Best practices for translatewiki events/de

This page is a translated version of the page Best practices for translatewiki events and the translation is 33% complete. ist eine Website, auf der Freiwillige die Benutzeroberfläche verschiedener freier Softwareprojekte übersetzen. Eines dieser Projekte ist MediaWiki, die Software, die Wikipedia und alle anderen Wikimedia-Wikis betreibt. Hier kann man auch die Benutzeroberfläche der Wikipedia-Apps sowie verschiedene andere verwandte Tools übersetzen.

The process of translating the user interface of software is also known as localization.

Localizing the user interface of the software that runs Wikimedia wikis as completely as possible is highly desirable for the following reasons:

  1. So wird Personen, die kein Englisch können, ermöglicht, alle Funktionen des Wikis in ihrer Sprache zu nutzen: Suchen, Kategorien durchsuchen, Bearbeiten, Überprüfen des Versionsverlaufs von Seiten, Hochladen von Dateien, usw.
  2. So wird Redakteuren (und Lesern!) ermöglicht, sich schriftlich und mündlich über das Bearbeiten und Lesen in ihrer Sprache zu unterhalten.

Localization on can be done by anyone who has a web connection, but it may be a good idea to run localization workshops, in which people get together in real life or online, and help each other translate. This is particularly useful for languages that are beginning to develop in the Wikimedia world.

Auf dieser Seite finden sich einige Empfehlungen für Personen, die solche Workshops organisieren, damit sie einen reibungslosen und effektiven Ablauf gewährleisten können.

Unless noted otherwise, all the best practices for running Wikimedia events in general apply also to translation events, so you should read about them and use them. See the page Learning patterns, and select "Events". In addition, the page Best practices for Content Translation events has suggestions for events for translating Wikipedia articles; there are many similarities between the processes of translating articles and localizing the user interface, but there are also some notable differences.

Auswahl des Veranstaltungsortes

Die Veranstaltung können vollständig online durchgeführt werden, wobei die Koordination über Sofortnachrichten oder Videokonferenzen erfolgt.

If you are doing an event in physical space, any quiet place with room to sit down comfortably and type on a computer is fine.

It is not necessary for the place to have computers. If people can bring their own laptops, it's good because they will be comfortable with their own devices. If the people cannot bring laptops, and you cannot find a venue that has computer stations, try to find a service where you can rent computers. In any case, check the notes below about keyboard configuration.

As of 2024, is not well-adapted for mobile phone screens. Nevertheless, it's somewhat usable on smartphones, and successful localization events were done where people used mobile phones for translations, so if everything else is organized well, it's better than not doing an event at all. (It's conceivable that will become more mobile-friendly in the future, but it will take time.)

Besonders empfehlenswerte Orte sind Bibliotheken, Schulen und Universitäten, vor allem solche, die Bücher vor Ort haben, die von Übersetzern genutzt werden können: Wörterbücher, Bücher über Sprachgrammatik und -stil, Enzyklopädien usw. Insbesondere wird dringend empfohlen, Wörterbücher bei jeder Übersetzungsveranstaltung dabei zu haben. Siehe auch die Anmerkungen unten.

Personen zum Einladen

The requirements for writing localized strings are:

  1. Being able to read well in English or at least in another language, into which the localization is mostly complete. Examples of languages with very high completion rate of MediaWiki localization are French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, German, Norwegian, Swedish, Turkish, Arabic, and Ukrainian.
    • People who cannot read well in English or in any other language with high localization rate, but can write well in the target language, can still be helpful as assistants in the event. See below.
  2. Being able to write well in the language into which the translation is done.

Zumindest einige Veranstaltungsteilnehmer sollten mit den folgenden Punkten vertraut sein:

  • Allgemeine Computerterminologie - Wörter wie "Anmelden", "Abmelden", "Herunterladen", "Hochladen", "Konto", "Datei" usw.
  • Bearbeitung der Wikipedia oder eines anderen Wikis in einer beliebigen Sprache, Vertrautheit mit der grundlegenden Wiki-Syntax und Kenntnis der einschlägigen Terminologie - "Bearbeiten", "Kategorie", "Vorlage", "Diskussionsseite" usw.

Zwei besonders nützliche Fähigkeiten bei der Wiki-Bearbeitung sind das Übersetzen von Seiten auf Meta, Commons, Wikidata oder oder das inhaltliche Übersetzen von Wikipedia-Artikeln.

