Universal Code of Conduct/Coordinating Committee/Election/2024 Special Election/Candidates/C.Suthorn

Account C.Suthorn (talk meta edits global user summary CA)
Candidate details
  • Languages: German, English
  • Region: Europe
  • Active wikis: Commons, (Wikidata, sometimes german-language and english-language Wikipedia)
  • Wikimedian since: Account created August 2017, first uplaods to Commons September 2017
Selected home wiki Commons
Type of seat (regional; community-at-large; or both) (division of regional seats) Commons at large and CCE
Introductory statement / Application summary (maximum 500 words): Tell us who you are, why you are applying, and your relevant experience. I already stood in the original election and did not reach the quorum. However, I came 14th out of the 37 candidates for 16 seats. I was also among the top 16 in the two voter guides, so I have decided to run again. My motivation is the same as in the original election and anyone who wants to can read my original statement on the candidate page of the original election. In the discussion after the election, the assumption was made that only a few of the candidates were suitable or that the voters wanted a smaller U4C. I do not agree with this assessment. There were a large number of candidates for the SSA region, some of whom had already worked on the preparation and adoption of the UCoC, so they are very suitable. Nevertheless, the SSA seat remained vacant. My assessment is therefore that the voters cast many neutral votes on the assumption that the respective candidates would receive a vote in favour or against from enough other voters. I apply for a community-at-large seat and the CCE seat, as some of the photos and videos I upload to Commons are either from Poland or were made in Germany and Austria but are about Central European topics, for example images from protests against the former polish PIS government and their stance on abortion, or the East Pride Parade. I also contributed a large number of media files from protests against the war in the Ukraine.

The following section is transcluded. You can add comments and questions on this page: Universal Code of Conduct/Coordinating Committee/Election/2024 Special Election/Questions.


  • Hi C.Suthorn, you wrote NWE as your region and the languages you stated are matching. Now, you are applying for the regional CEE (central and east europe) seat, as well as a community-at-large seat. A quote from your self introduction is "as some of the photos and videos I upload to Commons are either from Poland or were made in Germany and Austria but are about Central European topics". This is the only association between you and CEE in your candidate's statement. Can you allay an impression of a strategic choice of region to increase your chances of getting elected? Thank you in advance for your reply, --Ghilt (talk) 21:56, 20 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
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