User:Der-Wir-Ing/2024 U4C special election - Regional seat based guide

Map with the regions. For a more precise description see here. Taken are already:
*Northern and Western Europe (Violet)
*Middle East and North Africa (Orange)
*East, South East Asia and Pacific (dark blue)
The remaining seats are vacant.
Abbreviation Seat
NA North America (US & Canada)
NWE Northwestern Europe
LAC Latin America and Caribbean
CEE Central and Eastern Europe
SSA Sub-Saharan Africa
MENA Middle East and Northern Africa
ESEAP East, South East Asia and Pacific
SA South Asia
CAL Community-at-large

North America


If this one candidate does not get at least 60 % support, the seat will stay empty.

Candidate (link to candidate page) Region Homewiki[1] Reg. date[2] Edit count[3] Rights (sysop or higher)[4] Seat(s)[1] Languages[1] Answers
Ajraddatz (Candidate page) NA Wikidata 2010-01 58,000 suppress, sysop (steward) NA, CAL en, fr

There are no other candidates from North America (also not in the community-at-large section), but U4C member Barkeep49 is from North America. (In the last election Barkeep applied only for the Community-at-large seat, that way the North America seat stayed vacant)

Central and Eastern Europe


If none of those two candidates gets at least 60 % support, the seat will stay empty.

Candidate (link to candidate page) Region Homewiki[1] Reg. date[2] Edit count[3] Rights (sysop or higher)[5] Seat(s)[1] Languages[1] Answers
C.Suthorn (Candidate page) NWE Commons 2016-08 181,100 - CEE, CAL de, en
Боки (Candidate page) CEE Serbian Wikipedia 2018-09 19,500 CU CEE sr, hr, hbs, en
  • C.Suthorn speaks none of the East European languages (only German and English) and does not live in the CEE region.
  • Боки speaks several East European languages (Serbian, Croatian, Serbo-Croatian) and English. He also lives in the CEE region.

South Asia


If none of those two candidates gets at least 60 % support, the seat will stay empty.

Candidate (link to candidate page) Region Homewiki[1] Reg. date[2] Edit count[3] Rights (sysop or higher)[6] Seat(s)[1] Languages[1] Answers
Aishik Rehman (Candidate page) SA Bengali Wikipedia 2018-04 1,211,700 sysop SA, CAL bn, en, as, hi, ne
~aanzx (Candidate page) SA Kannada Wikipedia 2021-10 13,300 sysop SA, CAL kn, hi-3, en-3, tcy-1
  • The data presented here makes them look very similar: both are from the South Asia region, both are admin on their respective wikipedia (Bengali and Kannada), both speak one of the regions languages as first language plus English, Hindi and one more language of the region (Nepali and Tulu), both are admin and interface-admin on several projects.
  • Don't confuse Canada (the country north of the USA) with Kannada, a language in South India.
  • I reccommend reading their candidate pages (linked in the table) and checking their global account (linked in the table via their user name) to make your decision on who to support. Of course you can support none or both (both run for community-at-large as well, so both might get a seat)

Latin America and Caribbean


If none of those three candidates gets at least 60 % support, the seat will stay empty.

Candidate (link to candidate page) Region Homewiki[1] Reg. date[2] Edit count[3] Rights (sysop or higher)[7] Seat(s)[1] Languages[1] Answers
Faendalimas (Candidate page) LAC Wikispecies 2006-06[8] 11,200 sysop, CU, bureaucrat LAC, CAL en, pt, fr
ProtoplasmaKid (Candidate page) LAC Spanish Wikipedia 2006-03[9] 97,000 sysop, bureaucrat LAC es, en
Ybsen lucero (Candidate page) LAC Spanish Wikipedia 2010-11 1,800 - LAC es, en
  • Spanish is the most common Language in Latin America. Ybsen lucero and ProtoplasmaKid speak the language and are active in the Spanish Wikipedia.
  • Portugese is the second-most-common Language in Latin America. Faendalimas speaks it, but is mostly active in English language projects.

Sub-Saharan Africa


If none of those five candidates gets at least 60 % support, the seat will stay empty.

