Fundraising 2008/Questions/hsb

Prašenja a wotmołwy


Što je Wikimedia Foundation?


Wikimedia Foundation Inc. je třechowa organizacija wšelakich projektow ze swobodnym wobsahom, předewšěm Wikipedije, mytowana internetna encyklopedija. Pospytujemy kubłanski wobsah z tutych projektow w tak wjele formach kaž móžno k ludźom přinjesć. Wosebje chcemy wróćo stajene zhromadźenstwa z wobmjezowanym přistupom ke kubłanskemu wobsahej a k tomu přinošować. Mamy wjace hač 300 serwerow, kotrež so wužiwaja, zo bychu so naše projekty wudźeržowali, hromadźe z přisłušnymi domenowymi mjenami a wikowanskimi znamjenjemi. Naše projekty darma a bjez reklamy. Podpěrujemy strategiske dźěło za wuwiwanje softwary na softwarje MediaWiki a přisłušne nastroje, kotrež wjace ludźom dowoleja so wobdźělić, abo dowolamy eksistowacej zhromadnosći dobrowólnikow bóle efektiwnje dźěłać. To wopřijima nastroje, kotrež su so wosebje na zawěsćenje kwality poćahuja. Wuwiwamy wuknjenske resursy, podpěrujemy dźěłarnje a prócujemy so, inteleigentnje wo druhe wašnja přemyslować, kak je móžno nowych sobudźěłaćerjow dobyć a Wikimediju jako mjezynarodne hibanje za swobodnu wědu wutwarić.

Při wšěm tym nam městne wotnožki podpěruja, kotrež su we wjele druhich krajach zorganizowane.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Hdźe móžu wjace wo aktualnych aktiwitach zhonić?


Za etatowe lěto 2007-08, skonsultujće prošu našu Lětnu rozprawu.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Sće spomóžerske zarjadnišćo?


Haj. Wikimedija je powšitkownosći wužitne spomóžerske zjednoćenstwo zorganizowane pod zakonjemi Floridy, USA, ze sydłom w San Franciscu, Kaliforniskej, USA. Połnje pruwowane, załožba Wikimedia Foundation je nětko jako dobroćelska organizacija pola Guidestar a jeho partnerskich sydłow nalistowana. Wikimedia Foundation ma Zjednoćenych statach bjezdawkowy status po postajenju 501(c)(3).

Eksistenca załožby Wikimedia Foundation bu wot załožerja Wikipedije Jimmy Wales 20. junija 2003 oficielnje wozjewjena. Statuty załožby Wikimedia Foundation Inc. steja online k dispoziciji.

Wjele wotnožkow je tohorunja pod zakonjemi swojeho kraja dobroćelske, hlejće tu za podrobnosće.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Čehodla měł ja załožbje Wikimedia Foundation darić?


Nadawk załožby Wikimedia Foundation je, lochki přistup k informacijam za ludźi z cyłeho swěta darmo a bjez reklamy k dispozicji stajić. Jako powšitkownosći wužitna organizacija je wona wot wašeje pomocy wotwisna, zo by to činiła. Waše dary podpěruja direktnje někotre z najpopularnišich hromadźe wobdźěłowanych referencnych projektow w swěće, inkluziwnje Wikipedije, jedne z dźesać najpopularnišich websydłow a najwjetša encyklopedija, kotraž bu hdy w stawiznach čłowjestwa zestajena.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Kotre projekty podpěrujeće?


Wikimedia Foundation podpěruje Wikipediju, internetnu encyklopediju a jednu z 10 najbóle wopytanych websydłow swětodaloko. Wot załoženja Wikipedije w januarje 2001 a registrowanja załožby Wikimedia Foundation w juniju 2003, je naš róst chabłał. Wikipedija w jendźelšćinje, naš prěni projekt, je so dźensa na 6,000,000 nastawkow powjetšił. Wšě rěče Wikipedije hromadźe wobsahuja wjace hač 47,000,000 nastawkow.