Die Veranstaltung kann sich auf das Übersetzen in eine Sprache konzentrieren, aber es ist auch möglich, einen Übersetzungsworkshop zu organisieren, bei dem in mehrere Sprachen übersetzt wird. Dies kann besonders geeignet sein, wenn der Workshop Teil einer internationalen Wikimedia-Veranstaltung wie Wikimania ist oder wenn in dem Gebiet, in dem der Workshop stattfindet, viele Sprachen gesprochen werden.

Es ist jedoch immer sehr hilfreich, wenn bei dieser Veranstaltung mindestens eine Person anwesend ist, die die Sprache, in die die Teilnehmer übersetzen, sehr gut beherrscht, und mindestens eine Person, die die englische Sprache sehr gut beherrscht. Bei diesen Personen kann es sich um Linguisten, Sprachlehrer oder professionelle Übersetzer handeln. Es kann auch jemand sein, der keine berufliche oder akademische Ausbildung hat, aber die Sprache einfach liebt und gut diese Sprache lesen und schreiben kann und mit Wörterbüchern, Grammatikbüchern und Stilrichtlinien umgehen kann. Es ist in Ordnung, wenn diese Person auch der Organisator der Veranstaltung ist. Wenn es mehrere solcher Personen gibt, ist es sogar noch besser.

Es ist in Ordnung, Leute einzuladen, die völlig unerfahren mit der Bearbeitung von Wikis sind, aber es sollte mindestens eine Person dabei sein, die damit Erfahrung hat. Wenn möglich, sollte es eine Person sein, die Erfahrung mit dem Schreiben in einem Wiki in der Sprache hat, in die die meisten Teilnehmer übersetzen werden. Wenn es schwierig ist, eine solche Person zu finden, kann es auch jemand sein, der Erfahrung mit dem Schreiben in einem Wiki in einer anderen Sprache hat. Auf zehn unerfahrene Personen sollte mindestens ein erfahrener Wiki-Redakteur kommen. Je mehr erfahrene Redakteure da sind, desto besser.

Vor der Veranstaltung

Preparing yourself

Organizer account

If you don't have one already, create a account. translatewiki accounts are distinct from Wikimedia accounts. You may have the same username as on Wikipedia, but you must create the account separately. After creating the account, make some test translations by clicking the Translate button on the translatewiki main page, or send your username to a translatewiki administrator to get approved.

Sprach Konfiguration

Make sure that the language into which you'll translate is configured on translatewiki: go to the translation interface, click the button next to "Übersetzen auf", and search for your language in the panel. If it doesn't appear, it probably must be added to the configuration. Read the page languages for the full instructions. Briefly:

  • Your language must have an ISO 639 code.
  • It must be a living, general purpose language (although variants and dialects are sometimes allowed).
  • If your language fulfills these criteria, ask to add it on the page Support. Mention the ISO code and the name of the language in the language itself.
  • Wenn alles mit dem Anfrage in Ordnung ist, wird die Sprache wahrscheinlich innerhalb weniger Stunden von einem Administrator hinzugefügt.

Notifying the staff

Announce your event on the Support page on translatewiki. This will let administrators know to expect many new accounts and translations and help prevent misunderstandings. In addition, try to make sure that one of the translatewiki administrators will be available online for necessary technical support.


Make sure you know how to type in your language. Some languages can be easily typed on any computer, but some others have difficulties, especially in India, South East Asia, and some countries in Africa. If people bring their own laptops, try to learn as much as possible about configuring keyboards for the relevant language on common operating systems, especially Windows, and also Mac, Chromebook, and Linux.

Translation practice

Make sure that you are experienced with translatewiki yourself:

Check whether the Translate extension is localized into the language that the participants know. To do this, log into your account on and check the status of the Translate - Core User Interface project. If the page says "Es ist nichts zum Übersetzen vorhanden", then everything is ready! If you see rows of English strings, then not everything is translated. Even though it is not a requirement, it is highly recommended having the user interface of Translate completely localized in two weeks before conducting a localization event. This will make the interface easier and more familiar for the participants, and it will help everybody in the event use consistent terminology for words like "translate", "publish", "outdated", "parameter", etc.

Another useful thing to translate as fully as possible before a localization event is the the MediaWiki Basic Glossary.

