Wikimania 2016 bids/Esino Lario/Team/Roles

Area Team Outcome Team Documentation
Program Working sessions

Evening events



  1. Making sure the program takes into account previous experiences and comments from participants.
  2. Designing the draft structure of the program (schedule, slots, typology of sessions, itineraries for each typology of attendees).
  3. Making sure a series of central topics are transversally represented in the program of the event (including sessions, side events, excursions).
  4. Defining the output we expect for each group of participants of Wikimania.
  5. Making sure all the program responds to the output we expect (including sessions, side events, excursions).
  6. Making sure Wikimania Esino Lario is a site-specific event. This means that the program structure is tightly related to the characteristics of the venue (space, size, atmosphere).
  7. Including in the program interactive sessions and training meant to gain new skills.
  8. Triggering proposals and ideas for Wikimania by involving different communities and groups of interest.
  9. Selecting the definitive program of Wikimania Esino Lario (the selection of submissions will be implemented by the same team or a different one)
  10. Managing the program (answer to questions, contacts with speakers, appointing moderators for each sessions, making sure the documentation about sessions is recorded and shared...)
  • Designing a program of activities during Wikimania beyond the conference.
  • Implementing the organization of the special events.
  • Making sure the special events are coherent with the overall program (in collaboration with the program team)


Designing a program of activities during Wikimania for children to support the involvement of volunteers with children and to facilitate the participation of families.


  • Implementing the organization of the excursions.
  • Making sure the excursions are coherent with the overall program (in collaboration with the program team)
  • Discussions
  • Meetups

Program team on wikimania2016 website.


  • Coordinator: Serena Nasazzi and Elisa Dell'Era
  • Artists: Roberto Paci Dalò, Invernomuto


  • Kids activities (>5 years old): Tecla Bertarini.
  • Children activities (2-5 years old): Giusy Nasazzi - cancelled because without any request.


  • Excursion Wikimania Takes Lake Como and Milan: Dario Crespi
  • Excursions in the mountains: Giacobbe Barindelli, CAI Val d'Esino.