Nimo Wikipedije Wikimedia Foundation tež podpěruje:

Wikimedia Commons, chowarnja za medije, kotraž wjace hač 43,000,000 swobodnje wužiwajomne wobrazy, wideja a zynkowe dataje wobsahuje
Wikibooks, projekt za wutworjenje swobodnych wučbnicow
Wiktionary, wjacerěčny słownik a tezawrus; hornjoserbska wersija rěka Wikisłownik
Wikisource, biblioteka žórłowych dokumentow
Wikinews, websydło za wobydlerske powěsće
Wikiversity, interaktiwna wuknjenska platforma
Wikiquote, zběrka citatow
Wikispecies, přewodnik za žiwjenje

Wodźimy a podpěrujemy wuwiće softwary MediaWiki, wikijowa softwara zjawneho žórła za nimale wšěmi našimi zjawnymi websydłami; pomhamy socialne podawki a zarjadowanja zhromadźenstwa organizować, zo bychmy ludźi pozbudźili, k našim projektam přinošować a my poskićamy sćahujomne kopije za wužiwanje offline a archiwy datoweje banki wobsaha Wikipedije.

Dalše informacije móžeće na stronje wo našich projektach namakać.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Kak Wikimedia Foundation funguje?


Wikimedia Foundation ma personal z 302 wosobow, nawjedowany wot jednaćelki, Sue Gardner. Personal podpěruje dźěło stotysacow dobrowólnikow, kotřiž k zhromadźenstwam Wikimedije wobsahi přinošuja. Podpěruje so tež wot njeličomnych dobrowólnikow, kotřiž so přez komiteje, jako interni sobudźěłaćerjo abo na zakładźe "ad hoc" wobdźěleja.

Załožbowa rada artikuluje misiju a wiziju załožby Wikimedia Foundation, přepruwuje dołhodobne plany a pomha je wuwiwać, poskića dohladowanje a podpěruje prócowanja załožby Wikimedia Foundation wo zběranje darow. Po statutach je wona ultimatiwna organizatoriska awtorita załožby Wikimedia Foundation. Hlejće Zetkanja za wozjewjene protokole Rady a rezolucije za wozjewjene rezolucije Rady. Rada so zdźěla wot zhromadźenstwa sobudźěłaćerjow projektow Wikimedije wuzwola. Rada so wot Přirady z předsydku Angela Beesley podpěruje.

Mamy jedyn běrow w San Franciscu, Kaliforniskej (USA), hdźež najwjace našich přistajenych dźěła. Wšitcy čłonojo rady a zbytny personal dźěłaja z daliny.

Prócujemy so z wysokej transparencu skutkować a smy klučowe zasady a financne informacije wozjewili.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Kak so dochody wudawaja?

Our Annual Report is our most important instrument of accountability to our donors. It explains our programs and includes a summary of key financial information. You can download a high resolution copy of the 07-08 Annual Report (3.7 MB PDF).

In the simplest possible terms:

  1. To support the continued operation of Wikipedia and our other free knowledge projects (by paying for servers, hosting, bandwidth, and operations staff);
  2. To continue the development of the open source software powering our projects;
  3. To respond to requests from our volunteer community;
  4. To support the growth and impact of our international volunteer community and the content in our projects through key events like Wikimania and Wikipedia Academies, through strategic partnerships, and through the cultivation of local chapters around the world;
  5. To pay for financial, administrative, legal, and fundraising expenses.

The primary instrument of accountability that we use to report our activities to our supporters is our Annual Report: Download a high resolution copy of the 07-08 Annual Report (3.7 MB PDF). If you donate online, we will send you our next Annual Report by e-mail when it is released. The Annual Report includes explanations of our core program activities, and it also summarizes the data from our 2007-2008 audited financial statements.

If you want to study our numbers in greater detail, we provide you with access to financial reporting and planning. To understand better how your donation is used, you can see a detailed explanation of our spending in the Annual Plan Presentation to the Board of Trustees (PDF). This includes:

  • Summary of strategic spending priorities
  • Comparison of the 07-08 actuals vs. the 08-09 plan
  • 08-09 departmental budget breakdown
  • Summary of top spending increases in 08-09
  • Organizational chart
  • Hiring plan for 2008-09

We've also written a Questions and Answers page related to the plan.

Additional financial information, including copies of our audited financial statements up to the most recent fiscal year (2007-2008), can be found on the financial reports page.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Kak so Wikimedia Foundation financuje?


Wikimedia is funded primarily through donations by tens of thousands of individuals, but also through several grants and gifts of servers and hosting (see benefactors).

The Wikimedia Foundation receives donations from more than 50 countries around the world. Though individual donations are relatively small, their sheer numbers have ensured our success.

We are presently not considering advertising as a source of revenue.

The Wikimedia Foundation has 501(c)(3) tax exempt status in the United States. Donations made from other nations may also be tax deductible. See deductibility of donations for details. Please see our fundraising page for details of making donations via PayPal, MoneyBookers or by postal mail. For all other types of donation, please contact us through donate

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Kelko pjenjez nadźijeće so zwjesć?


