Scratch olympiad/Rules8
Individual works are evaluated according to the following criteria: compliance of the competitive work with the stated nomination 0-2 points; originality of the idea and content of the project 0-5 points; creative approach - 0-5 points; project complexity - 0-5 points; workmanship - interface clarity, design, convenience of structure and navigation 0-8 points; the quality of the algorithm is 0-10. for grades 1-2, the ability to use groups (movement, appearance, sound, etc.) and an understanding of working with sprites are evaluated ; for 3-4 classes, the ability to use groups is estimated (movement, appearance, sound, etc.) Understanding of working with sprites, parallel and sequential execution of the program, transfer of control between sprites, branching of the program); for grades 5-6, use of Scratch’s interactive features, ability to work with variables and lists is estimated; for grades 7-11 (15-18 years old) the ability to use all the features of Scratch is estimated. It is important to have a reaction to user actions; clear interface; the absence of errors in the algorithm of the game, EOR; for students of pedagogical specialties and pedagogical workers (over 18), the ability to use all the possibilities of Scratch is evaluated. It is important to have a reaction to user actions; clear interface; the absence of errors in the algorithm of the game, EOR; No errors in the program - 0-5 points; For individual work, you can score a maximum of 40 points. Collective works are evaluated according to the same criteria as individual, and additional points are awarded according to the criteria characterizing the interaction of participants: Ability to use tools of joint activities (remix, backpack, studio) - 0-8 points; Ability to plan joint work - 0-4 points; The ability to divide the work into parts for all team members - 0-4 points; The ability to collect fragments in a common project - 0-4 points. For collective work, you can score a maximum of 60 points (40 + 20). |