Grants talk:Project/Rapid/Hinayoshi/Wikipedia editathon in Yamanashi 2017/Report
Latest comment: 7 years ago by I JethroBT (WMF) in topic Comments from I JethroBT (WMF)
Comments from I JethroBT (WMF)
editHi Hinayoshi. レポートをありがとうございます。Please accept my apologies for the long delay in reviewing your project-- our team has been short staffed and I have personally been away for the last few months on parental leave. Here are my comments on your report:
- Can you describe a little more about why communication did not go well during this project? What ways were you communicating with others in this project? Do you have any ideas about how improve communication in future projects like this one?
- プロジェクトでは日本のさまざまな場所に住んでいるwikipedianが協力してプロジェクトに参加した。Facebookを主に使いコミュニケーションをとったが、さまざまな誤解が生まれた。ミーティングの回数が少なく、参加者が少なかった。このためコミュニケーションが少しうまくいかなかった。今後についてはSlackのようなチャットベースのシステムなどを使い、リアルタイムでレスポンスできるコミュニケーションを作る必要がある。
- Rough translation from I JethroBT (WMF): This project was collaborative, where Wikipedians residing in many different places in Japan participated together. We mainly used Facebook, but there were various misunderstandings that resulted. We had only a few meetings together, and participation in these meetings was low. Because of these, communication was somewhat unsuccessful. From now, we will use a communication system similar to Slack, as being able to respond in real time is essential for us.
- I really enjoyed reviewing this record of your activities via Twitter (also, those peaches looks really good!) I have not seen this manner of sharing information about an event before, or about generally, and I appreciate you introducing it to me. I'll be sharing this method -- and others like it -- with other grantees who use Twitter or other social media to document their program.
- Twitterによる記録(実況)はその場の会話などの流れが理解でき非常に役に立ちます。私は学会発表などの記録としても使用しています。今後wikimediaのさまざまなイベントでもTwitterでの発信があると嬉しいです。
- Rough translation from I JethroBT (WMF):Recording by Twitter (i.e. live commentary) is very useful because you can understand the flow of conversation and comments in one place. I even use it for things like conference announcements. I'm happy that various Wikimedia events will use Twitter in this way as well.
- I saw that you wrote about the challenge of having editors who have different writing styles, and having to resolve those differences to be able to write the articles. Can you talk a little bit about those differences and how you went about resolving them during the event (or afterward?) Does Japanese Wikipedia offer useful guidance on writing style to help navigate some of these differences?
- プロジェクトに参加した編集者のスタイルはさまざまでした。情報収集を多く行ってから編集を始める人と、判明した部分から書き始める人を調整することは難しかったです。また複数人での編集競合の解決も課題でした。今後への示唆として、複数人での編集では情報収集を待ってから編集を行うスタイルが必要で、パソコン以外にカメラや紙に編集した情報を蓄積することで待つことが重要と判明しました。また最新の情報と歴史の情報で、編集者ごとに得意な部分がありました。それぞれの編集者同士でスキルの交換がありました。今後プロジェクト参加者により、wikipedia日本語版のヘルプページが充実することが期待されます。
- Rough translation from I JethroBT (WMF): The styles of the editors who participated varied. It was difficult to suggest adjustments to editors who start editing after doing a lot of information gathering and those who start writing immediately. Also, resolving edit conflicts with multiple people was a challenge. Planning for the future, editing with multiple people will require a style of editing after finishing information collection; it was important to gather possible edits together on paper and on camera, outside of using our computers. Also, with the latest information and history, there were parts of editing that editors were particularly skilled at doing. These skills were taught and shared between each editor. In future projects with these participants, we expect that we will improve the Japanese Wikipedia help pages accordingly.
- I also read in this report that the theme of the event was kept secret for a time before the event. Was there a reason for this? In most events, I usually see organizers make the theme of the event fairly public beforehand.
- 編集テーマを秘密にしたのは、編集者のプロジェクトスタート前の情報をできるだ同じ量にコントロールするためです。今回のプロジェクトでは情報収集のスキルなどの向上のほかに、他の編集者にそのスキルをシェアすることをプロジェクトの目標としました。編集者がテーマを事前に知り、情報を事前に集めてしまうと、wikipediaの編集スキルしかシェアできなくなってしまいます。しかし、時間をかけて多くの情報を集める編集スタイルの編集者からは不満が出てしまいました。テーマ公開のエディタソンも開催の必要を感じました。
- Rough translation from I JethroBT (WMF): The reason the theme was kept secret was to control the amount of topical information editors knew, and so that all editors had the same information at the event. In addition to improving information-gathering skills, our goals also included making sure editors shared those skills with each other. If editors know the theme beforehand and do research before the event, only skills related to editing can be shared because the research has already been done. However, there was some dissatisfaction from editors regarding differences in writing style from editors who gradually collect a lot of topical information over time. The editor who came up with the theme preferred that it remain initially closed to the public.
- Finally, regarding your remaining funds, these may be returned to the Wikimedia Foundation using the instructions here. Alternatively, if you plan to run another project in the next 30 days, please submit a Rapid Grant and -- if the grant is approved -- these funds can be allocated toward that project.
- あなたの提案に感謝します。しかし私が、10月以降、大学の入学試験業務が忙しく新しいプロジェクトを計画することが困難でした。残った資金についてはWikimedia Foundationに返却いたしました。
- Rough translation from I JethroBT (WMF): Thanks for the suggestion. However, since October, I was busy with college entrance exams and it was too difficult to plan a new project. We've returned the remaining funds to the Wikimedia Foundation.
Please respond to these questions when you are able, and please ask me any questions if something is unclear. 英語でも日本語でも答えてもいいです。Thank you very much for your work! I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 20:31, 16 November 2017 (UTC)
- @Hinayoshi: Hi Hinayoshi, it's been about a month since I've posted my questions. As soon as possible, please respond to my questions above so that this report can be closed. Thanks, I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 19:52, 15 December 2017 (UTC)
- @I JethroBT (WMF): Hi I JethroBT (WMF). Sorry for the delay in replying to comments. I appreciate your work.