Grants:IdeaLab/An Animated Invitation to Latin American Indigenous Communities

Una invitación animada a las comunidades indígenas de América Latina / An Animated Invitation to Latin American Indigenous Communities
Crear un video animado corto que incorpore elementos visuales de comunidades indígenas de la región y explique las diferentes formas en que las comunidades indígenas pueden participar en el movimiento Wikipedia. / Create a short animated video incorporating visual elements from indigenous communities across the region to introduce Wikipedia and explain the different ways that indigenous peoples can use the resource and eventually take part more actively in the Wikimedia movement.
idea creator
this project needs...
created on15:29, 9 February 2018 (UTC)

Project idea


About you


(Optional: Tell us a little about yourself. Write about your background, on-wiki experience, and other skills here!)


Rising Voices ha estado trabajando con redes de usuarios indígenas de internet en toda la región y donde la participación en proyectos Wikipedia ha tenido un especial interés. También completamos un proyecto de mapeo de oportunidades y desafíos en la creación y sustentabilidad de Wikipedia en lenguas nativas. Un elemento de este proyecto incluye una encuesta completada por 163, incluidos editores indígenas y otros jóvenes indígenas que están activos en línea. A partir de los resultados, quedó claro que existen conceptos erroneos entre encuestados sobre Wikipedia, así como la falta de familiaridad con las posibilidades de tener Wikipedia en su idioma.

Hemos reunido un equipo inicial de wikipedistas de habla indígena que formarán parte como asesores de este proyecto, así como reclutamiento de otros:

Rodrigo Pérez: Otras personas por definir


Rising Voices has been working with networks of indigenous internet users across the region and where participation in Wikimedia projects has been a special interest. We also completed a mapping project on the opportunities and challenges of creating and sustaining Wikipedias in native languages. An element of the project included a survey completed by 163 including indigenous editors and other indigenous youth that are active online. From the results, it was clear that many respondents were only familiar with Wikipedia on a surface level, as well as the unfamiliarity of the possibilities of Wikipedia in their language. In addition, during discussion at the Strategy Salon that we co-hosted with the Wikimedia Bolivia Working Group, we heard a lot of misconceptions about Wikipedia and examples of how many didn’t fully understand how it works.

We are engaging with an initial team of indigenous language-speaking Wikipedians that will be a part of this project, as well as the recruitment of others:

Rodrigo Pérez: more TBA

Who are the people you want to introduce Wikipedia to?


(Try to be as specific as possible about this group (e.g. visitors at a specific library, students, people with a specific occupation or hobby)


Nos gustaría introducir Wikipedia a los jóvenes indígenas que ya están usando de manera activa Internet, algunos de los cuales ya han usado Wikipedia pero no han participado como un editores. Este grupo al que apuntamos ya tiene acceso a la tecnologías a través de dispositivos móviles o de escritorio y tienen un intereses en su cultura y lengua. También queremos que el vídeo esté disponible en cuatro idiomas para comenzar donde hay proyectos activos: Náhuatl (México), Aymara y Quechua (Región de los Andes), y Guaraní (Zona de triple frontera en América del Sur). También podríamos explorar el doblaje del vídeo a otros idiomas donde existe potencial basado en la expansión, en función del interés y los recursos disponibles.

Queremos involucrar especialmente a los estudiantes indígenas en muchas de las universidades indígenas e interculturales donde actualmente estudian un gran número de estudiantes indígenas.


We would like to introduce Wikipedia to indigenous youth that are already actively using internet, some of whom may already have used Wikipedia but may not have participated as an editor. This group that we are targeting already has access to technology either on mobile or desktop and have an existing interest in their culture and language. We also want to make the video available in four languages to begin where there is an active project: Náhuatl (Mexico), Aymara and Quechua (Andes region), and Guaraní (tri-border area of South America). We could also explore dubbing the video into other languages where there is a potential based to expand, based on interest and available resources.

We especially want to engage with indigenous students at many of the region’s indigenous or intercultural universities where a large number of indigenous students currently study.

In what languages do they search for information, online or otherwise?



Principalmente buscan la información en español debido a la cantidad de contenido disponible en comparación con otras lenguas en la región. Sin embargo, ellos han incrementado la búsqueda de contenido en su lengua materna si son hablantes de ese idioma. Además, se están volviendo más activos en la creación de contenido debido al aumento de los niveles de conectividad y el deseo de ver su lenguaje y cultura reflejados en línea.


Primarily they search for information in Spanish because of the amount of content available in compared to other languages in the region. However, increasingly they are seeking out content in their native language if they are a speaker of that language. In addition, they are becoming more active in creating content due to increased levels of connectivity and a desire to see their language and culture reflected online.

In what ways does this group communicate with each other?


(This can include services and apps in social media, mailing lists, physical spaces like conferences or lectures, or at specific institutions like a library. e.g. Facebook, WhatsApp, SMS, Twitter, etc.)


Están activos en las redes sociales, particularmente en Twitter, Facebook e Instagram. También son usuarios de aplicaciones de mensajería como WhatsApp y Telegram, y es por esto que queremos que este video se pueda compartir fácilmente para enviarlo entre las diferentes redes.


