Editing Learning patterns / How to write a report when working with mental health patients

A learning pattern forEvaluation
How to write a report when working with mental health patients
problemYou need to write the final report of a course with mental health patients.
solutionNot only metrics are important, there other points to consider.
created on22 January, 2019

What problem does this solve?


You were working on Wikitherapy, teaching psychiatric patients or the physically or mentally disabled to contribute to one of Wikimedia's projects. Now you need to write the final report. There are important points to consider that you should not forget.

What is the solution?


At the time of writing the report it is important, in addition to the metrics, to describe the type of patient you worked with. The detailed description of the study participants helps readers understand the applicability of the results. Since the population can be restricted by defining clinical and demographic characteristics among eligible participants, it is convenient to adequately describe the eligibility criteria that were used and to detail how and by whom patients were referred, what the inclusion and exclusion criteria were such as age, diagnosis, and co-morbidity conditions.

Things to consider

  • The importance of this project lie, noy only in metrics or how many new artiocles were created, but on the social imprint that means the inclusion of this population and the increase of awareness and understanding of the Wikimedia projects among professionals.
  • It is crucial that readers are presented with adequate information regarding the conditions and location of the workshop, the eligibility criteria, the recruitment of participants, specifying at each stage the number of individuals even if they have subsequently dropped out of the course.The degree of participation is as relevant as the degree of non-participation. It is also useful to describe the reasons for the loss of participants.
  • Another point to keep in mind is to be careful not to over-interpret the results. Identifying and discussing limitations is an essential part. It is important to identify biases and comment on their importance. It can never be generalized. The external validity or applicability, refers to the degree to which the results can be applied to other circumstances or to other courses that can be given by other volunteers elsewhere.

When to use


When you are interested in teaching editing Wikimedia projects to mental health patients.

See also
