Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Shared Knowledge/Impact reports/Q2 2018

This is an Impact report for the second quarter (Q2, April through June) on the 2018 APG grant to Shared Knowledge, with special consideration given to the 2018 Annual plan.

For monthly reports about our activities during this quarter, see April Activity report, May Activity report and June Activity report.

You can also see our Financial report for the same period.



Education Programme




Editing competition


Editing weekends

Editing days



Wiki Beer


Name of project Achieved outcome Explanation

Education Programme

  • 2 schools included: "Josip Broz" High School (current) + "Krume Kepeski" Primary School (new)
  • Wiki-Club at American Corner Skopje finished (last lecture held and certificates were granted)
  • 1 Lecture and presentation held at Livadišta Summer Camp
  • 1 editing competition held in "Josip Broz" Highschool
  • 52 newly created + 3 improved articles
  • 3 images uploaded by the newly registered users who participated in the activities (all images are used in articles)
Participants in the activities within this program were also familiarized with other Wikimedia projects such as Commons Wikimedia and Wiki Data thus they were instructed and also contributed with content on those projects.


  • 2 Wikiexpeditions held in Pijanec and Azot & Klepa regions
  • 6 new + 9 improved articles1
  • 510 uploaded images
  • 48.50% of images used in articles1
1 The results of articles and images used are just for the Wikiexpedition in Pijanec region


  • 2 Geoexpeditions held on Plačkovica Mountain & Hydrographical Features in Western Macedonia & 2 field trips (Mariovo + Raec and Kadina rivers valleys)
  • 18 new + 18 improved articles
  • 158 uploaded images
  • 90,85% of images used in articles2
2Results of images uploaded are just for the 2 Geoexpedition conducted and do not include percentage of usage for the images taken on field trips


  • 1 Agroexpedition held in Sirkovo & Kolešino
  • 7 new + 14 improved articles
  • 88 uploaded images
  • 95.45% of images used in articles
Agroexpedition are more focused on is focused on the traditionally well known and the most cultivated agricultural crops that are geographically represented such as opium poppy in Sirkovo and peanuts in Kolešino.

Editing competition

  • 1 editing competition held
  • 8 participants
  • 283 new + 2 improved articles
Editing competition topic was "CEE Spring 2018"


  • 3 edit-a-thons held
  • 66 participants; 65 different users
  • 146 newly created articles + 18 improved articles
Edit-a-thons topics were: "Architecture", "WikiGap" and "Biology"

Editing weekends

  • 5 editing weekends held
  • 15 participants; 7 different users
  • 93 new3 + 4 improved articles
Editing weekend topics were: "Faberge eggs", "Heraldry", "Rivers in Macedonia", "Eurovision song contest" and "Russia".

3 In the results are included the articles created on the 1st of April on the ongoing editing weekend started on 31st of March, dedicated on Mountains

Editing days

  • 3 editing days held
  • 16 participants; 7 different users
  • 30 new + 3 improved articles
Editing days topics were: "Finals of the UEFA Cup & League Europa", "Finals of the UEFA Champions League" and "Referees of the FIFA World Cup 2018"


  • 3 photohunts conducted
  • 2 participants; 2 different users
  • 399 images uploaded
  • 81,94% of images used in articles
  • 33 new + 16 improved articles
Photohunts were conducted in the regions of Radoviš and Novo Selo and the third one will last for several months in the Regions of Macedonia.


  • 31 images taken on the Wikiexpeditions have been printed with QR-codes
  • 3 posters with statistics and numbers of the content and all work done on Wikipedia
  • 30 visitors & week long exhibiton
The exhibition was dedicated to the Wikiеxpeditions in order to present and mark the successful work of the project in the broader public.

Wiki Beer

  • 1 field visit realized
  • 3 new types and brands of beer presented
  • 4 new articles created
The visit was primarily focused for "Naše Makedonsko (Our Macedonian)" is a new and one of the two most recent domestic produced beers in Macedonia.

Description of activities and learning


Each of the programmes have their objectives (listed on grant page). This section will describe how the activities during the second quarter lead contributed towards their fulfillment.