Of course, both the Translate extension and the glossary can be translated at the localization workshop itself.

Workshop Inhalt

Check the statistics of localization into your language. hosts many projects—some of them are relevant for most readers and editors of Wikimedia wikis, some are useful only for advanced editors, and some are unrelated to Wikimedia at all. The most important projects for Wikimedia users are:

  • MediaWiki (most important messages)
  • Wiki Editor
  • Visual Editor
  • Universal Language Selector
  • Mobile Frontend
  • Discussion Tools
  • Wikibase Client
  • Content Translation
  • Upload Wizard
  • Extensions used by Wikimedia - Main
  • MediaWiki core

Consult with translatewiki administrators and ask for recommendations for other projects to translate.

Find each of these projects in the project selector, select it, and examine the progress bar at the bottom of the translation tool. Write down the percentage of translated messages for the projects that you want to translate, so that you can check how much progress did you make during the workshop.

Prepare at least one project per workshop participant. It's a good idea to have even more, in case somebody completes a project.

Weitere Logistik

While translating, people often have questions about translating difficult words, about spelling and grammar, and so on. Bring dictionaries and books about grammar and style to the event, or prepare a list of websites where materials of this kind can be found.

It is recommended to plan at least two hours for a localization workshop. A shorter time will be enough only for an introduction, but very few actual translations will probably be contributed.

Vorbereitung der Computer

If you are providing the computers that the participants will use, check that they have an up-to-date version of a modern web browser: Firefox, Chrome, Edge, or Safari. Also, check that JavaScript is enabled, as it is a technical requirement. It is likely that things will not work correctly on old versions of browsers, so update them if needed.

Make sure that all the computers that will be used have a keyboard configured for the languages that will be used at the event. Sometimes computers are configured only with an English keyboard. If these computers are in a place such as a school, a library, or a community center, ask the IT person to do this. If people are bringing their own laptops, tell them to do it before they come.

translatewiki has built-in keyboards for many languages, but test that they works. If keyboard support for your language is missing, ask for it on the Support page.

Vorbereitung der Teilnehmenden

Ask all the participants to create translatewiki accounts as early as possible before the event. As noted above, translatewiki accounts are distinct from Wikipedia accounts, so please make sure that the participants understand it. Ask all participants to explicitly choose the language into which they want to translate in the account creation form and to send you the username. On translatewiki, every account must be approved before people can translate, so announce your workshop on the Support page and contact a translatewiki administrator privately to ensure that all the accounts are approved.

If participants bring their own laptops, tell them to do the things described in the section "Preparing the computers" above: update the web browser and configure the keyboard for the language in which they'll write. Many people don't know how to do it themselves, so try to learn how to do it on as many operating systems as possible so that you'll be able to help them.

Während der Veranstaltung

Einführung neuer Editoren in Wikimedia

translatewiki ist eng mit der Wikimedia-Welt verbunden. Wenn nicht alle Teilnehmenden bereits damit vertraut sind, sollten sie mit der Bewegung vertraut gemacht werden:

  • Eine kurze Geschichte von Wikipedia und Wikimedia
  • Was ist ein Wiki (eine Website, die jeder bearbeiten kann)
  • Why is it important to have content and software user interface in all languages, even if many people know major languages like English, French, or Russian. You should adapt this explanation to your country and to the event participants. Some possible points to mention:
    • Many people don't know these major languages, and translation will make useful knowledge more accessible.
    • Für Schulkinder ist es einfacher, Wikipedia in einer Sprache zu lesen, die ihnen von zu Hause vertraut ist.
    • Die Erhöhung der Menge an Online-Inhalten in einer Sprache wird zur Standardisierung und Entwicklung der Sprache beitragen.

If the focus of your event is just translation, this introduction is supposed to take less than ten minutes.

If all the participants are experienced Wikimedians, you can skip this introduction.

