
This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation/Legal/Community Resilience and Sustainability/Human Rights and the translation is 25% complete.
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Human Rights


The Human Rights Team of the Wikimedia Foundation supports volunteers persecuted due to their good faith contribution to the projects and facilitates the organization's commitment to protect and respect the full range of human rights across our projects. The Team operates in the Legal Department.

The Wikimedia Movement aims to ensure that everyone, everywhere can freely and safely share in the sum of free knowledge. To this end, more than 300,000 volunteers add, edit, and update content on Wikimedia projects, working together to provide reliable, well-resourced, and uncensored information.

However, contributors and users of Wikimedia projects can be a target for those who want to control information, sway narratives and silence voices. As a result, Wikimedia volunteers can find themselves intimidated, harassed, surveilled, and persecuted, threatening their safety and obstructing their right to free speech and other fundamental rights (Read more about human rights and how Wikimedians can be threatened here).

The Wikimedia Foundation believes that volunteers under threat should not be left alone. As the Foundation’s Human Rights Team, we are determined to support the safety and security of volunteers who are at risk of persecution, reprisal or harassment for their good faith participation in the Wikimedia Movement.

The team

Cameran Ashraf

Human Rights Lead

How we work

We are a group of dedicated and experienced human rights defenders with diverse regional expertise. Our work focuses on people. We implement solutions to support those under threat for their participation in Wikimedia projects, provide resources for risk-mitigation and build networks of reliable partners who help us support volunteer safety. In doing so, we advance the WMF’s commitment to protect and respect the full range of human rights across all of our projects in-line with the Foundation’s Human Rights Policy. Our work involves three pillars:


Do you leave your door unlocked when you leave your house? Do you publicly walk around with a name tag? Do you use the same key for your car and your office? While many of us are taking measures to stay safe offline, staying safe online comes with new and unfamiliar challenges: Do you use different passwords for different accounts? Do you have a picture of yourself on your userpage? Is your username simply your first and your last name? ($1) Being aware of digital safety risks and taking precautionary measures has become extremely important to protect yourself and those around you from surveillance, cyberattacks, and offline harm.

Through digital safety resources, training courses and sessions and regular office hours, the Human Rights Team is here to help you increase your security when participating in Wikimedia projects or being on the Internet more broadly. After all, privacy and digital safety are critical to sustaining freedom of expression and enabling knowledge and ideas to thrive!


Have you ever heard of ‘digital hygiene’, ‘doxxing’ or ‘social engineering’? How do the things you talk about miraculously appear as ads on your feed? Why is free and open source software (FOSS) usually a lot more secure than proprietary software? What is a ‘VPN’ or ‘end-to-end encryption’? Let’s tackle these important questions together! We are in the process of developing a series of digital safety learning modules designed to make you aware of vulnerabilities, guide you in maintaining best practices and be wiser from the get-go.

Digital safety does not have to be a huge burden – it can actually be quite fun! Check out:


Human rights work is a joint effort. In order to protect our volunteers, the Human Rights Team works with a range of international, regional and national partner organizations. Maintaining and expanding this global network of human rights partners is essential to fill gaps in local expertise, increase capacity and keep community members safe.

Are you an organization passionate about defending open-knowledge, freedom of expression and other fundamental rights? Do you see content gaps on the Wikimedia platform that you would like to fill? Do you have expertise in supporting threatened individuals? Partner with us!

