Learning patterns/How to write communications materials with a balanced portrayal of women and men

A learning pattern forgender
How to write communications materials with a balanced portrayal of women and men
problemWhen developing communications materials it is important to give a balanced portrayal of men and women, not only in terms of quantity but also in terms of quality.
solutionCommunications should strive to tell the stories of men and women working together in their communities and empowering each other.
created on02:21, 28 August 2018 (UTC)

What problem does this solve?


Many times we write reports and communications materials but we forget to give a balanced portrayal of men and women. Many times when the media is going to interview members of the chapters we forget to give a balanced portrayal of men and women. Sometimes we do remember but only remember to do it in terms of quantity and sometimes we only remember to do it in terms of quality.

What is the solution?


When developing communications materials it is important to give a balanced portrayal of men and women, not only in terms of quantity but also in terms of quality. Quantitative: ensure a gender balance 50/50. Qualitative: challenge stereotypes and encourage the portrayal of diverse roles for both women and men. Communications should strive to tell the stories of men and women working together in their communities and empowering each other.

Things to consider

  • Avoid sexist and stereotypical language.
  • Use gender-neutral language for both, women and men.
  • Include sex-disaggregated data wherever available and relevant.
  • Keep in mind that gender is not only about women. Don't forget about men.
  • Avoid depicting men exclusively in stereotypical, traditional ways and/or empowering ways.
  • Recognize when and where men are also vulnerable.
  • Avoid depicting women exclusively in stereotypical, traditional ways and/or disempowering ways.
  • Recognize when and where women are also powerful. Try to encourage the portrayal of women as leaders and active participants in their communities.
  • If you are organizing an event, have both women and men in panels and as speakers.
  • Ensure a balance between stories featuring female-driven initiatives and partnerships and those featuring male-driven initiatives and partnerships.
  • Ensure that men and women are interviewed in equal numbers. Quote women and men as expert-source of info-opinion, for example, if you are interviewing Wikipedians about editing on Wikipedia, choose the same number of wikipedian women as wikipedian men to interview.
  • If you are recording a video, both voices and images should appear without replicating stereotypes like women as passive and men as assertive.
  • Choose images in which clothing, gestures and postures convey equal status.

When to use


When you write any kind of press releases, social media content, publications, panel discussions, photos, statements. When you are writing about Wikipedia or Wikimedia for a blog. When you are making a report for Wikimedia .When you belong to a chapter or user's group and they are going to interview you in a newspaper or for TV. If you belong to a chapter that wants to do an audio or video or photos materials about Wikimedia's projects.



See also