They are active in social media, particularly Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. They also are frequent users of messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram, and that is why we want to make this video easily shareable to be sent among the different networks.

What are some reasons this group would use Wikipedia? How would they benefit from it, or what would they find useful?


(Think about what they would be interested in reading and learning about; does Wikipedia provide better access to information this group cares about?)


Como se mencionó anteriormente, queremos involucrar a los estudiantes universitarios indígenas que pueden utilizar Wikipedia en sus estudios, pero que tal vez tienen conceptos erróneos sobre Wikipedia y su capacidad para participar activamente. El vídeo no solo proporcionará una descripción general de cómo Wikipedia puede ser de especial interés y uso para las comunidades indígenas, sino que brindamos información sobre cómo pueden participar, ya sea si los está conectando con afiliados locales o con el grupo de usuarios emergente (por definir).

Esto permitirá que los grupos analicen cómo se representa su cultura en Wikipedia, dándoles la oportunidad de mejorar o agregar información faltante siguiendo los cinco pilares.


As mentioned above, we want to engage indigenous university students that may use Wikipedia in their studies, but perhaps they have misconceptions about Wikipedia and their ability to participate actively. The video will not only provide an overview of how Wikipedia can especially be of interest and use for indigenous communities, but we will provide information about how they can get involved, whether it is connecting them with local affiliates or the emerging user group (to be determined).

This will allow the groups to analyze how their culture is represented on Wikipedia, giving them an opportunity to improve or add missing information following the five pillars.

What language Wikipedia projects will you promote to new readers?



Promocionaríamos Wikipedia en español, pero también en los cuatro proyectos activos de Wikipedia, los elementos visuales son universales y la voz y los subtítulos se pueden adaptar a cualquier idioma indígena.


We would promote Wikipedia in Spanish, but also in the four active Wikipedia projects, the visual elements will be universal, and the voice and sub-titles can be adapted for any indigenous language. It can also be used as a promotional tool to attract new readers in Wikipedia in Spanish, but also other 30+ incubator projects that may lead to further reactivation.

How will you communicate with new readers? Will you be communicating with them online, in-person, or both?



Nosotros proporcionaremos una manera clara para que se comuniquen con grupos dispuestos a brindar apoyo. En algunos casos, cuando hay suficiente interés y una institución asociada, algunos contactos pueden darse en talleres o tutorías en persona.


We will provide a clear way for them to communicate with groups willing to provide support. In some cases, where there is enough interest and partnering institution, some contact may develop into in-person workshops or mentoring.

Describe your idea to engage new readers. How might it be implemented? What will you tell people about Wikipedia?


(Think about the steps that might involved to make this idea happen, and what you might teach people about your experience or others' experiences using Wikipedia.)


No queremos reinventar la rueda y crear una secuencia de pasos desde cero. Por lo tanto, nos gustaría consultar con otros grupos que hayan pasado por este proceso de mensajería.


We don’t want to re-invent the wheel and create a script from scratch. Therefore, we would like to consult with other groups that have gone through this process of the messaging.

How will you know if this project is successful? What are some outcomes that you can share after the project is completed?


(If you’re not certain about how to respond to this question when starting your idea, you do not need to answer it right now. Campaign participants and Wikimedia Foundation staff can help you consider some options. e.g. increased page views to a category of pages, trending topics on social media, increased media coverage)


Nos gustaría rastrear el número de visitas a la página utilizando la herramienta Wiki Stats y ver si hay aumentos notables en las páginas vistas en función del despliegue de las distintas versiones en idiomas indígenas, ya que será difícil rastrear esto en español. Nosotros planeamos subir el video a diferentes plataformas y también podemos rastrear el número de visitas.


We would like to track the number of page views using the Wiki Stats tool and see if there are any noticeable increases in page views based on the roll-out of the various versions in indigenous languages, as it will be difficult to track this in Spanish. We plan to upload the video to different platforms and where we can track the number of views.

Do you think you can implement this idea? What support do you need?


(Do you need people with specific skills or resources to complete this idea? Are there any financial needs for this project? Do you need advising from Wikimedia Foundation staff?)


Sí, nosotros podemos ser parte del proceso. Nos gustaría contar con la ayudar con otros departamentos de Wikipedia o afiliados con experiencia trabajando con artistas visuales para producir un video de principio a fin. Quizás el proceso sería más efectivo manejado desde la WMF en colaboración con un grupo de partes interesadas.


Yes, we can help in the process, but we would like to do so in close collaboration with the WMF and other interested in regional affiliates working in these populations, as well as groups with experience with working with visual artists to produce a video from start to finish. Perhaps this is something best managed directly from the WMF with a group of stakeholders as advisors.

Project roles - Do you want people with specific skills to help out with your idea?


You can specify which roles you need, and how many people you need, below. For example: to ask for 2 researchers, select the number next to the researcher role below.

Advisor / Asesores Videomaker / Creadores de video




  • A realistic idea to attract many people. Reads well thought-out. X black X (talk) 11:06, 16 April 2018 (UTC)
  • Good idea. If works, could be implement with a lot of indigenous communities/minor languages, to help them improve articles about their culture not only in Wikipedia, but also in Wikivoyage and other Wikimedia projects. Camelia (talk) 15:30, 22 July 2018 (UTC)

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