Candidate (link to candidate page) Region Homewiki[1] Reg. date[2] Edit count[3] Rights (sysop or higher)[10] Seat(s)[1] Languages[1] Answers
787IYO (Candidate page) SSA Hausa Wikipedia 2021-09 11,000 sysop (temporary) in Hausa wp SSA, CAL ha, nup, en, ar
Azogbonon (Candidate page) SSA French Wikipedia 2019-01 26,300 - SSA fr
Dera xoxo (Candidate page) SSA Igbo Wikipedia 2021-11 3,200 - SSA, CAL en, ig
Iwuala Lucy (Candidate page) SSA Igbo Wikipedia 2020-02 10,100 - SSA, CAL ig, en
Taoheedah (Candidate page) SSA English Wikiquote 2021-11 7,900 - SSA, CAL
  • Languages:
    • Azogbonon speaks only French, an important language in Africa but none of the African Languages. (According to contribs on commons, he also speaks English). He seems to be the most experienced candidate according to edit count and account age.
    • The other four candidates speak English as well as at least one African language (Hausa, Igbo, Nupe, Yoruba)
  • Some of them are women. If you want to support women or prefer mixed-gender committees: Here is your chance.
  • All of them are from West Africa and at least four seem to be from Nigeria, the most populated country in Africa (230 Mio people). They seem to represent the three biggest ethnic groups in Nigeria: Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba.
  • 787IYO is an (temporary) admin in the Hausa wikipedia. In the official guide and Giraffer's guide this is not indicated, as they don't indicate temporary permissions at all. List of all Hausa wp admins (8 in total, 3 of them temporary)
  • Dera xoxo is according to her candidate page a Wiki facilitator, I have had the opportunity to guide discussions, mediate conflicts, and ensure that all participants felt heard and respected. This might be a useful skill on the U4C.
  • Iwuala Lucy makes some (in my humble opion) strong statements on the candidate page, especially ones that might be beneficial for the U4C's preventive work (trainings). Lucy seems also to be very active with stuff that doesn't lead to edits: Committee work, Affiliate stuff,... Check the User page User:Iwuala Lucy
  • Taoheedah is eventorganizer and the only candidate from a Wikiquote project (The English one).

Community at large


There are currently four vacant community-at-large seats. The five candidates below, only run for CAL, probably because the region in which they live in already has a regional member in the committee. But many of the "regional" candidates above run also for a CAL seat.

Candidate (link to candidate page) Region Homewiki[1] Reg. date[2] Edit count[3] Rights (sysop or higher)[11] Seat(s)[1] Languages[1] Answers
1233 (Candidate page) ESEAP Chinese Wikipedia 2012-02 14,900 - CAL zh, yue, en
Krd (Candidate page) NWE Commons 2008-08[12] 236,700 sysop, CU, bureaucrat CAL de, en
Leaderboard (Candidate page) MENA English Wikibooks 2013-11 13,500 sysop CAL en, ml (speak), hi-1
NANöR (Candidate page) MENA Arabic Wikipedia 2019-07 29,700 - CAL Ar, Sv, En, Fr
Waltercolor (Candidate page) NWE French Wikipedia 2010-11 6,000 - CAL fr, en, de
  • Out of these 5 candidates, a maximum of 4 can get a seat as there are only 4 vacant community-at-large seats.
  • Some of them are women. If you want to support women or prefer mixed-gender committees: Here is your chance.


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r As published by the candidate.
  2. a b c d e f As per CentralAuth.
  3. a b c d e f As per CentralAuth and rounded up to the nearest hundred.
  4. As per CentralAuth. Includes bureaucrat, checkuser, suppress, arbitrator, and steward. All permissions listed are on the specified homewiki unless stated otherwise. Test and affiliate wikis are excluded. Temporary premissions are excluded.
  5. As per CentralAuth. Includes bureaucrat, checkuser, suppress, arbitrator, and steward. All permissions listed are on the specified homewiki unless stated otherwise. Test and affiliate wikis are excluded. Temporary premissions are excluded.
  6. As per CentralAuth. Includes bureaucrat, checkuser, suppress, arbitrator, and steward. All permissions listed are on the specified homewiki unless stated otherwise. Test and affiliate wikis are excluded. Temporary premissions are excluded.
  7. As per CentralAuth. Includes bureaucrat, checkuser, suppress, arbitrator, and steward. All permissions listed are on the specified homewiki unless stated otherwise. Test and affiliate wikis are excluded. Temporary premissions are excluded.
  8. Registration date is different from that in the Global account information
  9. Registration date is different from that in the Global account information
  10. As per CentralAuth. Includes bureaucrat, checkuser, suppress, arbitrator, and steward. All permissions listed are on the specified homewiki unless stated otherwise. Test and affiliate wikis are excluded. Temporary premissions are NOT excluded.
  11. As per CentralAuth. Includes bureaucrat, checkuser, suppress, arbitrator, and steward. All permissions listed are on the specified homewiki unless stated otherwise. Test and affiliate wikis are excluded. Temporary premissions are excluded.
  12. Registration date is different from that in the Global account information