Grants talk:PEG/User:Ganesh Paudel - Wikipedia Expansion Program in Nepal



I know this is in draft. Would you consider coming up with a timeline for each of your planned activity? If I may also add, you appear to have a very lively community, but the 6-month implementation period might just be too compressed for all these activities. -- Roel Balingit (talk) 03:52, 9 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Project Implementation timeline

Months→ May June July August September October November Program Lead
Getting Affiliation from WMF Committee Discussion & finalization Committee Discussion & finalization Apply Talk with WMF Ganesh
By-Laws Translation, Translation Lawyer's review/compatibility Ganesh
Nepali Wikipedia 11th Anniversary (June 3, 2013) Preparation, Award declaration, Inform Anniversary Celebratioin / Followup Ganesh
Enabling the Active Editors program- TOT Planning TOT Implementation Nirmal / Saroj
Interaction about Wiki projects and the Education and WLM Programs (With media and Academicians) Interaction Program Hempal
Outreach programs – 12 Venues Outreach (Minimum 2) Outreach (Minimum 2) Outreach (Minimum 2) Outreach (Minimum 2) Outreach (Minimum 2) Outreach (Minimum 2) Outreach (Minimum 2) Saroj
WikiWomen Initiative & Mentoring program Outreach Editathon Workshop Outreach Outreach Srijana
Education Program Primary Meeting Program begins Report Hempal/Krish/Saroj/Prakash
Wiki Loves Monument Listing Plan Team Formation Contribution Period Evaluation & Rewards Saroj
Enabling Internet facility for Outreach and to Active contributors/Editors Determining Services Purchase Ganesh
Support to Active contributors with Internet Connectivity Reward Criteria finalization Reward for month1 RM2 RM3 RM4 RM5 RM6 Hempal
Enabling the Shared office with good internet connectivity Study of package offered in the market Purchase Equipment & Service Ganesh
Collaboration Meetings with other Open communities and organizing Open movement events OD Week SFD OCC ICT Conf Prakash
Media for expansion projects (Video) Production and CD/DVD publishing Video planning Scripting Shooting Editing Production Publish Krish
Printed Media Sticker, Small banner, a book on introduction to Wikipedia, Liflet Requirements Finalization Materials Collection Finalization Print/Publish Ganesh
LCD Mobile Projector for presentation-1 Qty Market Study and Purchase Team

The above is project implementation plan. --Ganesh Paudel (talk) 09:25, 10 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Comments and questions


Hi Ganesh, a nice start to your planning, and thus to this application text.

I've gone through it partly, copy-editing the language (I hope I didn't damage anything ... please revert bits if I have), and inserting in-line invisible comments in a few places.

You might consider providing more specific details for the activities, measures of success, and impact. Your readers should learn quite a bit about the current state of affairs when you briefly tell us, for example, how many active women editors you think there are now, and how many you'd be pleased to see at the end of the project. This will also serve as a rallying call to Wikimedians in Nepal—a set of basic plans, goals, even if you don't achieve some of them. This is too vague at the moment!

