Grants talk:Conference/Hindi Wikimedians/Hindi Wikipedia Conference 2018/Report

Some doubts


I am confused while looking at this report. May be I am not understanding some of the facts but as I am looking at the report, it is a bit confusing for me. Please give me some solutions, so it can be a bit easy for me to understand:

  1. In target, it is written that we were expecting participants from 1 country, but there are participants from 3 countries. How? Was the one participant (pseudo organizer) does/not belong to the some country? Can you please tell me the participants other than India? I have listen that there was a participant from Nepal. But I am asking about the 3rd one. Since, I would also like to count 30th participant.
  2. Survey analysis: I don't think so that results are as shown in report. Is it possible to make them public?
  3. Financial documentation: In this section, I have some doubts. Since, I don't have any such experience, so my doubts can be non-sense. Even, I would like to go through them:
    1. In travel scholarship, there are ₹ 7000 allocated to each and every person. Can you please elaborate this? Since, I asked only for ₹ 800 only.
    2. Video Documentation: Where is it? Was it done by the participants, who belongs to open source thinking! Or there was some expert hired for this job?
    3. Felicitation / Gifts: Was that cup costs ₹ 500? I can buy such cups in Jaipur in around ₹ 100 to 150. May be Delhi is a bit expensive (like 5 times.)
    4. Administrative costs: Who decided that (Emerson College will be)? I have listen from some rumors that WMF decides that who will give these facilities and we can't suggest even names. Please correct me, if I am making mistake.
    5. Misc: Why notes are missing in this subject?
  4. What are the achievements? I didn't find anything new in report which looks like a achievement. Since, this statement can be ignored.
  5. I would like to see at the number of participants: Participants from locals are around 10 (as much I remember roughly). Have you considered them for all expenses?

I shall look after few days, the responses and will try to understand it.☆★Sanjeev Kumar (talk) 18:26, 30 July 2018 (UTC)Reply

Clarifying doubts

  1. Participants attended the conference from : 1)India, 2)Nepal 3)USA. I personally came to Delhi from New York just to attend this conference.
  2. Financial Documentation:
    1. It is average. People who took the flight within India were awarded with 26,000 Rs. whereas locals got reimbursed only 800Rs. (As per committee suggestions - committee was elected by the community)
    2. Video Documentation : No one was paid to record and edit videos. Message was posted on Village Pump and no one responded except one volunteer who requested to cover basic expenses.
    3. Cups do come in different variety and quality. Paper cup would be 100 times less expensive. For given standards -  If Jaipur is cheaper then we can print cups from Jaipur next time.
    4. Fiscal sponsor(s) must match requirements provided by WMF and it is mandatory to have legal status while applying. We do acknowledge that there were many locals who wanted different fiscal sponsor and we respect their views and opinions. Organizers should be comfortable with all entities involved in planning and execution. We have mentioned this in the learning. If Hindi group gets legal status - then we can have in-house fiscal agent.
    5. Misc costs : Few items in hotel rooms were broken unintentionally by volunteers and we had to pay for it.
    6. Almost all participants stayed at the hotel (even local Delhi participants except few) and accommodation scholarship was utilized by almost everyone. We were able to accommodate all 30 participants at the hotel.

Videos :

Survey Infographics :

--AbhiSuryawanshi (talk) 03:51, 7 August 2018 (UTC)Reply

On mobile call, you prompted me that you are going to update data in few days. Please ping me after update. Since, I didn't saw any update other then few pictures and videos.☆★Sanjeev Kumar (talk) 12:13, 17 August 2018 (UTC)Reply
Dear Sanjiv-jee, Thank you so much for patience. Feel free to leave a comment here or text/call me if you have any doubts about the report. --AbhiSuryawanshi (talk) 17:29, 23 August 2018 (UTC)Reply

WMF comments


Hi Raju Jangid and AbhiSuryawanshi. First please accept our apologies for the delay in responding to this report. The financial documentation received in November, delayed our reviewing process, but I am looking forward to seeing the progress made. It seems like you have good inputs for future event, so thank you for that. I also appreciate you attaching photos and videos from the event. It's nice to watch and definitely helps in getting the 'feeling' of the event.

I reviewed your Final and Expanse reports, and there are some issues I'd be happy to learn more about.

