The Wikipedia Library/1Lib1Ref/Συμμετέχετε
Τα λήμματα της Wikipedia λειτουργούν υπό την υπόθεση της «Επαληθευσιμότητας». Κάθε ισχυρισμός σε ένα λήμμα θα πρέπει να «επαληθεύεται» από μια υποσημείωση με πηγή. Προσθέτοντας μια υποσημείωση προς μια αξιόπιστη πηγή σε οποιοδήποτε λήμμα της Wikipedia, βοηθάτε τους αναγνώστες της Wikipedia παγκοσμίως.
Wikipedia articles operate on an assumption of "Verifiability". Every statement in an article should be "verifiable" in a footnoted source. By adding a footnote to a reliable source in any Wikipedia article, you help Wikipedia readers worldwide.
Όταν προσθέτετε μια παραπομπή, παρακαλούμε να συμπεριλάβετε το hashtag #1Lib1Ref στη σύνοψη επεξεργασίας ώστε να μπορούμε να παρακολουθήσουμε τη συμμετοχή.
Τι κάνει μια πηγή καλή για να προστεθεί ως παραπομπή στη Wikipedia;
- Δημοσιευμένη: και peer-reviewed αν είναι δυνατό.
- Αξιόπιστη: είναι μια πηγή την οποία θα υποδεικνύατε σε κάποιο αν ήθελε να μάθε περισσότερα.
- Υποστηρίζει το κείμενο: η πηγή θα πρέπει να επιβεβαιώνει τον ισχυρισμό. Αν δεν το κάνει, αλλά είναι μια καλή γενική πηγή για το θέμα (όπως μια εξειδικευμένη εγκυκλοπαίδεια), λάβετε υπόψη να την προσθέσετε ως πηγή στην ενότητα «Πρόσθετη βιβλιογραφία».
Παρόλο που η Wikipedia ευνοεί την ανοιχτή πρόσβαση ή τις διαθέσιμες στο κοινό πηγές, αυτή δεν είναι μια απαίτηση: η χρήση κατάλληλων εκτός διαδικτύου, σπάνιων ή δύσκολης πρόσβασης πηγών μπορεί να είναι η καλύτερη επιλογή.
- Published: in a source with a reputation for editorial quality, and peer-reviewed if possible.
- Reliable: it's a source you'd point a patron to if they wanted to know more.
- Supports the text: the source should back up what is stated. If it doesn't, but is a good general resource for the topic (such as a specialty encyclopedia), consider adding the source to a "further reading" section.
Though Wikipedia favors open-access or publicly available sources, this is not a requirement: using appropriate offline, rare, or hard to access sources might be the best option.
Σημείωση: Αν δεν μπορείτε να βρείτε μια πηγή που να υποστηρίζει τον ισχυρισμό, αφαιρέστε τον ισχυρισμό από το λήμμα και προσθέστε μια σημείωση στη σελίδα Συζήτησης του λήμματος σχετικά με το τι αφαιρέσατε και την έρευνά σας. Ορίστε περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τις σελίδες Συζήτησης.
I want to edit
Why Should I Participate?

Because anyone can edit Wikipedia, the Wikipedia community has developed a core strategy to ensure the quality of information in its articles: including footnotes to reliable sources to allow Wikipedia readers to "verify" the information. The simplest way to engage with Wikipedia is to work on existing citation needs, in your preferred language. You can find these in English or 57 other languages."
Readers and editors who don't feel confident about a piece of information in an article can add a "citation needed" tag next to that statement. These tags are similar to reference questions: members of the public asking for reliable research to back up the information they are reading. English Wikipedia alone has over 509,480 citation needed statements.
Thousands of articles need more references; 173,662 articles on English Wikipedia have no references at all.[1] Imagine if every librarian in the world took 15 minutes to address one of the citation needed queries! Wikipedia would greatly reduce these gaps.
Fill a needed citation
Do you already have or have you already found a reference for a statement in an article that lacks citation? Watch the resources below to learn how to add a citation on Wikipedia.
How to add a citation (Video)
I don’t know how to find a citation needed tagged statement?
Are you in search for a citation needed tagged statement? Look no further, watch the resources below to learn how to find an article to add a reference to on Wikipedia using the Citation Hunt tool, a gamelike tool that will offer random citation needed statements.
Quick Steps
- Let the tool suggest a citation needed statements for you, or use the search menu at the bottom to choose a category (Wikipedia's version of a tag) of article that you have a special expertise in (for example, British novels or Provinces of Afghanistan).