For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2008 and ending June 30, 2009, we have budgeted $5.9 million in expenses, and an annual operating reserve of $1.36 million. We are hoping to raise $6 million through our annual campaign. We hope to raise the remaining revenue through our other fundraising activities throughout the fiscal year, and with business development (such as licensing the Wikipedia name and logo for commercial uses). More details about our finances can be found in our Finance report, in particular, the 2008-09 Annual Plan presentation.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Štó druhi was w tutym cilu podpěruje?


Darićeljo a wužiwarjo kaž wy maja najwjetši podźěl na našich dóstanych darach. Někotři jednotliwcy, priwatne załožby a zjednoćenstwa su sćedriwje najwjetše dary dali. Móžeće jich na našej stronje Darićeljo widźeć.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Kotre cile chceće w tutym etatowym lěće docpěć?


Our first and foremost programmatic objective is to keep Wikipedia and our other projects online, free of charge and free of advertising. Our traffic continues to increase rapidly every year: As of today, more than 250 million people visit us every month. We hope that it will be many more by this time next year. Your donation will help us to pay for server equipment, operations staff, bandwidth, and so forth. This year, we're also hoping to increase our storage capacity to allow greater usage of video and audio in Wikipedia.

We also employ several software developers to continually improve the Wikipedia experience for readers, and to allow our global volunteer community of more than 100,000 people to contribute more effectively. This includes the development of quality labeling tools, simplifications of the editing interface, improvements to the media uploading process, better handling of rich media, in-depth statistics, etc.

We want to make sure that everyone can get access to our content in some form. Did you know that you can download all of Wikipedia and use it for any purpose? We provide this service for free to help other organizations, such as the One Laptop Per Child project, create offline versions. We are also improving cell phone access, adding PDF export, and building strategic relationships to help people with no or limited Internet access.

Last but not least, the Wikimedia Foundation exists to support a global volunteer community advancing the cause of free knowledge. The organization is now supported by 38 international chapters – the two most recent additions are Brazil and Indonesia. These almost exclusively volunteer-run organizations represent a global "on the ground" presence. The Wikimedia Foundation supports chapters by reviewing organizational bylaws and processes, providing advice on fundraising and business development, sharing PR resources, creating templates for events and other program activities, and so on.

Chapters are key to inviting more and more people to join our cause. For example, we are supporting the Argentinian and Swedish chapters to organize "Wikipedia Academy" events in November: wiki conferences where people learn how to participate in Wikipedia. The Argentinian chapter will also organize Wikimania 2009 in Buenos Aires, an annual conference bringing together hundreds of people to discuss the future of free knowledge. And we're working with the German chapter to pilot "Wikipedia Trainer" workshops, where people learn how to teach others to contribute to Wikipedia.

Our commitment is to use your donation in ways that help us to achieve our overall vision: a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.

Organizationally, these goals are expressed as follows:

  1. Achieve organizational maturity
  2. Achieve financial sustainability
  3. Encourage and broaden participation
  4. Increase quality and perception of quality
  5. Increase distribution beyond Wikipedia

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

What happens if you do not reach your goal?


We will evaluate other fundraising opportunities after January. With the newly hired Foundation fundraising staff, we have more options and more avenues to pursue to meet any revenue shortfall. A second, smaller fundraiser may be scheduled for March.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

How will your plans be affected by the global economic crisis?


The conventional wisdom is that the subset of donations that's softest in a troubled economy is first-time major gifts. That's because if, year after year, a donor has given an organization $1M annually, it is tough to suddenly scale that back. But if a donor is poised to give for the first time, and would normally have been considering a gift of $1M, it is fairly easy to give less, because they haven't yet set any expectations.

That softness is bad news for us, since we have a very small pool of major donors, which we have recently hired Rebecca Handler to expand. It is not an easy time to be trying to do that.

It is also conventional wisdom that "small gifts" (the bulk of what comes in through our online fundraiser) remain fairly insensitive to economic turmoil until and unless the turmoil looks very bad, and looks like it will last a very long time. Foundation grants are considered fairly impervious to economic downturn; corporate grant-making programs semi-susceptible because the budgets of some are tied to the organization's own financial performance. It is also the case that in economic hard times, philanthropy shifts somewhat away from charities like museums and schools, towards those providing basic necessities such as food and housing.

So what will our response be, in the event donations soften? Basically, there's only two things to be done: cut spending, and find new ways to increase revenues.

