Grants talk:Conference/Wikimedia Portugal/Wikidata Days 2020

Detailed budget table


Hi DarwIn, Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses. You can review other proposals to see examples for the required budget table. Best CAlmog (WMF) (talk) 18:35, 11 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hi CAlmog (WMF), thanks for the heads up. We will provide that very shortly.--- Darwin Ahoy! 18:39, 11 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

WMF comments


Dear Miguelmcorreia,DarwIn and CatarinaMReis.

Thank you for submitting this proposal! We are happy to explore the opportunity to support Wikidata Days 2020 at Campus at Carcavelos.

This event has multiple strong partners coming together to organize it, and we are excited to see how you will bring together your separate networks of people, resources and expertise to make the event impactful.

I reviewed your proposal, and have some follow up questions.

Hi CAlmog (WMF), thank you for reviewing and commenting. We will do our best to answer all your questions. --CatarinaMReis 11:51, 26 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

Goals and objectives

  • Over the course of your report, you mention a variety of goals at various scales, with a diverse spectrum of partners/participants. If you were to try to narrow down your vision for this event to the three most important outcomes you hope it will achieve, what would they be?
* Inspire the existing community and increase the number of new editors, mainly from the Libraries, Archives and Education sectors;
* Increase cooperative work with Spain and Africa (neighbour affiliates) and Brazil (language proximity);
* Create a network of institutions willing to work on Wikidata / Wikibase shared projects;
  • The proposal is very focused on skills and capacity building. As this is indeed a great cause with a great potential impact, it also requires very clear and well defined metrics. Can you please share what will success look like? What are your metrics and objectives?
A successful outcome would be:
* New projects being developed by the diverse communities present at the conference, e.g. developing an increasingly mutually beneficial library/archive interaction with educational institutions.
* Increase the number of sustainable projects from institutions and provide the tools and skills to be self-sufficient and proficient.
* Discuss and create new solutions for old problems, e.g. Wikidata mobile editing; smoother Wikipedia/Wikidata interaction.
About the metrics:
Wikimedia PT will follow and monitor the projects that will arise in the aftermath of this edition of WikiData Days, with particular attention to eventual new partnerships with GLAM and Educational Institutions.
WMPT will use surveys to evaluate knowledge/skills acquisition at the time of the conference and 6 months later, and report those results to the WMF.

During the conference discussions, we will evaluate the need for the creation of an open online platform (choose whether to use Social Media group, Telegram, or/and other convenient means) to keep engaging with the conference participants.

Outreach and Partnerships

  • In your proposal, you shared that you are ultimately envisioning a revitalized Wikimedia community in your region, with an emphasis on open data sharing through Wikidata. This is a great goal, and also an ambitious one! What kind of support do you see in place already, or might you create through this event, to sustain the ideas and connections that will be created at this event, in order to maintain the momentum and move you toward an active, productive and cooperative community? Are you planning on having (or already have) cross- communities partnerships with GLAM, Academy or other institutions? Do you currently partner with other regional chapters or UG, on existing Wikimedia projects?
Since the 2018 Moita Free Software Party and the Glam Days hosted at the National Library of Portugal, both in November 2018, a network of institutions / open data enthusiasts has been gradually building up, gathering momentum and increased interaction. This trend is not expected to slow down.
Recently we’ve had the opportunity to talk about this grant proposal with the National Library of Portugal (NLP) and talked about what we’ve envisioned for Wikidata Days. As a result, NLP showed a strong enthusiasm to support this event and strengthen the partnership with NOVA SBE and WMPT. When discussing the opportunities this event could mean to libraries, NLP suggested that we should create a long term working group to discuss issues related to libraries and linked data, focusing on Wikidata as a tool for enriching library’s collections and metadata.
Initial talks are undergoing with the Libraries Department of the General Directorate for Book, Archives and Libraries (DGLAB), which includes the National Archives. This department supervises the National Public Library Network and showed interest in starting a partnership to work on Wikimedia projects.
Initial talks are also undergoing with Portugal based Fundação Oriente, in particular with its documentation centre, to initiate a GLAM/Wikidata project.
This means that three major institutions in Portugal in the Libraries (NPL), Archives (DGLAB) and Museums (Fundação Oriente) fields can become important long-term partners for Wikimedia projects.
Partnerships already in place by WMPT:
* Wiki Movimento Brasil, with whom we have close cooperation in a number of GLAMs and other initiatives, including the National Library of Portugal, the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro Glam, and the Brazilian National Archives.
* We’ve engaged in joint cooperation over Wikidata with members of the Wikimedia communities at Guinea-Bissau (with which we have an active and ongoing project), Guinea-Conakry, Nigeria and Ghana. We are also in regular contact with the Wikidata developers team at WMDE, and are actively working in projects involving Scholia, digital libraries, and a number of approaches to Wikidata in the field of Digital Humanities.
* In Education, we have active and ongoing partnerships with CLEPUL, ISAL, Universidade Aberta and Universidade da Madeira, and active long term educational projects with CLEPUL and ISAL.
* Furthermore, the Library of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology (also from NOVA University) is very interested in doing a partnership with NOVA SBE by allocating resources from the American Corner (a program of the U.S. Embassy & Consulate in Portugal) that will fund the participation of American speakers in the event.
* Last but not least, the Academic Libraries Working Group of the Portuguese Association of Librarians, Archivist and Documentalists (BAD) showed openness for discussing Linked Data in the academic field, and Wikidata is on the table. This may represent new opportunities to engage with other High Education institutions, through libraries.

