Art+Feminism User Group/Reporting/MetricsGuide

The goal of this page is to provide a guide for collecting and presenting statistics around activity and participation of the Art+Feminism community that was recorded during the annual campaign period.

This page does not cover the financial metrics associated with the campaign!

Please note that this is not an all-encompassing documentation. There is not a single template that these metrics reports can be based off on. Every campaign cycle is different, and we only seek to capture and share the unique stories in numbers relevant for each year.



Having the basic experience with the following tools is helpful, but not necessary. You are welcome to use this page's talk to ping people and ask for help or to discuss any challenges.

Numbers to include in report


Our primary tool used for collecting basic information about our annual campaigns is the Programs & Events Dashboard. Using this tool, we’re able to collect basic statistics about the campaign's count of participants, namespace they made their contributions in, etc. Beyond the basic statistics, the Programs & Events Dashboard makes it possible to download the raw CSV data for your analysis. Below are suggestions of information to include in the report:

(This list is not comprehensive, the analyst is advised to pick and choose what is appropriate for any given campaign. Please update this list if you think something else is worth including)
  • Number of events on dashboard
  • Events that were canceled
  • Events that were indefinitely postponed
  • Number of editors
  • Articles edited in dashboard
  • Articles created
  • Commons uploads on Dashboard



In 2019, we introduced a map as part of our final reporting. Using Template:Location map we are able to generate a composite image consisting of a map and a location mark, and optionally add a labels and captions to each point. The map gave readers a quick visual representation of all event locations and number of participants at each of them.

The WikiProject Maps and Graphics Lab/Resources/Tutorials provide useful tutorials for this purpose.

Metrics on Wikidata


Since 2020, in addition to generating composite map images of event locations, we went a step further and started adding our metrics data to Wikidata. Maps can also be generated directly using the Wikidata Query Service, but more importantly, we can now properly organize our campaigns' metrics into some structured format so that we can query the data and ask complex lateral cross-cutting questions of the numbers over time and space.

This link contains the relevant pointers to adding ArtAndFeminism annual campaign metrics to Wikidata

Growth model



Previous reports
