Grants:Project/MSIG/511KeV/Ambassadors Program for Kashmiri community/Report

Movement Strategy Implementation Grant Report

Please review the notes below before submitting your report.

Your draft implementation plan document should address the following questions clearly:

  • What movement strategy initiative or goal are you addressing?
  • What activities will you be doing to address that initiative?
  • What do you expect will happen as a result of your activities? How do those outcomes address the movement strategy initiative?
  • How will you measure or evaluate your activities? What tools or methods will you use to evaluate your activities?

To create a draft implementation plan, we recommend the use of a logic model, which will help you and your team think about goals, activities, outcomes, and other factors in an organized way. Please refer the following resources to develop a logic model:



Please respond to the following questions below:

Where have you published your draft plan? Share the link to it here:

What Movement Strategy initiative is this draft plan supporting?

What activities have you completed to produce this draft plan?

  • As a part of this plan, We conducted research to know more about Movement Charter and its importance. The research helped to get a piece of detailed knowledge of the Movement Charter. We translated the pages related to the Movement Charter into the Kashmiri Language. The translated content was circulated to the Community members and Kashmiri language experts for the collection of suggestions. The suggestions were acted upon and reflected in the translations. Once the translations were improved, We started the Community feedback sessions. The meetings were open to all Wikimedians. Venues related to the Kashmiri Wikipedia were notified about the ongoing discussions. For maximum participation, A Main page notice was issued, Community portals and related venues were notified. One-to-one online sessions were also organized to get detailed feedback about Movement Charter content.

The following pages were translated during this project:

Under this Project, the following meetings were organized with the community.

  • Movement Charter conversation - Kashmiri community - 1 on Friday, 9th December 2022 at 08:00 - 09.00 PM (IST)
  • Movement Charter conversation - Kashmiri community - 2 on Tuesday, 13th December 2022 at 07:00 - 07:30 PM (IST)
  • Movement Charter conversation - Kashmiri community - 3 on Thursday, 15th December 2022 at 09:15 - 09:45 PM (IST)

Besides this, the Movement Charter content was also circulated to Non-Wikimedian Kashmiri language experts to get their views about the translations via different channels.

In which community channels have you announced your draft plan?

  • Telegram, Discord Server, Whatsapp



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

The project was funded $855, Out of which $800.68 were used.

  1. Bank fee: $5.11
  2. Research: $100
  3. Facilitation : $100
  4. Documentation: $100
  5. Translation: $300
  6. Coordination: $100
  7. Data: $21.98
  8. Meals $50
  9. Other (Webcam) = $23.59
  • Total amount spent = $800.68
  • Please find the spreadsheet with details on the budget here.

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?

  • Yes, After the completion of the project we have some unspent funds. The amount of unspent funds is INR 4375. We would like to use the funds in future grant applications prior to the approval of the Grants officer.
Remaining funds have been used or will be used for other approved mission-aligned activities. This use has been requested in writing and approved by WMF.

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?

  • The Kashmiri Community appreciated the MC Ambassadors program. The community is of the view that such steps make small communities feel engaged in the Movement.