Ask here if you need further advice, please. This looks like a very worthy cause (I visited Nepal in 1995, and was amazed by many things). Tony (talk) 14:14, 11 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi Tony, Thanks for the comment. We (the team) are conducting regular meetings to finalize the project detail. Each team leaders are working in their respective activities. I'll shortly post the action plans with details of step wise activities of the each activities. Good to know that you know Nepal. We've many things to share, so we are working hard to multiply the community. Thanks. --Ganesh Paudel (talk) 09:51, 14 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for this request. I am happy to see your plans. I have noticed that it is not easy to read the data from this table. For the future you should consider using a "standard" one. My first questions are about trainer's program and WLM 2013. Is it planned any fee for trainers and organizers? What kind of prizes you plan to have? Also I am not sure I am understand what is "Internet Service for 10 Active editors/admins." Thanks in advance--MikyM (talk) 05:44, 15 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi MikyM, I'm sorry, I'm not good at Wiki Table.
  • TOT: There are two types of resource persons. The persons from the community will get only travel and food cost; there will be Resource persons from professional training institutes to teach us about making interesting presentations, speaking effectively, time planning etc. The resource persons from outside will be paid for the classes, food and travel too. For Organizers two people will be paid minimum amount for spending their labour, time in the program, other organizers will be given food, travel and maybe certificates.
  • WLM: There will be cash prizes to the winners of different categories in Wiki Loves Monuments contest. Saroj, can you explain in elaborated way?
Hi,sorry for late reply, we have been doing following things for WLM:
  • talking to Department of Archeology of Nepal Goverment to provide us the official list of the Monuments and Heritages.
  • We have been planning for the prizes for the winners as
    • 1st Prize NRs 20,000 ,
    • 2nd Prize NRs 15,000
    • 3rd Prize NRs 10,000
    • 4th Prize NRs 5,000X2
    • 5th Prize NRs 3,000X5
Altogether 10 Prizes, competetion will run for an entire month
  • After we receive list from the Department of Archeology, we'll classify and enumerate them and publish it in the competetion page , send it to the mailing list and send it to the press .
  • We are also planning to organize an orientation programme to thhe Photo Journalists and Amature Photographers from Kathmandu, prior to the competetion kick off
We look forward for your inputs ! सरोज कुमार ढकाल (talk)
  • Internet Service: There are some contributors in remote village where there is no alternative of mobile internet. They are making wonderful contribution using the mobile-phones (believe me). These contributors who have no good income source but have to purchase expensive internet package. The objective of this program is to address the problem. We have discussed this issue in the committee with importance. We are conscious that giving direct facility may discourage the contributors after the benifit will not be given or discontinued. Although, we community members are spending money from our pockets to support those contributors. The benifit will be given only to those who really need it and reviewed every month. There will be a minimum criteria (min number of edit etc) to be met by the contributor. We have also discussed to develop Devanagari (script) input apps for mobile phones to support such users to use this amount (if could not be fully spent in lack of genuine reasons).
  • Education Program: The Education program has already shipped some printed materials to start the program. We are developing the curriculum and customizing the 12 weeks course into one week because we have planned the program for the summer vacation period (i.e. entire month June). A video-conference between WMF Education program and Wikimedia Nepal Education team to discuss about running programs is going to held within this week.--Ganesh Paudel (talk) 16:16, 21 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
  • For all Activities: We are discussing about the step wise activities for each programs in the project. We'll publish them in our meta page.

Thanks. --Ganesh Paudel (talk) 04:45, 16 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

  • Internet Service: We will have a soft call (kind of proposal) as well among the contributors, and as Ganesh ji already said there are contributors, who are not in a financial position to contribute to their possible limits due to costly Internet at their place. We will be developing a criteria as well to certain that these benefits goes to all regions of Nepal equally, and most preference will be given to the contributors from the remote areas.

Cheers!!! - Hempal Shrestha

I understand your predicament. Coming from the Philippines I know there's a lot of potentials to be tapped but the limitations in infrastructure and costly access to it hinders a lot from making contributions. I think this Internet Service incentive is a good idea to entice more contributions. I guess the criteria had to be laid out, how often would the stats be revisited to grant perhaps last month's or last quarter's most active contributors. Though it would also be good if this Internet service could be provided to a community so editors in a village can work together to ensure they retain the Internet service incentive.-- Roel (talk) 03:48, 17 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
  • Collaboration Meetings with other Open communities: We know there are number of similar minded communities and organizations, who are working in this open data/content movement. We think it is really beneficial for everyone to partnering for same goals. Wikimedia Nepal always welcome all other communities to talk and collaborate for obtaining this goal. Prakash Neupane (talk) 05:23, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Project and Activity Summary Page


Hi, We have created the Project activities details page. I hope this will answer many of your questions.--Ganesh Paudel (talk) 05:07, 20 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Presentation of the Budget


Hi, this may sound very domestic, but the budget has so many lines, that is hard to tell what cost what following down. Also, maybe some major expenses should be clarified, an example are the WLM prizes, the price stated in the budget (Prize = 70,000), is very differente if you see it like this (1st Prize NRs 20,000; 2nd Prize NRs 15,000; 3rd Prize NRs 10,000; 4th Prize NRs 5,000X2; 5th Prize NRs 3,000X5). Maybe is not necesary for that specific point, but usefull for other items in the budget. --3BRBS (talk) 22:20, 23 May 2013 (UTC)Reply



Thanks for the additional details!

While most of the budget line items seem reasonable (though I'm sure LCD projectors can be had for under 1000 US dollars), the total is too large for a first grant to an unincorporated group. We would like to begin with a more modest investment in your activities -- one that would not exceed 10,000 (ten thousand) US dollars. Could you prioritize your budget and decide what you'd like to fund first?

