Wiki Loves Butterfly/List of butterflies/Nymphalidae/Nymphalinae

This list is generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by a bot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

Name mating egg caterpillar pupa adult ventral adult dorsal
Aglais caschmirensis aesis
(Himalayan Tortoiseshell)

Aglais ladakensis

Araschnia dohertyi
(Manipur Map)

Doleschallia bisaltide indica
(Himalayan Autumn Leaf)

Hypolimnas bolina jacintha
(Oriental Great Eggfly)

Hypolimnas misippus
(Danaid Eggfly)

Junonia almana almana
(Oriental Peacock Pansy)

Junonia atlites atlites
(Oriental Grey Pansy)

Junonia hierta hierta
(Oriental Yellow Pansy)

Junonia iphita iphita
(Oriental Chocolate Pansy)

Junonia lemonias lemonias
(Chinese Lemon Pansy)

Junonia orithya ocyale
(Dark Blue Pansy)

Kallima inachus inachus
(Himalayan Orange Oakleaf)

Kallima knyvetti
(Scarce Blue Oakleaf)

Kaniska canace canace
(Chinese Blue Admiral)

Symbrenthia brabira brabira
(Himalayan Yellow Jester)

Symbrenthia hypselis cotanda
(Himalayan Spotted Jester)

Symbrenthia lilaea khasiana
(Khasi Common Jester)

Symbrenthia niphanda niphanda
(Himalayan Bluetail Jester)

Vanessa cardui
(Painted Lady)

Vanessa indica indica
(Himalayan Red Admiral)

End of auto-generated list.