Translation requests/Wikimania05-book/translations/Wikimania05/Presentation-BP1

This page is part of the Proceedings of Wikimania 2005, Frankfurt, Germany.

VIAF: Linking the Library of Congress and OCLC records with Personendaten

  • Author(s): Christina Hengel, Barbara Pfeifer (see also poster on Personendaten)
  • License: ?
  • Language: English
  • Slides: {{{slides}}}
  • Video: {{{video}}}
  • Note: Presentation (20 minutes)

About the author(s): Christina Hengel is a librarian at the Deutsche Bibliothek. Within the German Office for Library Standards, she is responsible for the German authority file for "Personennamendatei (PND)" (names and details of people).

Abstract: {{{abstract}}}



A short presentation to the VIAF project in which DDB works together with the Library of Congress and OCLC on linking PND records with the personal names of the Library of Congress Name Authorities (LCNA).