Wikimedia Conference 2011/Documentation/State of the Chapters II

State of the chapters

It was not possible to note down each and every point. Please add important facts!
Slides are available for the following presentations:

Speakers: chapters representatives
Goal: giving all attendees an overview of the Wikimedia Chapters U niverse
Description: The "State of the Chapters" session will consist of lightning talks. Each chapter will have 3 minutes to present themselves. They will be welcomed to introduce whatever topic about their chapter they think is important to share with the rest of the group, such as most important activities from the last year, future plans or encountered problems. Part of the chapters will present on Friday morning, part of them on Saturday morning. Please see the preparation page for more details about what to prepare.
  • Wikimedia Hungary:
    • Founded Nov 2008, 53 members (36 last year), budget € 9000 from donations and grants.

Main activities:

    • Wikicamp (4-day wikimeetup with 17 participants, documentated in a blog and is going to be repeated)
    • Bookshelf (Outreach material based on the WMF material)
    • Competitions at the Wikipedia competitions (fixing competition for problematic articles, sourcing biographies at en.wp; PediaPress: Community books)
    • Wikipedia 10 conference
    • Toolserver
    • Plans for the future

  • Wikimedia Netherlands:
    • Well known for partnerships with archives and museums: „National Archief / Spaarnestad Photo“
    • Professionalisation (hired 3 people, strategic plan, rent office space)
    • 450000 € budget
    • WikiLovesMonuments Goes Europe 2011
  • Wikimedia New York City
    • whole area around New York and other states of the united states (7 board members)
    • First meetings in 2007, th
    • invite people by parties etc.
    • cooperations with libraries and
    • workshop in February and this is going to e repeated in the next three months
    • conferences and special projects (e.g. Wikipedia day, video projects)
  • Wikimedia Norge
    • Three languages: Nynorsk, bokmal and Sami → number of challenges for the organization
      • Wikimedia Norag
      • Wikimedia Norge
      • Wikimedia Noreg
    • new board in 2010
    • focussed on building confidece in our bodies, openess to members and the community
    • built identity (t-shirts and pins etc.)
    • courses for new editors
    • Wikipedia academy in March 2011 + wikiworkshops (30 participants; 50 participants for the
    • press reports, results are good, 10 years party was good
    • Continue wikipedia courses, work with GLAM, building more community basic
  • Wikimedia Austria
    • small chapter
    • established in 2008, 17 members (individual, not very acitve...)
    • budgets: 15000 €: Hope that this will increase
    • development of „global watchlists“ / „collaborative watchlist“ → workshop is planned
    • Scholarship for people from Austria and Slowak to Wikimania
    • 10 years of Wikipedia: party at 15th January and at the 10th anniversary of the de.wp as wll: good press results
    • Sholarships for literature and other material to improve articles
    • increase participation in WikiLovesMonuments
    • host the fundraising in 2011 in June
    • WikiConference is planned
  • Wikimedia Philippines
    • Approved by WMF: March 12, 2010
    • Approved by SEC: March 12, 2010
    • 16 members, Asia's fourth chapter
    • Meetings
      • Annual Convention
      • Quarterly Meetings
    • Participated in...
      • Wikimedia Conference April 2010
      • 8th Philippine Youth Congress in Information Technology September 2010
      • Colloge of Information Technology Education (CITE) week (University of Philippines)
      • 11th National Convention on Statistics (October 2010)
      • UST Debate Forum (December 2010)
      • Wikipedia 10 – Wikipedia Takes Manila (January 2011): More than 100 participants
  • Wikimedia Poland
    • 122 members, fee: about 1 PLN or more
    • different conferences
    • Wikiexpedition: Photo and content gathering in rural alreas
    • Labtstryk: Photo and content gathering in Max Planck Institute
    • Wikigrants – mini grant system: Sponsor literature used as a source
    • Books „in Wikipedia“
    • Wikiworkshops
    • future: continue the work and join WikiLovesMonuments and
  • Wikimedia Portugal
    • approved in July 2009
    • registered in September 2009
    • first general assembly in October 2009
    • 30 members
    • Activities:
      • Presentations at Technical Universtiy of Losbon, Wikimania
      • Production of materials for the WMF fundraiser
      • Wikipedia Academy with the university of Porto
        • 13 speakers, 100 attendees
        • good press results
      • 10 year party (cooperation with the Lisbon Technical University)