Cutting spending is straightforward: if necessary, the Executive Director would institute a non-essential spending freeze. Freezes can range from "soft" - e.g., putting a hold on consultants and other discretionary spending, scaling back on travel, and deferring new hires such as the Chief Program Officer, to "strict" - e.g., deferring tech purchases, canceling planned spending for outreach events, etc. We would see what's necessary.

Our other piece of work would be to find new ways to increase revenues, for example by increasing our focus on grant-making institutions which, as noted above, are generally considered less susceptible to downturns. More information will help us here: For example, if big donations turn out to be impervious to the downturn, while small donations suffer, we would refocus towards major gifts.

At this point, the entire organization is re-prioritizing "making money" upwards. If we are weighing whether to put our energy behind Initiative A or Initiative B, and Initiative A will bring in money while B will not, A is a little higher on our priority list than it would have been two months ago.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Kak darić?


Zo byšće darił, wopytajće prošu našu darjensku stronu. Móžeće z pomocu wuznamneje kreditneje karty (VISA, Mastercard, Discover abo American Express), PayPal, Moneybookers abo bankoweho přepokazanja darić abo přez słanje šeka k załožbje Wikimedia Foundation. Naše darjenske opcije podpěruja najwjace (hačrunjež nic wšě) měnow.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Where do I send checks?


Send checks to:

Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 98204
Washington, DC 20090-8204
Note: donations by check are processed directly at our centralized lockbox location which is in Washington, DC.

Our preference is for checks in U.S. dollars, drawn on U.S. bank accounts. Checks in currencies other than U.S. dollars, or from bank accounts outside the U.S., can be very expensive for us to process, which reduces the value of your gift. If you do not have a U.S. bank account, you can maximize the value of your donation by giving via Paypal or wire transfer.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Can I make a stock donation to the Wikimedia Foundation?


The Wikimedia Foundation accepts stock donations. You can make a donation by transferring stock from your brokerage to ours by providing your broker with our name, investment account number and DTCC clearing number.

Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
Suntrust Bank
Investment account number FER137812
DTCC Clearing account number 0226

We also accept stock certificates endorsed with a signature guarantee. Please send certificates to:

Marc S. Sanders
401 E. Jackson Street, 19th Floor
Tampa, FL 33602

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Móžu swoje dary wot dawkow wotćahać?


Prošu poćahujće so na lisćinu krajow za podrobnosće wo wotćahujomnosći wot dawkow.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

If I make a donation, how do I get my tax receipt?


Anyone who donates by paypal or credit card will receive a an email tax receipt as long as their email address was included with the donation. Donations by check over $50 will receive a tax receipt by mail if a return address for the donation is known. You may also request a tax receipt for your donation by writing us at giving (please include your contact information, the method you used to donate, and the amount of your donation).

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Can I give you a targeted or restricted donation to be used for something very specific?


Charities based in the United States, including the Wikimedia Foundation, are required to honor restrictions requested by donors. This means that if you specify your donation needs to be restricted for a specific use, we will either honor your request or return your donation. But before you decide to do that, please consider that unrestricted donations are much more useful for us. Every restriction imposes administrative overhead and planning costs, and increases internal complexity.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Why is there a minimum donation?


While we want everyone to be able to give and contribute to the Wikimedia Foundation, the donation processing has certain fees and processing costs attached. The minimum donation covers those costs and allows the donation to get where the donor wants it most: to supporting free and open global knowledge.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Što móžu činić, zo bych wam pomhał, poselstwo rozšěrić?


Rozšěrće poselstwo, na kóždežkuli wašnje, kotrež móžeš! Zdźělće jo swojim přećelam a swojej swójbje. Stajće tłóčatka a chorhojčka do swojeho bloga. Wužijće tutón tekst jako signaturowu dataju deleka na swojich e-mejlach: Waše dary dźerža Wikipediju w běhu! Podpěrajće załožbu Wikimedia Foundation dźensa:

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Kotre su waše zasady priwatnosće?


Bjerjemy škit prawow priwatnosće našich darićelow chutne. Prošu hlejće naše Zasady priwatnosće za naše dospołne podrobnosće. Krótko prajene, njedźělimy, ani njepředamy wašu e-mejlowu adresu, ani njewikujemy z njej.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko

Kak móžu Załožbu Wikimedia Foundation kontaktować?


Hlejće stronu Kontaktować za podrobnosće.

Horje so wróćićDarće nětko