Scholarships and Participation

  • I really appreciate the mindset considering new and intermediate editors. Can you please share how will you address the ‘welcoming newcomers’ goal when targeting the conference audience?
The registration process will include a questionnaire that will help us identify the experience level of attendants, allowing us to better welcome and orient the newcomers through the sessions. We’re planning to start the event with a welcome breakfast and include ice-breaking activities before the conference.
  • Do you intend to reach out to mainly local OpenStreetMap, Mapillary, Here volunteers, or do you have any plans on how to engage with regional non -wikimedian volunteers as well?
Since the 2018 Moita Free Software Party, WMPT has been engaging with a network of local and regional open data enthusiasts/volunteers, mainly from the OpenStreetMap, Mapillary, Here, Open Geo, Data Journalism, Digital Rights activism, Open Software (including the local Ubuntu community). We are not only inviting them to participate but are counting on their expertise to organize and promote the event.
  • You stated that proposals for projects/communication to be included in this event will be evaluated by a designated Scientific Committee. Can you say more about the composition of this committee and the criteria you will use for selection?
We will invite academics, both in the digital humanities, data and information and library science fields.

We will definitely be happy to support and provide any guidance needed through the scholarship selection process. However, we can not at the moment commit to fully review scholarship proposals. Please keep that in mind when evaluating the necessary resources. Furthermore, I am not very clear on what do you mean by ‘other eventual sponsors’ to evaluate scholarships, but I do want to emphasize that the scholarship committee should consist of mainly Wikimedia movement members, with a wikimedia context and experience.

WMPT and NOVA SBE will form the committee that will decide who will receive the scholarships. When we mentioned other sponsors we meant they will cover part of the costs for eventual speakers that are not in this proposal. That is the case of the American Corner (Portuguese American Embassy) that can sponsor the coming of an American keynote speaker (obviously with Wikimedia background). If the grant is accepted we will continue to look for other institutions that could act as mediators and facilitators on sponsoring other speakers for the Conference, e.g Goethe Institut and Istituto Italiano di Cultura Lisbona.
  • How will you address the gender gap risk when selecting scholarship recipients? Are you planning to allocate some scholarships to female participants?
A number of the affiliates we are inviting are already participating in gender-related projects/groups, including Wikimujeres, Wikidonne and Wikiesfera. Additionally, we are definitely planning to give considerable weight to female/non-binary attendants, in order to reduce the gender gap in the attendance.
  • The same question goes to emerging and underrepresented communities.
Apart from Spain, all the affiliates planned to attend are from emerging communities in the Global South, and a considerable number of them are from underrepresented communities, particularly from Africa. On this particular, DarwIn is in touch with the WikiIndaba Conference steering committee, in order to coordinate efforts related to African communities and this conference.


  • I’m not clear regarding the Hotel. Will in be in Lisbon? Or near the Campus?
The hotel mentioned on the budget table is merely indicative and it’s located in Carcavelos (Cascais Municipality), nearby the campus. Depending on the estimative of participants we can also try to negotiate shuttle transfer directly from hotel(s) to the campus. There are more options to choose from Cascais and Oeiras Municipality (adjacent municipality).
If attendees prefer to stay at Lisbon centre they have a lot of options to choose from and they can easily travel to the campus by train (travel duration: 30 mins).
  • Can you please confirm you are interested in offering 5 local + 17 international scholarships?
These are effectively our initial calculations. In the case of Portugal, a significant number of the expected participants are already in the Lisbon region, and will not need scholarships. However, we would like to have some flexibility with the scholarships, if possible, so that we can attribute additional ones if the allocated budget allows.