Location Venues
  1. Preparation of the venues (security, insurance, upgrade, authorization to use the spaces).
  2. Management of the venues during the conference (emergency, keys, opening-closing). Making sure there is always a person in-charge in the venue or near the venue.
  3. Taking care of the venues after the conference (making sure storage and cleaning are properly managed)
  • Villa Clotilde: Esino Lario City Council (currently Carlo Borgia)
  • Primary School: Elvezia Bertarini
  • Theatre of the Kindergarden: Giusy Nasazzi
  • Sport Hall/Multifuncional space: Giovanni Viglienghi
  • Former museum: Esino Lario City Council (currently Elisa Dell'Era)
  • New museum: Esino Lario City Council (currently Giammario Ortelli)
  • Meeting: Association non profit COE
  • Montecodeno: Private owner
  • Ex-Albergo Grigna: Private owner
  • Tensile structure: Pro Loco
  • Cleaning. We included at the moment an amount in the estimated budget.
  • Equipment: Technical team
  • Upgrade: Technical administrator of Esino Lario city council.
  • Safety: Safety team
Location Transport
  1. Taking care of the transport (timetable, transport on-call).
  2. Taking care of the 4 different transport necessities: Varenna-Esino, airports, accommodation, excursions.
  3. Managing information for cars (parking) and bikes.
  4. Taking care of the transport hubs (Milan, Varenna and Esino).
  5. Locating Wikimania signs.
  • Responsabile for the transport: Mauro Ricciardelli
  • Company partner for the main transport from and to the airports and Varenna-Esino: SAL
  • Internal taxi service
  • Electrical cars - In-Kind support of eV-Now!
  • Scooters to facilitate transport
  • Train on wheels.
  • Preparatory work for the transport: Catherine de Senarclens and Iolanda Pensa
Location Accommodation
  1. Recording data about the accommodation (private and hotels) and collecting agreements.
  2. Relationships with accommodation owners (privates and hotels) - payments.
  3. Managing problems and finding accommodation solutions in case of problems (extra beds, sofas...)
  • Responsabile for the accommodation: Patrizia Barindelli
  • Preparatory work for the accommodation (initial contacts and phone calls): Catherine de Senarclens
  • In collaboration with the registration team.
Location Food
  1. Recording data about restaurants/bars and makes agreements.
  2. Planing and reviewing menus. Making sure there is food for vegetarians, vegans, food with no pork and regional cuisine - the latter doesn't fits with the others. Making sure breakfast is more than the Italian breakfast (cappuccino and brioche), something like eggs, sandwiches, ham, juice, fruits, yogurt, cereals, bread... Making sure there is always water, coffee and tea available and some snacks for the breaks.
  3. Making sure the offer of food is enough and diversified.
  4. Managing special diets.
  5. Supporting the plans also for special events.
  • Responsabile for the food: Serena Nasazzi
  • Food curator: Tommaso Fara
  • Professional catering: Piaceri d'Italia
Location Safety (planning)
  1. Making sure the logistics (venues, buildings, equipment) meet the safety regulations.
  2. Making sure buildings are properly equipped and accessibility is facilitated.
  • Responsible for safety: Pietro Pensa
  • Insurance: At the moment we contacted an insurance company for an estimated budget.
Location Safety (on site)
  1. Assuring response in case of emergency
  2. Coordinating the work and timetable of all the different teams focussed on safety (antifire, police, ambulance, control of conference rooms and circulation)
  3. Managing circulation (pedestrians, cars, busses) and verifying numbers in the rooms.
  4. Managing the opening and the closing ceremony.
  5. Making sure there is the appropriate medical assistance (regular and emergencies).
  • Responsabile for on site safety: Pietro Pensa (mayor) and Fabio Viglienghi (vice-mayor)
  • Unità di Crisi
  • ANA and Protezione Civile - Piero Dell'Era
  • Antifire team - Giovanni Grassi
  • Police - Questura di Lecco
  • Ambulance and medical assistance - Presidio medico di Bellano
  • Care of the participants: the nurse Francesco Tarantini and the psychologist Mario Pigazzini, pharmacist of Esino Lario.
Location Technical
  1. Assuring the necessary connectivity to the event with specific attention to the hackathon
  • Responsabile for the connectivity: Simone Sala (chair), Fabio Baioni (vice-chair)
  • Company partner for the connectivity: Eolo
  • Company technical partner: Elmec
Participants Registration team
  1. Registration Team - online
  2. Registration Team - during the conference
  • Registration team chair:
  • Coordinator of the registration team during the conference:
  • Members of previous Registration Committees and new members.


Participants Scholarships team
  1. Proposing ideas and approach for Wikimania scholarships
  2. Contributing to manage the scholarships process, requests and evaluation.
  3. Contributing to the work of the scholarship committee.
  • Scholarships working group chair: Federico Leva (Nemo)
  • Scholarships working group deputy chair: Martin Rulsch
  • Members of previous Scholarships Committees and new members.


Participants Visa
  1. Producing the necessary letters requested to apply for a visa
  2. Producing the necessary form and documents specifically requested by embassies and consulates
  • Italy: Lara Pensa and Carlo Maria Pensa
  • Wikimedia Foundation: Ellie Young and Morgan Jue
Organization Team management
  1. Involving active Wikimedia and Wikipedia volunteers in Wikimania planning, organization and implementation (both national and international volunteers).
  2. Recruiting new volunteers for the Wikimedia projects and for Wikimania.
  3. Making sure volunteers receive the best support, acquire new skills, take full advantage of the experience (i.e. agreement with universities for internships, certificates, managing the volunteers schedule according to their interest...) and have fun (i.e. group work rather than individual work, possibility to be part of the conference/attending it...).
  4. Facilitating the involvement of the volunteers in the Wikimedian movement beyond Wikimania.
  5. Involvement of stakeholders, institutions, public administrators.
  6. Involvement of local, national and international sponsors.
  7. Involvement of national and international grant-makers.
  8. Making sure questions and requests are answered or forwarded to the right people;
  9. Making sure institutions, sponsors and grant-makers are addressed and receive the information requested/needed on time.
  10. Making sure the participants receive the necessary assistance (visa, special needs, answers to their questions).
  • Front desk: Lara Pensa
  • Volunteer coordinator: Gogo (Carlo) Maglia
  • Protezione civile, ANA, antifire and all the teams related to on site safety: Fabio Viglienghi
  • Wikimedia Italia reference person: Dario Crespi
  • Wikimedia CH reference person: Ilario Valdelli
Organization Budget and fund-raising team
  1. Collect all the invoices and administrative reports.
  2. Making the payments
  • Project manager:
  • Secretary and administration:
  • Institutional fund-raising: Iolanda Pensa
  • Sponsors: Catherine de Senarclens, Serena Nasazzi, Alberto Nogara, Fabio Viglienghi, Elena Mihailo