        • 7 speakers, 1000 attendees
        • good press results as well.
    • future
      • GLAM-Partnerships: Harvard Medical School Portugal, Centro Portugues de Fotografia
      • Cooperating with the IUCN
      • WikiLovesMonuments
    • Problems:
      • Organizational issues (board restructure)
  • Wikimedia Russia
    • Activities
    • Lobbying of laws supporting free licences, freedom of panorama and digital libraries
      • Hearings in the State Duma
    • Wikimedian's meetings:
      • Wiki-Conference 2010 in Rostov-on-Don
    • Delegates to Konferencja Wikimedia Polska in 2010 and 2011
    • Wikipedia 10 years celebration
  • Wikimedia Serbia
    • founded in December 2005
    • about 70 members
    • Regular meetups at different places
    • Regional and special confereces
    • 5 international conferences with a lot of guests from Germany, Netherlands, Poland etc.
    • Media outreach (TV, radio, newspapers, Internet)
    • cooperations with NGOs and other likemindet organizations
    • competition in beautifying in Wikipedia articles
    • a lot of coopoerations with a lot of other universities, organizations and individuals
    • Plans:
      • WikiLovesMonuments
      • Drive through Serbia photoshot
      • International conference: Opening new chapters, professionalization
  • Wikimedia South Africa
    • youngest Chapter
    • not much to report about
    • have a workshop in Johanisburg
    • plans:
      • African language wikipedias
      • educational projects
      • university cooperations: First year students to write articles
      • documentate non-written cultures
  • Wikimedia Espana
  • one of the newest chapters
  • starting to work as board: much to learn
  • 72 participants – from almost all spanish regions
    • a lot of meetings (Bylaws and Board, aporoved by chapcom in …)
    • office in Valladolid
    • need a grant
    • Celebrations of 10 years of Wikipedia
    • Different cooperations with universites and participate in WikiLovesMonuments
    • Implement a program for people with disabilities
    • have a lot of plans for the future
  • Wikimedia Soumi / Finland
    • about 30 members, a limited budget and low participation
    • 1.5 years old
    • projects:
      • WikiLovesMonuments
      • Leaflet
      • Photo-projects
      • Old material
    • plans:
      • more members
      • update bylaws
      • secure funding; participate to the fundraiser
      • rise the participation
  • Wikimedia Sverige
    • Founded in 2007
    • 234 members
    • different projects in the past
    • Outreach activities
    • Wikipedia academy
    • 10 years of Wikipedia in Stockholm
    • Outreach activities on well-known Wikipedia activities, e.g. Bok & Bibliotek
    • try to do photo projects
    • Cooperations with archives and museums for image donations
  • Problems:
    • attract new users
    • Media focus on WP weakness
    • not professionalized (too little time)
  • Plans:
    • WikiLovesMonuments
    • Treasure Chest
    • “Internet in Sweden“-projects
    • Improve donor & membership management
    • CiviCRM
  • Wikimedia Taiwan
    • Founded in Feb 2007
    • 30 founding members (9 board members, 2 auditories)
    • no budget
    • Activities:
      • General Meeting with Spring Meet-up in June 2010 (different Wikipedia-topics)
      • Autumn Meet-up in August 2010 (9 participants on the train, pick up more people; visited three train stations; after that: discuss Wikipedia-topics and relationship-problems Wikimedia ↔ Wikipedia-Community-problems
      • Winter Meet-up (27 participants)
      • Wiki-X.........
    • Speech to the Information Office
    • Skype weekly meet-ups
    • bi-weekly meet-ups in different cities
    • More members, mor financial support, more budget
  • Wikimedia UK
    • November 2008
    • 4 board members
    • 180 members 500,000 pounds budget (link...)
    • not very charitable
    • first pro bono position
    • first staff member (Office manager, part time during fundraiser)
    • Plans to hire full time staff (Office manager full time; events organiser; developer; „chapter manager“)
    • Activities
      • May 2010: Fundraising Summit
      • June 2010: Wikipedian in Residence (British Museum, Liam Wyatt)
      • Nov 2010: GLAM-WIKI UK at the British Museum convened by Liam Wyatt)
      • Jan 2011: Jimmy Wales

  • Wikimedia Ukraine
    • 23 members and established in May 2009
    • small Ukrainian Wikipedia
    • Major Events:
      • Press Conference in April 2010
      • Press Conference in Jan 2011 (10 years of Wikipedia)
      • Wikimeetup for 10 years of Wikipuedia
      • First Open Wikitraining
    • Much publications about Ukrainian Wikipedia in media
    • Plans:
      • Present Wikimedia in major universities
      • WikiLovesMonuments
      • ...