Grants talk:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Rapid Fund/台灣原住民族第 13 族撒奇萊雅族語:透過維基百科傳承瀕危的祖靈語言 (ID: 22107982)

Follow-up questions from Programme Officer


Hello @Sabak5388,

Thank you for putting in an application for the rapid fund grant. These are further questions, we'll love to have your responses to:

Local Context

  • Could you share about the history and growth of Sakizaya Wikipedia and the community over time? Here are some statistics on Sakizaya Wikipedia, which you may find useful when recounting your journey. 您能否分享一下 Sakizaya 维基百科和社区随着时间的推移的历史和发展情况?
  • Apart from using wikiprojects, how has your community worked with other partners (local/ international) to preserve the culture and heritage of your indigenous community? What type of support have they provided? 除了使用 wikiprojects,您的社群如何与其他伙伴(本地/国际)合作来保留了撒奇萊雅文化?
  • Could you provide more background about Taiwan's Sakizaya tribe? We found this link -, are there other reading links that you would recommend to find out more? 您能提供更多关于台湾撒奇萊雅族的的信息吗?
  • Apart from activities related to Wikiprojects, what other types of activities do you organise for members of your community? Could you elaborate more on your demographic profile, interests and engagement levels of your members etc? How is your community organised? 除了与维基项目相关的活动外,您还为社群成员组织了哪些活动? 您能详细说明组织口统计资料、兴趣和会员的参与度等? 你的社区是如何组织的?

Related to grant application

  • About question 2 and 3: Why and how do you decide that your proposed strategies and activities is most useful for your community at this stage? Have you tried or studied different approaches? What were your findings - What worked or didn't' worked? 关于第 2 和 3题:您为何认为所提出的策略和活动在现阶段对您的社群最有用? 您是否尝试或研究过不同的方法? 请更详细的说明。
  • About question 5: Could you provide further elaboration the core team members for this project, their experience and journey with Wikimedia movement/ wikiprojects? What are their roles in this project? What are their experiences in implementing similar projects? What other types of support would the organising team require to implement this project? 关于第5题:您能进一步说明该项目的核心团队成员、他们在维基/wikiprojects 方面的经验和历程? 他们在这个项目中扮演什么角色? 他们在实施类似项目方面有哪些经验? 组织团队实施该项目还需要哪些其他类型的支持?
    • 我們是一群為了保護及傳承撒奇萊雅族的族人,皆是無薪的志願者。團隊人員包含 Sabak5388、Dawa Sabak、Sabak Nubu、Habayiing、Uuy411110、Hana ating,成員皆為維基百科的編撰者
  • About question 15: What would be the top three things that you would like to learn, if you were to implement this project? 关于第15题 :这个项目,如有学习目标,您会你会专注于什么?

Thank you.

Regards, Jacqueline

JChen (WMF) (talk) 09:59, 3 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Reviewer's Feedback by a Representative of the ESEAP Funds Committee


Hello @sabak5388,

Please find the feedback from a representative of the ESEAP Funds Committee (@Kunokuno). We welcome your response to the sharing. Thank you.


Category Questions YES / NO Question/Observations/ Feedback from reviewer to applicant
Clarity Is the proposal clear and coherent in terms of the change it wants to make and what it thinks will help bring about that change? Yes If one of the major aims of the project is to preserve the indigenous language of Sakizaya, have you considered including the Wiktionary as one of the focus wikiprojects for this initiative? Sakizaya has a valid language code (ISO 639-3: szy) and could be worked on. It already has already an incubator project in Wiktionary and can be utilized further for this project if the purpose is language preservation.
Impact potential and strategic alignment Does the proposal indicate value/impact potential? Yes
Is the proposal viable?

Quick Tips:

Review the strategies and activities it proposes in the timeframe established. 

Has the applicant identified major potential risks together with relevant mitigation strategies?

No If the group has plans to work with indigenous groups, there are certain policies to be aware of. Government offices are careful when it comes to making direct contact with indigenous people, especially if it would impact their culture and traditions. Is it allowable to collaborate with them on working on this project? Make sure to ask permission from the office of culture and indigenous groups before initiating the project.
Individual / Organizational Capacity Does the applicant have the experience[ technical / organizing ]capacity to implement this project?

*If the applicant is a newcomer Is it clear how they are going to account / cover for the lack of capacity?

Does the applicant or team have experience on target Wikimedia projects?

If the applicant is a newcomer, is it clear how they are going to account / cover for the lack of experience?

Has the applicant accounted for risks related to the project? Yes One risk we could always identify is the absence of data connections and devices, but the group has mentioned that the place can accommodate this type of program.
Community Engagement Does this proposal have support from Wikimedia community members?

Has there been sufficient engagement of community members through the endorsement and feedback process.