- Go to the article, find the statement
- Click edit in the section header
- Add the source using the guidelines here
- Remove the "Citation needed" template (highlight and backspace in Visual Editor, or remove the template which adds that tag (it looks like {{citation needed}}))
- Add the hashtag #1lib1ref to your edit summary
- Save the page.
Further resources
How to add a citation using citation hunt (GIF)
How to add a citation using citation hunt (Video)
Find an article with sourcing problems
Wikipedia articles are frequently tagged for not having references to support information in the article. These articles can be found in automatically generated lists on English Wikipedia and in more than 55 other languages.
If you are interested in working on articles from a particular topic area on English Wikipedia, there is an index of work for those topic areas. Here is how to use it:
- Visit the index of articles on Wikipedia that need cleanup
- Select a topic you are interested in and click on the "by cat" link.
- Look for the "Sources Lacking" section
- Click on an article that you would like to work on.
- Add a reference to the article (see instructions).
Want to do more?
Add an external link or further reading
Adding an external link of further reading can provide additional insight to an article. Visit our page on external links and further reading to learn more.
Creating new articles on Wikipedia
Do you have access to source material and would like to create new articles on Wikipedia based on them? If this is the first time you are creating a new article on Wikipedia, you can check out this page on Wikipedia: Help:Your first article. Additionally, you can use the Article Wizard to help you through this process.
Creating Wikidata items related to works on Wikisource
Does your Wikisource have an existing integration with Wikidata? If not, you can reach out to an interface admin on your local wiki and ask them to import the integration modules available on MediaWiki.
All you need to do is find an index page on your local Wikisource without a Wikidata item and create a Wikidata item about the same. You might need to create two items, one for the work as an abstract entity (if it doesn’t exist already) and one for that specific edition. For example, the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare has a wikidata item for the literary work and multiple edition items for that work, be it the 1908 English edition edited by Arthur D. Innes or the 1978 Punjabi translation by Hardilbagh Singh Gill. Read more at Wikidata:WikiProject Books.
We are running this activity as a pilot. Let us know your thoughts about the same on the talk page.
Adding references to decrease gender bias
Do you want to help decrease gender bias on Wikipedia? You can contribute in two ways:
1. Adding references written by people who identify as women
The goal of this activity is to decrease the gender bias in references used on Wikipedia. Just like we have the gender gap in the content, in which articles about women or women's-related topics are less created, female authors are less cited and less used in the references of Wikipedia articles. That's a problem because the knowledge produced by women is not being seen, read, and used on Wikipedia.
You can participate in this activity just by choosing to add a reference written by a female author to a Wikipedia article or by organizing an event with your local library and Wikimedia community to add the female writers part of the institution's collection.
2. Adding references to a customized Citation Hunt list
The Citation Hunt tool allows users to create customized lists of articles to add references in the paragraphs without sources. The goal of this second activity is to help improve the quality and verifiability of content in articles related to gender discussions.
Suggested lists:
- Women's biographies (Spanish, French, and Portuguese)
- Gender and Feminism (English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese)
- Women's culture (English, Spanish, and Portuguese)
- Women's rights (English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese)
- Women in history (English, Spanish, and Portuguese)
- Add your suggestion!
Feel free to participate by adding your own list here or converting the current lists to your language!
We are running this activity as a pilot. Let us know your thoughts about the same on the talk page.
I want to organize
Παραπέμψτε προς μια πηγή που υπάρχει στη συλλογή ή έρευνά σας
Ένας από τους ευκολότερους τρόπους για να προσθέσετε μια παραπομπή στη Wikipedia είναι να εργαστείτε σε ένα θέμα με το οποίο είστε εξοικειωμένοι. Η Βιβλιοθήκη Βικιπαίδειας έχει καταστρωμένες στρατηγικές για την προσθήκη παραπομπών προς ψηφιακό και έντυπο υλικό στην Αγγλική Wikipedia.
I want to share
You can also participate in the campaign by extending the reach of the campaign through sharing of the campaign resources within your circles, on social media, with your institution or neighbouring institution. Let's get the word out!
- Share the campaign video on
- Share a 1 pager version of how to add a citation (JPEG) on
- Share the GIF of how to add a citation on
- Share the video on how to add a citation on
- Share the GIF of how to add a citation using citation hunt on
- Share the video on how to add a citation using citation hunt on
- Pre-created posts (yes, you can just copy a post and share!)
Don't forget to use the hashtag #1Lib1Ref!