Organization Communication team
  1. Project plan, design, concept.
  2. Identification of the vision and the key concepts of the project.
  3. Making sure sure the vision and the key concepts are represented in the plan and activities implemented.
Media team
  1. Prepares the press kit.
  2. Manages media contacts (media contacts lists, contacts with media and answers to media requests).
  3. Makes sure logos and credits are correctly used and fully included.
Newsletters, websites and social networks
  1. Making sure potential attendees are reached
  2. Making sure information about the event is available and updated

Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects

  1. Upgrading the Wikimedia projects with content related to the territory (photos, data, texts, sources...).
  2. Collecting and uploading content produced during the conference.
  3. Contributing to the outreach (program of Wikimedia related events before and after Wikimania)
Media team
  • Local and national media contacts: Lorenzo Colombo (coordinator) with Manuela Alippi
  • International media contacts: --- (Wikimedia Foundation)
  • Project manager (checks the logos and credits): Iolanda Pensa and Lara Pensa
Newsletters, websites and social networks
  • Wikimedia Italia newsletter, website and social networks: Francesca Lissoni (staff)
  • Bureaucrats of 1. ---- 2. ---
  • Documentation and update of
  • Wikimedia CH newsletter and website and social network: Ilario Valdelli

Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects

  • Wikivoyage: [wikivoyage:it:Utente:Andyrom75 Andyrom75]
  • Geography: Remulazz
  • Wikipedia, Wikimania2016, Open Street Map: Dario Crespi
  • Georeferenced data about the territory: Carlo Maria Pensa and CAI sezione Esino Lario.
  • Photos of the territory: Piercarlo Barindelli, Paolo Boncompagni, Mauro Cassina, Carlo Maria Pensa.
  • Presentations of Wikipedia and training sessions in Ticino: Ilario Valdelli
  • Presentations of Wikipedia and training sessions in Lombardy Region: Dario Crespi

Documentation on site

  • Photos of the event: [w:it:user:Jaquen Niccolò Caranti] (coordinator), Manuela Magni, Martina Corà
  • Video recording and streaming team:


Municipalities, images, cultural heritage, natural sites, history, culture of the territory; Esino Lario [w:it:Esino Lario on it.wikipedia], [w:en:Esino Lario on en.wikipedia], [commons:category:Esino Lario on Wikimedia Commons], [voy:it:Esino Lario on it.wikivoyage], Province of Lecco, Province of Como, Province of Sondrio, Valsassina, Ticino. Collaboration with the project The Alps on Wikipedia.


Organization Evaluation team
  1. Checking that the criteria of the evaluation are directly connected to the project proposal (objectives and expected results)
  2. Checking that feedback is collected and documented before, during and after the event.
  3. Involvement of 5 qualitative evaluations from 5 external people (<2 pages report).
  4. Collaborating with the Documentation and Wikimedia projects working group to make sure documentation about the event is collected and produced.
  5. Managing an online questionnaire (designing it and sent it out).
  6. Collecting statistics related to the scholarships.
  7. Making sure feedback pages are created on Wikimania website and people know about them.
  8. Making sure the post-mortem report/lessons learned is delivered on time after the conference.
  • Evaluation survey of Wikimania by the Wikimedia Foundation
  • Support and scholarship report: Global Learning & Evaluation, Wikimedia Foundation.


