Wikimedia budget/2005/Q1

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br: Budjed 1 trimiziad 2005

de: Haushalt Quartal 1 2005

en: Quarter 1 2005 budget

id: Anggaran Kuartal Pertama 2005

ja: 2005年第1四半期予算

fr : Budget 1er trimestre 2005

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Q1 Budget (approved Feb 7)


see the official budget page on the foundationwiki

Servers/Hardware (base) $35,000.00
Extra hardware/dev projects* $20,000.00
Grant hardware** $40,000.00
Grant special $0.00
Hosting $16,000.00
Travel $5,000.00
Domain names $500.00
Office expenses $2,500.00
Miscellaneous $1,000.00
Developer pay*** $8,000.00
Fundraising/Promotional $500.00
Hardware assistant $1,500.00
TOTAL $130,000.00+
Needed in fund drive $75,000.00

  • * Contingent on receiving more than $55,000 in the February fund drive. Every dollar above $55,000 and to $75,000 will go to this budget item.
  • ** Covered by Lounsbery Foundation grant
  • *** To be negotiated.
  • + Anything above $75,000 will go to a reserve fund.

Goal for the next fundraising drive (Feb 18-Mar 8): $75,000.00

Other Q1 stats

  • Cash on hand at the start of Q1: $38,000
  • Cash on reserve at the start of Q1: $10,000
  • Current growth rate of bandwidth (6 mo avg): 50-80%/quarter
  • Current growth rate of hardware costs (6 mo avg): 50-100%/quarter
