Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/WikiCiv 2023/Final Report

Final Report Review Reflections & Recommendations


Dear Wikimedia UG Côte D’Ivoire,

Thank you for preparing the final report on the work done and funded in 2023. We have reviewed your report and would like to share here  some comments, questions and recommendations that might be useful as you continue implementing your work;

  • It was great learning about new approaches you are taking to support the work you are doing and, at the same time, breathe innovation. In particular, the establishment of an editorial committee to support the effectiveness and efficiency of edit-a-thons and guiding the application of policies in informing article creation and improvement.
  • Another interesting initiative was the immersion project, part of the Fotamana program, that supported the community organizers in Burkina Faso. We see it important to track the outcomes connected to this effort to assess if this is an effective method to activating new communities sustainably through this approach of leadership and skills development.
  • We see this initiative aligning with other efforts, including supporting an emerging group in Guinea Bissau and are curious on how you and others in the region doing the same and sometimes with the same group can coordinate and support each other in this effort.
  • We recognize your note on the importance of knowledge management to support in the continuous development of the user group and organization and especially in passing on knowledge from one cohort of leaders to the next. We commend you for beginning to think about this as we see it useful in moulding future leaders to ensure the successful sustainability of the work and also future succession planning.
  • We are pleased to know the strategic plan was a successful endeavor and look forward to learning later in the year how it supported the implementation of your work in the country and region.
  • It was interesting to learn about the engagement of youth in your activities - about 67% of them are keen to learn if you have a specific youth strategy - and how you are thinking of tapping into this demographic in a more long-term manner.
  • Lastly, seeing that language is a barrier to accessing training as part of capacity-building efforts, how are you planning to address this challenge?

That’s it for the reflections and comments; we enjoyed reading the report and taking in the insights shared, and we continue to see value in the work you do in the movement towards achieving knowledge equity, especially on the African continent.

Feel free to respond to these comments on the report's discussion page.

Thank you. VThamaini (WMF) (talk) 08:55, 3 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

[FR] Merci @VThamaini (WMF) pour tes commentaires. Ci-dessous nos réponses.
  • Nous prenons note de tes suggestions et travaillerons à documenter et évaluer les résultats et l’efficacité de ce modèle hybride d’apprentissage entre pairs et de mentorat qu'est Fotamana dans l’activation de nouvelles communautés et/ou la consolidation des communautés émergentes.
  • Un cadre comme le hub Ouest africain en discussion pourrait répondre à ce défi de coordination des actions similaires d’appui aux nouvelles communautés. Nous pensons que s’il est opérationnel, il permettrait de mieux organiser ce genre d’initiatives régionales.
  • L’approche à destination des jeunes repose principalement sur le développement des Clubs dans les écoles, universités et autres territoires où ils s’y trouvent. Il s’agit d’une démarche de proximité qui permet de les responsabiliser et de les engager au sein de leurs communautés via les projets Wikimedia. L’Association, apporte, dans la coordination desdits Clubs, l’appui technique et financier nécessaire dans la conduite des projets et campagnes, et aussi dans l’animation des Clubs.
  • Pour le défi de langue, nous avons initier depuis 2023, le projet We Time de renforcement de capacités en anglais. Déjà 3 membres y ont participé avec une amélioration substantielle de leur pratique de l’anglais. Nous comptons le redéployer cette année avec au moins 3 nouveaux membres. Nous exploitons aussi les outils de traduction disponibles en ligne pour les ressources uniquement disponibles en anglais.
[EN] Thank you @VThamaini (WMF) for your comments. Below are our responses.
  • We take note of your suggestions and will work to document and evaluate the results and effectiveness of this hybrid peer-to-peer learning and mentoring model that is Fotamana in activating new communities and/or consolidating emerging ones.
  • A framework such as the West African hub under discussion could meet this challenge of coordinating similar actions in support of new communities. We believe that, if operational, it would help to better organize such regional initiatives.
  • The approach aimed at young people is based primarily on the development of Clubs in schools, universities and other areas where they are present. It's a grassroots approach that empowers young people and engages them in their communities through Wikimedia projects. UG CI, in coordinating these Clubs, provides the technical and micro-financial support needed to run micro-projects and campaigns, as well as running the Clubs.
  • For the language challenge, in 2023 we launched the We Time project to strengthen English language skills. Already 3 members have taken part, with a substantial improvement in their English. We plan to roll it out again this year with at least 3 new members. We also exploit the translation tools available online for resources that are only available in English.
Translated with (free version) Papischou (talk) 14:14, 15 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

Financial Report as Wiki Page


@Papischou I can help you creating out of the Spreadsheet version of the Financial Report a Wikipage version of the Financial Report. From my point of view such a report will be accessible for more people. I have seen that the Financial Report is located in a Spreadsheet in the moment. Hogü-456 (talk) 19:47, 15 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Ok thanks. What you'll need ? Papischou (talk) 10:47, 17 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
@Papischou I just need your confirmation and your help to check if I transferred the values in a correct way. Hogü-456 (talk) 17:27, 22 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
I tried it and I am not sure if it will work. It seems to be difficult to display it in a good way. You can find the current version here. User:Hogü-456/WikiCiv 2023 Financial Report Table Example. Not all columns can be displayed next to each other. So it is necessary to split it up into groups. Hogü-456 (talk) 18:19, 22 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
You have our confirmation. Thank you for your help. Papischou (talk) 17:44, 28 May 2024 (UTC)Reply
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