Los resúmenes semanales de Noticias Técnicas te mantienen al tanto de los últimos cambios en el software que podrían afectar a todos los wikimedistas. Suscríbete, colabora y comenta.
anterior | 2019, semana 04 (lunes 21 de enero de 2019) | siguiente |
Las últimas noticias de tecnología de la comunidad técnica de Wikimedia. Coméntale a otros usuarios acerca de estos cambios. Algunos cambios no te afectarán. Existen traducciones disponibles.
Noticias Técnicas
- Some people did not get last week's issue of Tech News. This was because of a problem with MassMessage. If you did not get last week's issue, you can read it on Meta. [1]
Cambios recientes
- The content translation tool can now use version 2 as the default version for users who turned on the beta feature. For example it adds the tracking category
Pages with unreviewed translations
to translations that might have used machine translations without fixing the problems. This is so others can find them. You can find this category inSpecial:TrackingCategories
on Wikipedias. - https://mediawiki2latex-large.wmflabs.org can now convert collects of up to 800 pages to PDF, EPUB or ODT. Previously this was 200 pages.
- When a template was edited with the visual editor, it would sometimes put all information on one line. This makes it difficult to read for editors who use the wikitext editor. It also makes it more difficult to see what happened in a diff. This problem affected edits made between 8 and 17 January and is now fixed. [2]
- MassMessage is used to post a message to many pages. It has not been working reliably. Some messages have not been posted to everyone. [3][4]
- Because of a database problem that had to be fixed immediately you could not edit most wikis for a couple of minutes on 17 January (UTC). This has now been fixed. [5]
Cambios más adelante en esta semana
- You will be able to use template styles in the
namespace. [6] The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and MediaWiki.org from 22 enero. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 23 enero. It will be on all wikis from 24 enero (calendar).
Puedes participar de la reunión de asesoramiento técnico en IRC. Durante la reunión, los desarrolladores voluntarios pueden solicitar asesoramiento. La reunión se realizará el 23 enero a las 16:00 (UTC). Consulta cómo participar.
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