Universal Code of Conduct/Coordinating Committee/Election/2024 Special Election/Candidates/Dera xoxo

Account Dera xoxo (talk meta edits global user summary CA)
Candidate details
  • Languages: English and Igbo
  • Region: Sub Saharan Africa
  • Active wikis: Igbo Wikipedia, English Wikipedia, Wikidata,
  • Wikimedian since: 2021
Selected home wiki Igbo Wikipedia
Type of seat (regional; community-at-large; or both) (division of regional seats) Sub Saharan Africa or Community-at-large
Introductory statement / Application summary (maximum 500 words): Tell us who you are, why you are applying, and your relevant experience. I’m Tony-Metu Chidera, a recent graduate of the department of Accountancy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. I am applying for this position because I believe it presents a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth, while also allowing me to contribute meaningfully to the Wikimedia community. My primary motivation is to put in my areas of expertise and gain experience in handling complex issues related to governance, community standards, and enforcement.

I have relevant experience that I believe will help me excel in this position. As a Wiki facilitator, I have had the opportunity to guide discussions, mediate conflicts, and ensure that all participants felt heard and respected. These experiences have honed my ability to remain impartial, listen actively, and foster a collaborative environment.

In summary, I am applying for this position because it aligns with my desire to gain hands-on experience in community governance and also to put in relevant skills or experience

Thank you!

The following section is transcluded. You can add comments and questions on this page: Universal Code of Conduct/Coordinating Committee/Election/2024 Special Election/Questions.

Dera xoxo



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