Wikimedia Polska/Summary

May 2008

Wikimedia Polska Association (WmP) was established in 2005, it is now 3 years old. The association operates within Poland and takes care of projects in three languages: Polish, Kashubian and Silesian. WmP has 80 members, most of them listed on the WmP site (more than 50% are active). All members can on request receive a WmP ID-card.

WmP is active on many fronts:

  • technical: toolserver hosting internal wikis, mailing lists, media repository, technical stuff; 7 Polish wiki-domains;
  • system of internal grants for Wikimedians + helping Polish Wikimedians acquire materials (helping them get access to press conferences, permissions to photograph objects/events, etc)
  • political: lobbying for free access to culture (museums),
  • mission: released a Wikipedia DVD (another one is on its way);
  • promotional: bookmarks, charity auctions
  • cooperation with several other organisations and businesses:
    • acquiring financial support
    • working towards similar goals (free knowledge resources)
  • the WmP members give numerous lectures and organise workshops all over the country; annual conferences
  • press/media: presence in the Polish media (interviews, press bureau as a contact point for journalists interested in matters of WmP/WF/Wikipedia + 4 local information contacts for press)

Communication with members: weekly open board meetings on irc, two mailing lists, website, meetings.

WmP has a status of a Public Benefit Organisation in Poland – taxpayers can give 1% of their tax to WmP. The income of WmP comes from donations (individuals and businesses), tax deductible deductions, membership fees. The budget is public: in may 2008 WmP has around €5000 in reserves.

Plans for the future

  • Continuation and development of the current activity:
    • Wikikonkurs (wikigrants),
    • Press office,
    • Help with access to archives, museums
    • Startup of new toolserver (already obtained as a gift from computer company)
    • Winter Wikimedia Meeting - December 2008
    • Participation in scientific conferences, lectures, workshops, project popularisation
  • New activites:
    • Wikimedia Academy in Wrocław on 2009
    • Educonf - A coaltion of Open Access Education Organisations with CC Poland, Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska (Wolne Podręczniki = Free handbooks project), Polish Association of Librarians and others - a lobby group which is planned to be organised officially - grant application (200 000 EUR to be divided between the 3 organisations) for organising office of the coalition and Open Access Education conference in Polish Parliament on September/November 2008 is just in preparation.

Clarifying certain issues (trademarks, possibility of organising public fundraising). Closer cooperation with other chapters/WF. Possibly extending the promotional activities (films, concerts). Activating more members (not only from pl.wikipedia). No clear development strategy has been defined yet, but the need of such strategy is recognised (eg. we held a meeting “where are we? where do we go to? how?”).

Best successes

  • continued growth on all fronts
  • acquiring the status of Public Benefit Organisation
  • releasing of the Wikipedia DVD

Worst 3 headaches

  • access to many public resources (museums, materials produces by state-run entities) is “unjustifiably” restricted – we actively work on these issues
  • unclear trademark situation