Talk:Requests for new languages/Wikipedia Ottoman Turkish 4
Ottoman language as the language task now be taught in Turkey, and please add them!
Note about vocabulary differences between Court Ottoman Turkish and Modern Turkish
editThe original discussion closed, so I thought add this here. These are comments from German scholar Bertold Spuler about the number of Arabic and Persian loanwords in court Ottoman Turkish.
From: Bertold Spuler, translated from German into English by Muhammad Ismail Marcinkowski. "Persian Historiography Outside Iran in Modern Times: Pre-Ottoman Turkey and Ottoman Empire" (Chapter 13.5). In: Persian historiography and geography. Pustaka Nasional Pte Ltd, 2003. ISBN 9971774887, 9789971774882. Start: 68. CITED: page 69.
- "After a period of several centuries, Ottoman-Turkish had developed towards a fully accepted language of literature, which was able to satisfy even the demands of a scientific presentation. However the number of Arabic or Persian loan-words contained in those works increased at times up to 88%!"
The text from the original German version: Spuler, Bertold. "DIE HISTORISCHE UND GEOGRAPHISCHE LITERATUR IN PERSISCHER SPRACHE". Iranian Studies. ISBN 9789004304994. - Online Publication Date: 8 December 2016 - Series: Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East, Volume: 4/1Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East, Iranian Studies. - Citing pages 164-165:
- "Das Osmanisch-Türkische hatte sich nach einer Entwicklung von mehreren Jahrhunderten zur vollgültigen Literatursprache herangebildet, die allen Ansprüchen auch einer wissenschaftlichen Darstellung genügen konnte (wobei freilich die Zahl der arabischen und persischen Fremdwörter auf bis zu 88 v. H. des Textes anstieg)."