Thank you for the work you have done on this grant proposal. We are excited to see your motivation and initiative to encourage growth within the community. Best CAlmog (WMF) (talk) 12:48, 20 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

@CAlmog (WMF): I would like to add that this answer was collaboratively built by CatarinaMReis, Miguelmcorreia, and myself.--- Darwin Ahoy! 20:46, 26 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hi Miguelmcorreia,DarwIn and CatarinaMReis, and thank you for your response.

To sum things of, the main challenges the committee and I see at the moment are:

  • There's a need to better define the measures for success. You did a good job with defining the goals (which are very diverse), but the potential outcome is not yet clear. As we go further, you will need to identify clearer metrics.
Thank you very much for your input, we are aware of some of the weakness of our proposal, and more refined metrics are one of them. Our community is dispersed and scattered, that’s why we think it’s important to make a conference with a scale where we can meet people in person and consolidate a better strategy for community growth for the next years. A primary goal should be to gather consistent Wikimedia volunteers to create working/interest groups on several projects: GLAMs, Education & Science, and on Open Data projects, such as integration with the OSM communities and projects and others. If this conference comes to happen with your support, we think this will leave a strong mark for the future years where we can consolidate practices of measuring the impact of these kind of activities.
  • Given the scale of the event, I'm a bit concerned you received only 10 responses to the community input survey. This will also need some work on the go. If approved, you can gather more information and data on registration.
We are also a bit disappointed with the few answers we got. Maybe many people just don’t like to answer written surveys. There were many positive in-person answers and a lot of interest, also demonstrated on direct contact through online chats (our wiki related telegram groups) and emails, which apparently didn’t translated into a concrete action on answering the survey. Your idea of getting more data on registration is a great one, and we will definitely do that. We are also in contact with the organizers and some participants of Wikimedia Portugal Conference 2020, Jornadas Wikimedia España 2019, WikidataCon 2019 and WikiIndaba 2019, to ensure the promotion and potential participation on the initiative since a very early date.
  • We are also interested to see what kind of program focus will you have on cross- affiliates collaboration. We think that is a great goal that has a lot of potential impact given the diverse audience of the conference. It might be worth to explore best practices of regional and in-wiki collaborations.
This will be the first time the Iberian communities will be together in a model like this (as well all the other communities we expect to invite) and we hope that a common strategy will be written down. Your inputs made us think about a couple of things that we should definitely include on the program, and defining a regional and inter-wiki community strategy will be on it.

I appreciate your thorough response. Final decision will be announced October 29. Thank you again for your cooperation! Best, CAlmog (WMF) (talk) 00:56, 18 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

Thank you again for your insights. Let us know if you need anything more. We will be following closely this thread. Miguelmcorreia (talk) 20:54, 19 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

Eligibility confirmed, Round 1 2019-2020

This Conference Grant proposal is under review!

We've confirmed your proposal is eligible for Round 1 2019-2020 review.

New grants will be announced October 29, 2019. See the schedule for more details.

Questions? Contact us.