Educational Programme


Education Programme

Goals met by this activity

The goals of the education program is to expand the knowledge and inform larger share of the population about Wikipedia and all Wikimedia projects. Moreover, another goal is Wikipedia to be used as a tool and referent source of information but in the same time participants of the program to improve and contribute with the adding and improving content. Thus, for that purpose, we have expanded the education program to three levels: 1) activities carried out in the Josip Broz - Tito Grammar School for the fourth consecutive year which in this quarter included editing class and editing competition among students; 2) continuation with the education program in the in the upper classes in "Krume Kepeski" Primary School for the first year and 3) lectures in the Wiki Club at American Corner Skopje and WikiLecture at Livadišta Summer Camp.

Some considerations

Considering the diversity of the three levels of implementation of the Education program, the activities that are being implemented are of different kind: 1) Editing class and editing competition in Josip Broz - Tito Grammar School, 2) Lectures in "Krume Kepeski" Primary School where the students contributed with text and images taken as an assignment for the subject "Study of the homeland" and 3) gradual familiarization through presentations and editing activities on the lectures in the Wiki Club at American Corner Skopje and WikiLecture at Livadišta Summer Camp. Because of that, the overall results, outcome and metrics of the Education Program may vary from the goals set in the Annual Plan, so their impact should be summed on a wider time scale. However on every activity the participants were comprehensively familiarized, instructed and trained to contribute with content on different Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia on Macedonian and Commons Wikimedia.




Goals met by this activity

Our Wikiexpeditions regularly visit different regions of Macedonia with a daily plan, photographing villages and towns, their houses, landmarks, important places, museums, and monuments. Many images are taken, and most of them are used in articles that are created or greatly improved by the knowledge gained on the expeditions and subsequent material researched to provide substance to the articles about the places or landmarks. The expedition reports, as well as articles on various settlements and their monuments and heritage are then shared on our special Facebook group dedicated to the Wikiexpeditions as well as our group page.

Some considerations

In this second quarter there have been two Wikiexpeditions organized in Pijanec and Azot regions where the team was reinforced with 2 new one volunteers which contributed with 502 images uploaded which are still being used for enriching existing and creating new articles.


Goals met by this activity

By this activity we aimed to discover as much as possible unknown or less known geographical locations and features in Macedonia on remote places with difficult access. Considering that the main aim of the Geoexpeditions in 2018 is the same as the previous two years of conducting this project where the mountains their peaks and all other their features have the primary attention. However besides that we have also turn the attention towards hydrography thus we have conducted Geoexpedition on Plačkovica Mountain and Geoexpedition on Hydrographical Features in Western Macedonia as well as several field trips were realized with an outcome of 158 uploaded images, creating 18 new and improving 18 existing articles.

Some considerations

Geoexpeditions this year were conducted with a close collaboration and support from mountaineering club "Transverzalec", with experienced hikers which gives the opportunity to expand the cooperation of Wikipedia with different groups of science, dispute and society and to draw attention and bring new volunteers and contributors to Wikimedia projects from this community. In this second quarter we had attracted one new registered user who contributes with uploading images.


Goals met by this activity

By this activity we aimed to discover, research and document by photographing and writing articles as much as possible the agriculture in general and especially the agriculture in Macedonia which is very important economic activity with millennial tradition. Thus we are organizing Agroexpeditions in the regions that are traditionally well known and the most cultivated agricultural crops are geographically represented. On this second quarter we had one Agroexpedition on two different places with an outcome of 88 uploaded images, creating 7 new and improving 14 existing articles.

Some considerations

This is a second consecutive year of conducting Agroexpeditions and this time they are more focused on the traditionally well known and the most cultivated agricultural crops that are geographically represented such as opium poppy in Sirkovo and peanuts in Kolešino, but also agricultural machinery and agricultural processes are included. This gives the chance to share unique information about the agriculture in Macedonia which are not much present and known on the printed sources or the internet.

Editing competition

Goals met by this activity

With the editing competitions, we are joining forces to create as many articles as possible within a certain longer time period. A jury then decides the winners, who are awarded. This quarter we organized 1 editing competition part of the CEE Spring competition with considerable outcome of 283 created and 2 improved articles by 8 editors who participated.

Some considerations

Considering our aim to reach the number od 100.000 articles on Macedonian Wikipedia with 283 newly created articles on the editing competition in this second quarter a new record was set up with the highest number of newly created articles on CEE Spring editing competition so far.