私たちが行う仕事や支援対象のコミュニティと同様、地域ならびにローカルで結び続けるパートナー関係は多様であり、法的支援からデジタル研修まで、脅威監視から翻訳まで広範にわたります。 私たちはコミュニティの参加者が脅威にさらされたならその支援に常に熱意を込めて協力します。 お気軽にお問い合わせください。talktohumanrights(_AT_)wikimedia.orgでのご連絡をお待ちしております。


Community is an important part of our work to enhance the security of Wikimedians. この目標において、当人権チームは人権利益団体の設立と伸展をめぐり国・地域別協会や利用者グループ、ウィキプロジェクト群や個人ボランティアとの緊密な協調に熱意を込め、人権関心グループ( Human Rights Interest Group)を拡張しています。 The HRIG is a loose group of community members who meet with the Human Rights Team on a semi-regular basis. The HRIG has the following objectives:

  • Foster human rights awareness when creating content: Freedom of expression does not mean freedom of consequences – both contributors and people they may have contributed about can face the real life effects of their involvement with Wikimedia projects. To help create awareness, the Human Rights Team offers digital security training, a human rights learning module in regards to its projects and hopes to facilitate community events and edit-a-thons.
  • Fill content gaps on human rights: Many Wikimedia projects strive towards content, perspectives and sources with a strict neutral point of view. However, such neutrality is often hindered by systemic biases that come with the shared social and cultural characteristics of editors, often leading to an imbalanced coverage. We see one such imbalance in the field of human rights, wherein the amount and diversity of human rights related content is relatively slim. We hope to help you ensure that the human rights concerns of your country and region are expressed on the various projects, heard within the broader Wikimedia community and understood by the Foundation. If you want to make sure that everyone has access to neutral, fact-based, and current information on human rights, also take a look at the #WikiforHumanRights campaign.
  • Stay in touch on human rights: The HRIG creates a platform for ongoing cooperation and dialogue between community members and the Foundation on human rights related issues. Human Rights concerns are not static – they vary from region, community and circumstance and can change from one day to the next. We hope to stay in touch on important issues, come together to think ahead how to increase community safety and spread the word on the importance of human rights.

関心を持っていただけましたか? 皆さんのコミュニティに存在する人権関連の懸念をもっと可視化してプロジェクトや財団に示すことに興味はおありですか? 敵対的な環境 から貢献するときに安全を保つ方法がわかりませんか? 「サインアップはこちら までご連絡ください。」 HRIG 利益グループの一員として皆様を招待し、これらの大きな課題に一緒に取り組んでいただけることを光栄に思います。 talktohumanrights(_AT_)wikimedia.org までご連絡いただくか、営業時間内にお会いできることを楽しみにしています。敵意を感じる環境にいて安全を保つ方法は? ぜひ当チームにご連絡いただき、こちらに登録してください皆さんを HRIG 関心グループにお迎えし、根の深い挑戦に共にできて光栄です。ご連絡はメールでtalktohumanrights(_AT_)wikimedia.orgまで、あるいは事務局時間にご出席ください。



また人権チームの仕事に関して寄せられる質問に答え、デジタル安全性の課題、その課題を最適に軽減する方法について話し合ったり、さらには皆さんのコミュニティ向けに厳選されたワークショップを計画しすることも可能です。どうぞ、ご参加ください! ぜひお会いしてご意見をお聞きし、できる限りの補佐をさせていただきます。


人権チームはワークフローの構築と改良を進めており、最も差し迫った懸念事項は信頼安全部門が確立した手順を参照してください(Trust & Safety)。当チームの仕事や目標に関するご質問やご懸念、ご助力やご提案のお申し出は、talktohumanrights@wikimedia.org までご連絡願います。 身体への危害や迫害の確実な脅迫を受けた場合は emergency@wikimedia.org に通報してください


機密情報の保護とコミュニティ参加者の安全確保を鑑み、ウィキメディア財団は人権訴訟の詳細を公表しません。私たちの第一の関心は関係者全員の安全と個人情報の保護にあります。影響を受ける個人または関係者の皆さんは直接、人権チーム talktohumanrights@wikimedia.org に説明を求めることができますが、当財団のコミュニティ参加者の機密保持と安全を優先する点にご留意ください。左記により個人の安全を脅かすもしくは機密データを侵害する可能性のある詳細は公開しません。さらにまた本件の有益性をめぐる協議には参加しません。