的個人利益管理導致潛在利益衝突會損害我們運動的聲譽及經濟上資源。下列五項指引旨在提升任何人士申請運動資源的誠信與透明度。這些資源為運動資源,且須始終用於支持其使命。這些資源包括如補助金、員工時間、獎學金、商標許可、助學金、就業機會、差旅報銷以及會議資源。這些指引適用於任何運動實體、組織、協會或個人(如維基媒體基金會、分會、專題組織、運動合夥人、用戶群、維基愛古蹟 (Wiki Loves Monuments)、GLAM 組織以及常駐維基人 (Wikipedians in Residence))對資源的申請。[1]
Movement resources include, for example, grants, staff time, scholarships, trademark licenses, fellowships, employment opportunities, travel reimbursements, and conference resources. The guidelines apply to requests for these resources from movement entities, groups, associations or persons, such as the Wikimedia Foundation, chapters, thematic organizations, movement partners, user groups, Wiki Loves Monuments, GLAM organizations, and Wikipedians in Residence.
The guidelines are not comprehensive or exhaustive. They support existing conflicts of interest and other governance policies, which may require recusal or other ways of managing the conflict.
- 指引一
- 若您收到的付款或任何有價值物品來自可能受惠於您申請、使用或分配運動資源的個人或組織,請積極披露。
- 指引二
- 若您在申請、使用或分配運動資源時,受惠者為您的家人、配偶、合夥人、生意夥伴、重要人士、摯友或他們的組織或僱主,請積極披露。
- 指引三
- 當你申請、使用、或分配運動資源時,必須完整和誠實回答任何相關的問題。
- 指引四
- 若其他人或公眾認為您對運動資源的申請、使用或分配不妥,請予以披露。 即使被認為是衝突或未經授權的個人利益亦需積極披露。
- 指引五
- 禁止申請、使用、或分配運動資源以謀取私利。
Definition of "Disclose Actively"
根據指引,個人須「積極披露」潛在的利益衝突。「積極披露」是指 (1) 將衝突報告給負責分配相關運動資源的決策者或監督者;且 (2) 披露須於進行任何認真的討論、對該等運動資源作出分配或者使用決定之前,按上述方式明確作出。例如,用戶頁面上關於衝突的被動通知,不構成對研究人員補助金的充分披露。相反,用戶必須立刻將其申請研究人員補助金的衝突通知決策者。
- 實例一: 維基人要求在維基媒體基金會的網站發佈部落格,這需要基金會通訊團隊的參與。這篇部落格將以某位特定的藝術家為重點。該維基人同時也受僱於該藝術家的產業。該維基人須在第一次與通訊團隊聯絡時,立刻積極地披露這種受薪關係。團隊可以獨立評估,這篇部落格是否反映出對基金會資源的恰當使用,以及是否應該披露該維基人的利益。
- 實例二: 一名社群成員申請從地方分會獲得經費,以開展維基共享資源 (Wikimedia Commons) 的攝影專案。關於該專案的資助工作需要他要前往另一個城市,在這個城市他計劃拜訪重要人士。社群成員在申請時,須披露這種關係以及潛在利益。分會的利益衝突政策可能要求對是否需要該行程進行獨立審核。
- 實例三: 從 FDC 申請獲得補助金時,分會受託人擁有潛在經濟利益衝突。雖然她的利益衝突已經於地方分會的部落格上載明,並且她相信 FDC 可能對此知悉,但她須向 FDC 積極披露潛在衝突,確保 FDC 對此知悉。
- 實例四: 分會正考慮是否就開源計畫向諮詢公司提供補助金。分會受託人在該諮詢公司擁有所有權權益。在申請補助金時,該公司與受託人必須向分會披露該所有權權益。然後分會可能根據其利益衝突政策管理或解決此衝突。
- 實例五: FDC 委員會成員收到的禮物是分會受託人給予的貴重的世界盃門票,而受託人正在申請獲得下一輪經費。 FDC 委員會成員須披露該禮物。 FDC 須根據其利益衝突政策及最佳慣例來管理衝突。
- Example five: A member of the FDC committee receives a gift of valuable World Cup tickets from a trustee of a chapter that is applying for the next round of funding. The FDC committee member should disclose the gift. The FDC should manage the conflict according to its conflict of interest policy and best practices.
- 實例六: 專題組織理事會決定聘請一位外部會計師幫助簿記。一名理事會成員希望聘請其具有註冊會計師資格的妹妹,並願意降低她的非牟利收費來提供服務。在進入聘請程序之前,該理事會成員必須向理事會其他成員披露這種私人關係。理事會其他成員隨後可能根據其利益衝突政策處理衝突,並獨立評估所推薦的聘用人員。
- ↑ 註: 一般情況下,利益衝突通常並非單純因為個人之前收到維基媒體基金會 (WMF)、經WMF批准的分會或專題組織的補助金或獲授權補償而產生,而只有在該補助金或補償根據確立的組織政策用來支持維基媒體的使命而無個人得益時才會這樣。 作為一項良好的慣例,不論運動資源申請人是受託人、主管人員、僱員、承辦商、同事、代表或 WMF、分會或專題組織的成員,在其申請運動資源時須予以披露。
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Note: As a general matter, a conflict of interest normally does not arise simply because an individual previously had received a grant or authorized reimbursement from the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) or a WMF-approved chapter or thematic organization. This is so however only when that grant or reimbursement was used in support of the Wikimedia mission without personal gain and in accordance with the established policy of the organization. As a matter of good practice, applicants for movement resources should disclose whether they are trustees, officers, employees, contractors, fellows, representatives, or members of WMF, chapters, or thematic organizations when requesting movement resources.
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A passive notice about a conflict on a user page, for example, would not constitute adequate disclosure with respect to a fellowship grant. The user instead must immediately notify the decision-maker about the conflict in the user's application for the fellowship grant.