Goals met by this activity

The edit-a-thons aim to increase community spirit in working towards a common goal on a certain topic that has been agreed as being of importance. Quality is improved both by covering missing topics and by extending existing articles. Moreover, through the edit-a-thons organized with different group of participants who share same interests we are expanding the knowledge and skills of Wikipedia, increasing the community and establishing contacts for possible further cooperation in the future. In this second quarter we held 3 edit-a-thons 2 regularly held according by our program dedicated on Architecture and Biology and 1 co-organized as the part of the global Swedish initiative WikiGap being the main official partner providing instruction, material, support and help.

Some considerations

Considering that and having in mind the aim to reach the number od 100.000 articles on Macedonian Wikipedia on this second quarter we had extraordinarily successful results having 3 edit-a-thons where 66 users participated creating 146 new articles and improving 18 existing articles which indicates that we met the goal. Moreover the majority of the participants, exactly 58 users on the three edit-a-thons where attended by female editors, which largerly increased the number of new female editors and female editors on Macedonian Wikipedia in total.

Editing weekends

Goals met by this activity

With our editing weekends, we encouraged Wikipedians to devote more of their free time in writing on relevant topics for the duration of a given weekend. Considering that and having in mind the aim to reach the number od 100.000 articles on Macedonian Wikipedia this second quarter we had 5 editing weekends where 15 users (7 different editors) participated creating 93 new articles and improving 4 existing articles which indicates that we met the goal.

Some considerations

Considering our aim to reach the number od 100.000 articles on Macedonian Wikipedia and improving their quality (to be as much close to the other most developed and numerous Wikipedia's language editions) and to be linked to current events in the world we decided the topics to be: "Faberge eggs", "Heraldry", "Rivers in Macedonia", "Eurovision song contest" and "Russia".

Editing days

Goals met by this activity

With our editing days, we encouraged Wikipedians to devote more of their free time in writing on relevant topics for the duration of a given day. Considering that this second quarter we had 3 editing days where 16 users (7 different editors) participated creating 30 new and improving 3 existing articles by which we met the goal.

Some considerations

Considering our aim to reach the number od 100.000 articles on Macedonian Wikipedia and improving their quality (to be as much close to the other most developed and numerous Wikipedia's language editions) we chose the topics to be linked to current events in the world with a lots of materials that can contribute towards as much as possible new articles, thus the topics where chosen as follows: "Finals of the UEFA Cup & League Europa", "Finals of the UEFA Champions League" and "Referees of the FIFA World Cup 2018".


Goals met by this activity

The aim of this project is to enrich articles or create new ones by participants who will visit a place such a geographical location, venue of a concert or cultural happening in order to take photographs that will be used to enrich the content of Macedonian Wikipedia. On this second quarter we had 3 photohunts held by 2 participants with 399 images uploaded so far.

Some considerations

Considering that the participants on this projects are on different level of skills on working on Wikimedia projects the pace and the results of the outcome and usage of the images taken my vary by a different user. However, the number of images uploaded is very significant in prospect of the participants who are included in the project.


Goals met by this activity

Exhibitions are public events where we present content of Wikimedia projects comprised of images with QR-codes links to Wikipedia articles to show to the broader public and thus inform them about our work and having a chance to attract new volunteers or establish contacts for possible future cooperations. In this second quarter we organized exhibition dedicated to the Wikiеxpeditions which was opened in order to present and mark the successful work of the project. The exhibition consisted 31 images taken during the Wikiexpeditions held in Macedonia and 3 posters with statistics and numbers of the content and all work done on Wikipedia.

Some considerations

Attendees were also informed about the Wikiexpeditions project and its significance as well as the possibilities that Wikimedia projects offer for field research by volunteering and contributing in different ways i.e. taking photographs, writing articles, research through literature and helping in organization of such trips as Wikiexpeditions. The event was also used to announce the fourth season of the Macedonian Wikiexpeditions in this year.



Wiki Beer

Goals met by this activity

The activities of the Wikibeer project are set to be oriented towards documenting the country's history and culture in producing beer by partnering with local breweries and pubs. The project members previously experienced from the Wikiwine and Wikirakija projects made two visits to breweries and documented the production process as well as the different types of beer produced. We met the goals by enriching Wikipedia on Macedonian language with 4 new articles about the new beer brand from Macedonia and foreign different and specific types of beer which are less known to the Macedonian public.

Some considerations

This quarter we have continued with the practice of visits oriented on the less known, new or smaller beers brands from Macedonia but also from abroad about which Wikipedia on Macedonian lacks of content. Thus we have the chance to discover and explore "Naše Makedonsko (Our Macedonian)" that is a new and one of the two most recent domestic produced beers in Macedonia.