Wiki Loves Butterfly/List of butterflies/Nymphalidae/Satyrinae
This is a list of Satyrinae taxon of butterfly, which are documented through Wiki Loves Butterfly project. The list is automatically populated by data from Wikidata. |
This list is generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by a bot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!
Name | mating | egg | caterpillar | pupa | adult ventral | adult dorsal |
() |
() |
Aulocera saraswati vishnu (Eastern Striated Satyr) |
Callerebia narasingha () |
Callerebia orixa (Orixa Argus) |
Callerebia scanda () |
Discophora sondaica zal (Indian Common Duffer) |
Discophora timora () |
Elymnias hypermnestra undularis (Wavy Common Palmfly) |
Elymnias malelas malelas (Bengal Spotted Palmfly) |
Elymnias nesaea timandra (Sylhet Tiger Palmfly) |
Elymnias patna patna (Larger Blue-striped Palmfly) |
Elymnias pealii (Peal's Palmfly) |
Elymnias penanga chelensis (Khasi Pointed Palmfly) |
Elymnias vasudeva (Jezebel Palmfly) |
Ethope himachala (Dusky Diadem) |
Faunis canens arcesilas (Thai Common Faun) |
Faunis eumeus assama (Assam Large Faun) |
Lethe baladeva baladeva (Darjeeling Treble Silverstripe) |
Lethe bhairava (Rusty Forester) |
Lethe chandica chandica (Darjeeling Angled Red Forester) |
Lethe chandica flanona (Assam Angled Red Forester) |
Lethe confusa confusa (Himalayan Banded Treebrown) |
Lethe dura gammiei () |
Lethe europa niladana (Himalayan Bamboo Treebrown) |
Lethe isana dinarbas (Himalayan Common Forester) |
Lethe kanjupkula kanjupkula (Manipur Broken Woodbrown) |
Lethe kansa (Bamboo Forester) |
Lethe latiaris latiaris (Himalayan Pale Forester) |
() |
Lethe margaritae (Bhutan Treebrown) |
Lethe mekara mekara (Darjeeling Common Red Forester) |
Lethe mekara zuchara (Assam Common Red Forester) |
Lethe nicetas () |
Lethe nicetella () |
Lethe ramadeva () |
Lethe scanda () |
Lethe serbonis () |
Lethe siderea siderea (Himalayan Scarce Woodbrown) |
Lethe sidonis (Common Woodbrown) |
Lethe sinorix sinorix (Assam Tailed Red Forester) |
Lethe sura () |
Lethe verma sintica (East Himalayan Straight-banded Treebrown) |
Lethe visrava (White-edged Woodbrown) |
Melanitis leda leda (Oriental Common Evening Brown) |
Melanitis phedima bela (Bengal Dark Evening Brown) |
Melanitis zitenius zitenius (Himalayan Great Evening Brown) |
(Double-branded Bushbrown) |
Mycalesis anaxias aemate (Indo-Chinese White-bar Bushbrown) |
Mycalesis francisca sanatana (Himalayan Lilacine Bushbrown) |
Mycalesis gotama charaka () |
Mycalesis intermedia (Intermediate Bushbrown) |
Mycalesis malsara (White-line Bushbrown) |
Mycalesis mineus mineus (Chinese Dark-branded Bushbrown) |
Mycalesis perseus blasius (Himalayan Common Bushbrown) |
Mycalesis suaveolens suaveolens () |
Mycalesis visala visala (Indian Long-branded Bushbrown) |
Neorina hilda (Yellow Owl) |
Penthema lisarda lisarda (Himalayan Yellow Kaiser) |
Ragadia crisilda crisilda (Sylhet White-striped Ringlet) |
Ragadia crito (Dusky-striped Ringlet) |
Stichophthalma camadeva camadeva (Sikkim Northern Junglequeen) |
Telinga heri (Large-eyed Bushbrown) |
Telinga malsarida (Plain Bushbrown) |
Telinga mestra sadona (Sadon White-edged Bushbrown) |
Mycalesis nicotia (Bright-eye Bushbrown) |
Thaumantis diores diores (Assam Jungleglory) |
Ypthima affectata () |
Ypthima baldus baldus (Himalayan Common Five-ring) |
Ypthima cantliei (Great Four-ring) |
Ypthima huebneri (Common Four-ring) |
Ypthima nareda (Large Three-ring) |
Ypthima newara newara (Himalayan Newar Three-ring) |
Ypthima sakra sakra (East Himalayan Five-ring) |
Zipaetis scylax scylax (Patkai Dark Catseye) |
End of auto-generated list.