They may provide links to the announcement of this project on the community portals of the wikiprojects they would be working on.
Budget alignment Does the proposed budget adequately reflect the investment needed to achieve the proposed goals Need translation for the budget.
Learning and Evaluation Does the applicant show clarity in what they hope to learn from their work given the change they are hoping to achieve? No Core metrics should be filled up because they will be their guide for their target participants and Wikiprojects. Target wikiprojects for this proposal could be Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikimedia Incubator, and Wikimedia Commons (if they are uploading videos).
Questions / Feedback to the applicant [Recommendations of things to change or improve ] Developing the Sakizaya Wiktionary can be a big potential for this project, aside from just developing the Wikipedia entries on Sakizaya people and Sakizaya language. They can utilize both the Lingua Libre and Spell4Wiki applications if they’d like to record the Sakizaya words, and it is being automatically being stored in Wikimedia Commons. New word entries in the Sakizaya Wiktionary can have pronunciations once there is an available audio recording of the word in the Wikimedia Commons. This project can be a good entry point if they’d also be willing to develop and preserve the language by applying to the Language Revitalization Accelarator of Wikitongues.
Is there anything new or interesting in the proposal that we should take particular note of or would be good to highlight for peer learning or greater evaluation or communication purposes?   YES They will work directly with the indigenous people instead of just making use of the available resources in books or online. They will be getting first-hand information directly from the speakers of the language.

JChen (WMF) (talk) 03:14, 5 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Applicant's Response to Programme Officer's Questions


Note: applicant responded via email. PO is posting the response on behalf of the applicant (@Sabak5388).

Local Context

  • Could you share about the history and growth of Sakizaya Wikipedia and the community over time? Here are some statistics on Sakizaya Wikipedia, which you may find useful when recounting your journey. 您能否分享一下 Sakizaya 维基百科和社区随着时间的推移的历史和发展情况?
    • A:Sakizaya 維基百科建置是從 2015 年陸續開始建立的,由少數的族人開始嘗試翻譯與編修條目,由於族人當時的科技技術能力並為先進,在編修上是非常曲折的,但一直都有零星的族人不停的一點一滴建立條目到維基百科中。值得分享的是,在 2017 年撒奇萊雅族進入了維基百科孵育場的活躍名單中,2018 初開始陸陸續續新增了條目數以及有效帳戶數,年底獲得了維基百科總部認可,讓撒奇萊雅族語言有了新代碼為 SZY,並在 2019 年 11 月撒奇萊雅族成功地在維基百科上正式上線。建置期間由 少數的 Sakizaya 族人共同協助利用族語翻譯的方式建置維基百科的內容,一直到現在仍然有數位族人持續的新增內容,我們希望能夠透過持續的建置來將我們的語言做數位化的保留及儲存。

  • Do you have a meta page for your volunteer groups? These could be useful samples for you. 你能分享团体的元页面吗?以下的例子为参考。

  • Apart from using wikiprojects, how has your community worked with other partners (local/ international) to preserve the culture and heritage of your indigenous community? What type of support have they provided? 除了使用 wikiprojects,您的社群如何与其他伙伴(本地/国际)合作来保留了撒奇萊雅文化
    • A:我們有與政府的原住民語言推廣計劃-撒奇萊雅族語言推動組織,及花蓮撒固兒部落的長照2.0計劃-原住民族文化健康照顧站計劃一同合作,因為部落的耆老平日每天都有參與原住民族文化健康照顧站的活動,因此,我們很常透過該計劃的活動期間訪談到耆老們,透過耆老在的時間利用口頭訪談、錄音錄影的方式來保存撒奇萊雅族的文化與知識。而這兩個計劃都是花蓮在地的計劃,參與成員皆是當地的撒奇萊雅族族人。

  • Could you provide more background about Taiwan's Sakizaya tribe? We found this link -, are there other reading links that you would recommend to find out more? 您能提供更多关于台湾撒奇萊雅族的的信息吗

台灣原住民族資訊資源網(Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples Portal)資訊: 台灣原住民數位博物館(Digital Museum of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples)資訊:

  • Apart from activities related to Wikiprojects, what other types of activities do you organise for members of your community? Could you elaborate more on your demographic profile, interests and engagement levels of your members etc? How is your community organised? 除了与维基项目相关的活动外,您还为社群成员组织了哪些活动? 您能详细说明组织口统计资料、兴趣和会员的参与度等? 你的社区是如何组织的?
    • A:我們偶爾會跟撒奇萊雅族語言推動組織進行合作,去舉辦語言相關的活動,活動參加人數大約會有 20 人左右,可以參考 Kacumuli nu Sakizaya撒奇萊雅小蝸牛的貼文內容。

Related to grant application

  • About question 2 and 3: Why and how do you decide that your proposed strategies and activities is most useful for your community at this stage? Have you tried or studied different approaches? What were your findings - What worked or didn't' worked? 关于第 2 和 3题:您为何认为所提出的策略和活动在现阶段对您的社群最有用? 您是否尝试或研究过不同的方法? 请更详细的说明。
    • A:因為台灣的部落是相對科技技術落後的地方,我認為積極地將網際網路儲存技術帶到部落,將較於紙本記錄來說是更有效能保存文化遺產的方法。如果能夠找到更多會使用網際網路及電腦的族人一起來利用影音來記錄文化以及撰寫維基百科,對於文化保存上是更有效率的。同時也可以透過參加 2023 年的維基百科年會,與不同的種族去做交流互動,讓撒奇萊雅族的語言文化能夠在地化,也能國際化。