Introducing localization

After the general introduction, do a short demo of translatewiki. Explain what localization is in general. Demostrate it by showing some untranslated buttons in Wikipedia in the language into which people will be translating. Important points to mention:

  • If you know other languages, add them as assistant languages in the preferences. This is especially important for people who don't know English well.
  • Always read and understand the documentation for each message in the sidebar.
  • Es ist in Ordnung, lange oder schwierige Nachrichten zu überspringen.
  • Use consistent terminology. If in doubt, search for similar words in other messages and consult with other people.
  • Use parameters and PLURAL correctly.
  • Machine translation is available for some languages, but not for all of them. If machine translation is available for the language in question, tell people never to publish machine translation without fixing its mistakes!
  • It's possible to paste the source text into the paragraph if it's useful, but don't just publish the English text.
  • Code, markup, and link targets must be copied and not translated. Link labels must be translated.
  • Translations that you submitted will be used on the real Wikipedia next week. Your contribution will actually be used! It's fun, but be responsible ;)

Make sure that you understand all these points yourself, and that you are able to use them and demonstrate them.

Doing the translations

Two common mistakes when working on translatewiki localization in general, and in workshops in particular:

  1. Klicken der Schaltfläche "Übersetzen" auf der Hauptseite und übersetzen beliebige Dinge in verschiedenen Projekten.
  2. Zwei oder mehr Personen arbeiten an demselben Projekt, ohne sich abzusprechen.

To avoid these mistakes, make sure to do the following:

  • Tell people not to click the "Translate" button on the main page.
  • Use the projects list you prepared earlier, and assign each project to one person.
  • Only one person must publish translations in each project. It's possible that two or more people will work on the same project and help each other with difficult words, etc., but only one should push the Übersetzung speichern button.
  • When a project is completed, congratulate whoever did it, and give them another project :)

Während der Übersetzungsphase werden die Menschen wahrscheinlich Hilfe bei bestimmten Dingen benötigen:

  • Translating difficult words: Encourage people to talk to each other and give each other friendly tips about the language. Language experts, as well as dictionaries and grammar books, will be especially useful at this point.
  • Using the translation interface: using wiki markup, PLURAL, etc.

If you can, have a board with a list of projects that people have started translating, and mark those that people have completed. It's a fun activity, it encourages participants to complete the translation, and after the event it can be posted on blogs and social media.

Feedback einholen

Es ist sehr wichtig, während und unmittelbar nach der Veranstaltung so viel Feedback wie möglich von den Teilnehmenden einzuholen:

  • What works well? What are you enjoying?
  • Gibt es Schwierigkeiten, ein Konto anzulegen, sich einzuloggen, ein Projekt zu finden, mit der Übersetzung zu beginnen, den Ausgangstext zu lesen, die Übersetzung zu schreiben, zu veröffentlichen usw.?
  • Are there any particular bugs in the software? When there is doubt whether something is a bug or not a bug, always note it—it's important to report anything that could be a bug to the developers. When noting a possible bug, write down as many details as possible: the username, the language, which message was being translated, which operating system and browser the people were using, what did they expect to happen, and what happened instead. See the page How to report a bug for tips about reporting bugs effectively.

For more on observing users and collecting and reporting feedback, see this English Wikipedia Signpost article: How to make editing workshops useful, even if participants don't stick around.

Nach der Veranstaltung

  • Ask the participants for more feedback: What did they enjoy and what worked well? What didn't work well? Do they feel that they achieved something? Did their opinion about Wikipedia change?
  • Ask the participants to tell their friends about this.
  • Ask the participants to translate more at home.
  • Submit all the relevant feedback that you collected to the developers of translatewiki in an email, as bug reports in Phabricator, as a post on the Support page, or using any other means of communication that is convenient for you.
  • Share the event information and other achievements of the event on social media or other community channels. For example: "thanks to Anbeta and Besim, you can now use all Wikipedia features on mobile phones in Albanian" (make sure to replace "Anbeta", "Besim", "features on mobile phones" and "Albanian" with actual names of the translators, the feature, and the target language). By doing it, people can give rewarding kudos to the editors (new or experienced) and other users can check the work done. You also spread the idea of the event to other potential event organizers.
  • Write a public report as a wiki page or a blog post about the event: who participated, how many messages were translated, how many projects were completed, and so on. Here's one example from an event in Ghana: Grants:Project/Rapid/Twi Community/ If the event was done as part of a work of a Wikimedia chapter, another affiliate, or funded by a grant, you probably have to do it, and you will know in what format does this report have to be. However, it's a good idea to write such a report in any case, even if it's not required. It will raise awareness of such events, and it will also help you prepare for the next events.

Finally, if you used this page for preparing your event, and you have more ideas that are not covered here, please edit this page and add them!

Vielen Dank, für die Nutzung von und die Durchführung von Übersetzungsveranstaltungen!