Next steps

  • Do you have any update regarding the progress done 2 and 6 months after the conference? Please fill in the information here or on the Grant report page.
  • Any policy decisions made after the discussion at the conference or on the Village Pump?
  • Capacity Development - what kind of one-on-one training were made?
  • Working groups - Any progress on partnering with the government officials?


  • 20% female rate is not high. For next conferences please be more aware and consider outreach and targeting more female participation.
  • You mentioned 'Set up expectations in advance' for future conferences - did you mean set up expectations with the community? Please elaborate.
  • Why did you mentioned the need to contact grantees on all platforms? Were there any problams with reaching out to scholarship recipients?


  • Can you please provide links to how you used the Video Documentation (except from the Commons documentation)?
  • You listed INR 14,741 left ($207), but the Event budget table suggest full use of the funds. So do you have any Funds left? Please clarify.

I'll be waiting to your response so I can later formally approve and close the grant report.

Thank you so much for the time spent in filing this report, and for the team efforts and hard work in hosting this event. Best, CAlmog (WMF) (talk) 13:26, 25 February 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hi CAlmog (WMF), Thank you so much for reviewing our report. We are thankful to you and your team for giving us the opportunity to host Hindi Conference. We had hosted Hindi Conference in Delhi three years back and this conference was much needed after a gap of 3 years. Biggest success for us - next conference happened within one year. Leadership for new conference was trained at the Delhi Conference.
I will answer questions one by one -
  • Do you have any update regarding the progress done 2 and 6 months after the conference? Please fill in the information here or on the Grant report page.
Table is updated with 6 months after the conference.
  • Any policy decisions made after the discussion at the conference or on the Village Pump?
One of important discussed policy was about hosting more outreach events and hosting conference outside Delhi. 2019 Hindi Conference took place in Kolkata last month.
  • Capacity Development - what kind of one-on-one training were made?
We identified potential outreach coordinators and explained how to host workshops/conferences in other parts of India. As a result of it, 2019 Hindi Conference took place
  • Working groups - Any progress on partnering with the government officials?
Yes, We collaborated with Government of India and Hindi Wikimedians participated in World Hindi Conference.
  • 20% female rate is not high. For next conferences please be more aware and consider outreach and targeting more female participation.
We agree with you however; just to give you brief background - We had 0% participation in the beginning and then it was 5% and now we reached 20%, this will improve over a period of time.
  • You mentioned 'Set up expectations in advance' for future conferences - did you mean set up expectations with the community? Please elaborate.
Yes, We meant 'set up expectations with the community'. Community members had various expectations ranging from 'how to be an admin' to 'how to host outreach session'.
  • Why did you mentioned the need to contact grantees on all platforms? Were there any problams with reaching out to scholarship recipients?
Yes, scholarship recipient had different preferences for contact (WhatsApp, E-Mail, Call etc). We assumed everyone will be okay with E-mail and call, one e mails went to spam folder and we called on wrong number (given on scholarship form, participant mistyped number).
  • Can you please provide links to how you used the Video Documentation (except from the Commons documentation)?
It is uploaded on YouTube. Commons file can be used by next generation organizers to understand what happened in the past.
  • You listed INR 14,741 left ($207), but the Event budget table suggest full use of the funds. So do you have any Funds left? Please clarify.
Full funds utilized. Currency rate was fluctuating when we applied for grant and it was totally different when we received the money. Dollar amount was same but local rupee value changed.
We are happy to see continued support from WMF for Hindi Wikipedia and we hosted next edition without 3 year wait. You may like to have a look at - 2019 Hindi Conference. Please let us know if you have any other questions. --AbhiSuryawanshi (talk) 21:26, 6 March 2019 (UTC)Reply
Hi AbhiSuryawanshi, thank you for taking the time to clarify. I will finalize the grant soon. Best CAlmog (WMF) (talk) 12:20, 13 March 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hi team,

Congratulations on completing your grant!

Your complete grant report has been reviewed and accepted, and documentation of expenses has been received. Thank you for your engagement with the reporting review process, and with your work throughout the grants process. We appreciate the outcomes from your project, and what you learned with WMF and the community.

We also warmly welcome any updates you would like to provide us about your completed project. We thank you for your work for the movement, and offer you our best wishes for your future work.

Thank you! All the best, CAlmog (WMF) (talk) 14:11, 13 March 2019 (UTC)Reply

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