  • About question 5: Could you provide further elaboration the core team members for this project, their experience and journey with Wikimedia movement/ wikiprojects? What are their roles in this project? What are their experiences in implementing similar projects? What other types of support would the organising team require to implement this project? 关于第5题:您能进一步说明该项目的核心团队成员、他们在维基/wikiprojects 方面的经验和历程? 他们在这个项目中扮演什么角色? 他们在实施类似项目方面有哪些经验? 组织团队实施该项目还需要哪些其他类型的支持?
    • 我們是一群為了保護及傳承撒奇萊雅族的族人,皆是無薪的志願者。團隊人員包含 Sabak5388、Dawa Sabak、Sabak Nubu、Habayiing、Uuy411110、Hana ating,成員皆為維基百科的編撰者
    • A:Sabak5388 為維基百科的管理人員,專門管理其他成員(Dawa Sabak、Sabak Nubu、Habayiing、Uuy411110、Hana ating)定期上傳撒奇萊雅族的相關文獻資訊,以上成員多從 2019 年開始透過台灣政治大學的原住民族研究中心學習如何上傳維基百科的技術,之前皆以圖文做記錄,並未有影音相關的文獻記載。而今年申請此計劃希望增加影音的條目,將撒奇萊雅族維基百科的資料庫更加完整。

  • About question 15: What would be the top three things that you would like to learn, if you were to implement this project? 关于第15题 :这个项目,如有学习目标,您会你会专注于什么?
    • A:這次的計劃希望能夠前往「2023 維基媒體國際會議」進行國際化交流,希望專注於與各國維基百科人員進行交流與學習,將相同性質的他國更好的經驗一起帶回台灣,讓台灣的計劃能夠更順利的去利用維基百科做文化的記錄。

JChen (WMF) (talk) 03:58, 12 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Applicant's Response to Feedback by a Representative of the ESEAP Funds Committee


Note: applicant responded via email. PO is posting the response on behalf of the applicant (@Sabak5388).

Hello a representative of the ESEAP Funds Committee (@Kunokuno),

Thank you for providing such a good suggestion for our reference, and we will make some responses to your suggestions.

  1. 我們的計劃中有將繼續增修撒奇萊雅族(SZY)條目的內容列在計劃中,以會持續用此語言代碼作為語言保存的項目之一,可以參考提案的第 2 項之1.。
  2. 關於是否有確認與當地原住民團體取得認可這部分,我們在這之前皆有與當地的團體單位進行合作,如上一篇的第三點回覆一樣,在計劃開始前皆有初步跟當地部落的原住民族文化健康照顧站以及撒奇萊雅族語言推動組織合作,與耆老們進行交流互動,該計劃的成員也是該部落的族人,因此,是不用擔心會被當地原住民團體否決的。
  3. 關於設備,計劃成員皆有網路設備可以將資訊數據上傳至維基百科的。
  4. 我們有將核心指標撰寫至計劃中,包含新增維基百科新條目、增加維基百科編輯者以及舉辦寫作工作坊,,目的就是希望透過完成這些核心指標來達到將撒奇萊雅族的語言文化新增至撒奇萊雅族的有效的語言代碼(ISO 639-3:szy)之中。
  5. 非常感謝您的建議,我們願意在這次計劃中將嘗試使用Lingua LibreSpell4Wiki 記錄我們的撒奇萊雅族發音,從計劃中驗證使用此技術是否可以執行,若成功了,未來將會考慮申請Language Revitalization Accelarator of Wikitongues,以利用最新技術開發及保留撒奇萊雅族語言發音。

JChen (WMF) (talk) 04:00, 12 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Your grant application has been approved


Hello @Sabak5388,

Congratulations, your grant application has been approved.

Thank you for taking time to respond to the questions.

While you have answered our questions and made an attempt at adjusting the metrics, there are still areas that needs to be worked from our perspective. For example the open metrics and core metrics are quite similar, and there could be double counting. See also the comments from the learning and evaluation section from the table above.

We would also recommend setting up a meta page for your community. These are examples of meta pages that Wikimedia affiliates and volunteer groups maintain:

On activity documentation, you may also find these references useful:

Other projects in the region that you may be interested in

Let's continue to keep in touch and I'll encourage you to use this talk page to document discussions, progress or use it as a resource page so that we can support you and your team as you progress. Of course, this is if you have the bandwidth and find it useful. =)

All the best!

Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 03:46, 5 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Additional Resources


Hello @Sabak5388,

I'm starting a thread on resource sharing here. Please feel free to add resources about your project and we'll (@Kunokuno and myself) do the same if we come across any materials that may be useful.

Thank you. JChen (WMF) (talk) 03:48, 5 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

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