Budget adjustment proposal

Event budget table (WDD 2021 - 2021-07-20)
Number Category Item description Unit Number of units Cost per unit Total cost Currency Notes
1 Accomodation Hotel and breakfast (4 staff) Rooms / days 4 / 4 100 1,600 EUR Reference cost in Lisbon, in hotels near the venue (NH Lisboa Campo Grande and similar)
2 Travel Transport costs for 4 staff coming from other places of Portugal (Madeira, Oporto, Braga) Staff 4 100 400 EUR Estimate based on previous experience
3 Food and beverages Meals for 9 staff, 4 days, 2 meals per day at unit cost 20€ staff /days / number of meals 9 / 4 / 2 20 1,440 EUR Estimate based on previous experience
4 Food and beverages Coffee breaks & refreshments at the venue for staff & participants during the 4 days of the conference 1 500 500 EUR Estimate based on previous experience
5 Accomodation Hotel and breakfast (12 scholarships) Rooms / days 12 / 4 100 4,800 EUR Reference cost in Lisbon, in hotels near the venue (NH Lisboa Campo Grande and similar)
6 Travel Transport costs for 12 scholarships holders coming from other places of Portugal scholarship holders 12 100 1,200 EUR Estimate based on previous experience
7 Food and beverages Meals for 12 scholarship holders, 4 days, 2 meals per day at unit cost 20€ staff /days / number of meals 12/ 4 / 2 20 1,920 EUR Estimate based on previous experience
8 Technical/production costs Streaming services / Video production 1 7,500 7,500 EUR
9 Venue costs Costs associated with the venue 1 0 0 EUR Covered by the National Library of Portugal
10 Logistical costs Administrative costs / work with event organization 1 0 0 EUR Covered through volunteer staff
11 Logistical costs Traportation for 1 Wikidata Safari Uber 15 25 375 EUR Calculated from Campo Grande to Praça do Comércio), at current Uber prices, go and return. Each Uber should transport 2 participants max, total 30 participants
12 Outreach and material Roll-ups / T-Shirts or Totem Bags 1 800 800 EUR Estimate based on previous experience
13 Outreach and material Social media promotion 1 200 200 EUR Estimate based on previous experience
14 Unforeseen 1 630 630 EUR
Total cost of event
21,365 € = 23,592.3 USD (according to the conversion rates used at time of initial grant approval)
Total amount requested from the Conference and Event Grants program
21,365 € = 23,592.3 USD
Event venue: National Library of Portugal
Auditorium – 21+2 speakers
Multimedia room – 10+2 speakers
Notes: Event venue changed from NOVA SBE to the National Library of Portugal due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions and logistic reasons
Date/Duration (days): 5 to 9 of October 2021
Nº Participants: 50
Notes: Date chosen taken into account both the Covid-19 pandemic evolution in Portugal, predicted to be fairly stable at this date, the vaccination of organization members (all should be fully vaccinated by this date), and the strategic position both in the national focus institutions calendars, and the oncoming WikidataCon 2021, covering a similar scope.
Miguel Mimoso, Fátima Neves, Catarina Reis, Dulce Fontes, Miguel Sales, Paulo Perneta, André Barbosa, Gonçalo Themudo, Waldir (9 staff = 5 local (Lisbon) + 4 from abroad (Madeira, Oporto, etc.)
Attendance/participation scholarships
SCHEDULE / PROGRAM (preliminary)
Day 5 Oct.: Arrival and staff reception
Day 6 Oct.: GLAMS / Wiki Safari - Open Street map
Day 7 Oct.: Academy / Workshop: Basic and Technical Skills, Working groups, Training
Day 8 Oct.: Community / Wiki Safari: JF Alvalade (quarter around the National Library, can be done by foot), Community Engagement
Day 9 Oct.: Wikidata Strategy Day. Conclusions

--- Darwin Ahoy! 17:36, 10 August 2021 (UTC)Reply

Extending the deadline for reporting Grant canceled


Hi, We would like to request a meeting to update on the status of the conference, and/or a delay in the reporting requirements for a few months. GoEThe (talk) 17:24, 24 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Noting here that GoEThe notified WMF by email of the WikiData Days Conference Grant cancelation after the above post.
User:DarwIn, I believe you might be the project lead (main contact) for this grant. If not, please share my question with the appropriate person. Were there any expenses paid in organizing the conference? (e.g. deposits paid but not refunded after Covid-10 restrictions were enacted) If yes, please list each expense item here with the amount (include currency) and the total amount spent (include currency). We will deduct any unused funds (or the full Conference Grant amount, if there were no expenses paid) from WMPT's next grant payment for Wikimedia Portugal Annual Plan 2022. Once we hear from you, we will be able to move forward with processing your new grant's payment. Thank you! -- JTud (WMF), Grants Administrator (talk) 17:55, 25 January 2022 (UTC)Reply
@Jtud (WMF) Hello! Yes, I am the project lead for that grant. I confirm that due to the way the project was designed, all the preparations, meetings and other administrative work related to that conference was done on a volunteer way, and we never used the money we received from the grant. You can proceed with full deduction of those funds, please. Thanks, - Darwin Ahoy! 16:44, 26 January 2022 (UTC)Reply
Thank you, - Darwin for the quick reply. I will send an update on transfer details for your Wikimedia Portugal Annual Plan 2022 by email to you and GoEThe this week. -- Best, JTud (WMF), Grants Administrator (talk) 00:15, 27 January 2022 (UTC)Reply
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