Two quick clarifications:

1. I realize the June 3rd event is around the corner. I am willing to support that, specifically, so if you can hold the event with your group's own resources and reimburse whoever fronted the money once the grant is approved and wired to you, I guarantee at least that amount would be approved. If you can't hold the event without the money, things may already be too tight, but if you let us know immediately, we may be able to wire you this portion within a week. Asaf Bartov (WMF Grants) talk 07:40, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thank you Asaf for understanding our time rush for 11th Anniversary. Despite of the Anniversary costs, we are wanting some budget for printing stickers, browsers and editing cheat-sheet type materials immediately. Because, the anniversary will be one of the major event of the entire year to tell about our activities. We want to distribute such materials in the event. We are starting the education program on 9th June. This morning we had a video-conference with Education team (LiAna & Rodney). We got some printed materials from WMF (Already shipped) and will need to print some in local language to start it. If you can wire some amount (for anniversary and printed materials) it would be better.--Ganesh Paudel (talk) 10:49, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

2. Prioritizing this budget and cutting out things to fit in less than $10K would not preclude the possibility of applying for a second, parallel grant, even before this first grant would be over, assuming satisfactory progress is made on the first grant, and based on an interim report. So prioritizing does not necessarily have to mean the activities that are deprioritized would only take place once all the activities of the first grant are over. Asaf Bartov (WMF Grants) talk 07:40, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

We will shortly work on prioritizing the programs. I hope, we can push some programs for next round.--Ganesh Paudel (talk) 10:49, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

I hope this is clear, and look forward to a reworked proposal. Asaf Bartov (WMF Grants) talk 07:40, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Community discussion?


Thanks for the quick response. I also notice that you left empty the section in the proposal template asking for a link to on-wiki discussion of your plans. Has such discussion taken place on the Nepali Wikipedia (or on ENWP)? If so, we'd like to see it. Thanks! Asaf Bartov (WMF Grants) talk 07:01, 25 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Basically we have discussed and planned about implementing the programs in meetings and mostly in email discussions. We have now begun to discuss on Wiki using the talk page of our programs and the program draft page itself. --Ganesh Paudel (talk) 00:28, 27 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
I understand. I would still like to see evidence that the editing community of the Nepali Wikipedia has been notified of this request, and a discussion allowed to take place on the NEWP. Please do post something on the NEWP village pump. Asaf Bartov (WMF Grants) talk 05:44, 27 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Hi, the grant is now also in discussion in our village pump called Chautari (चौतारी)--Ganesh Paudel (talk) 09:34, 13 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, Ganesh. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm only seeing one response so far. I'd like to see a bit more evidence of community endorsement of your plans. Asaf Bartov (WMF Grants) talk 01:17, 25 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
The Wikipedia Education Program has been running in the Islington College from 9th June, 2013. It is hard to run the program in lack of money. Other programs as well are stocked in their ways in lack of Internet connectivity. Especially the outreach programs are quite impossible to run without the mobile internet because wherever the students are interested, they have no internet enabled labs. Even in the education program, classes are postponed in lack of internet many times.--Ganesh Paudel (talk) 10:53, 1 July 2013 (UTC)Reply
I can't speak to anything beyond the Education Program efforts, but on behalf of the Wikipedia Education Program team, I endorse the work Ganesh and the other volunteers are doing to kick off the education program in Nepal. The plan that these volunteers have put together is extremely detailed and represents an excellent pilot for their work. I remain highly impressed by the planning and execution of the educational efforts in Nepal. -- LiAnna Davis (WMF) (talk) 18:40, 7 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

Prioritized programs (with revision in project amount)


Below is the revised proposal discussed and approved in the Ad-hoc committee of Wikimedia Nepal. We have tried to prioritize our programs to limit the budget in US$10K. This is first proposal to support the activities in Nepal. It took long time to fulfill all procedures because of inadequate knowledge and practice among us about the process. We've opened a joint-bank account operable with signature of any two among three of the Ad-hoc Committee members. I hope this will do for handling the amount.

Particulars Amount in NRs. Amount in US$
Getting Affiliation from WMF (Bylaws translation, registration etc.) 50,000.00 588.24
Nepali Wikipedia 11th Anniversary (June 3, 2013) 50,000.00 588.24
Outreach programs – 10 Venues 150,000.00 1,764.71
WikiWomen Initiative & Mentoring program 50,000.00 588.24
Education Program (Piloting in 3 School/College) – 2 school/College X 3 months+1month review. 100,000.00 1,176.47
Wiki Loves Monument 100,000.00 1,176.47
Enabling Internet facility for Outreach and Editathon 100,000.00 1,176.47
Collaboration Meetings of WMF Nepal with other Open communities and organizing Open movement events (at least 5 events) 50,000.00 588.24
Media for expansion projects (Video) Production and CD/DVD publishing 30,000.00 352.94
Printed Media - Sticker, Small banner, a book on introduction to Wikipedia, Leaflet on how to edit (general tags), Why Wikipedia etc. 100,000.00 1,176.47
LCD Mobile Projector for presentation-1 Qty 80,000.00 941.18
Total Approx. 860,000.00 10,117.65

(Conversion rate: US$1=NRs. 85)

Note: While calculating the project cost the denomination of Nepali Currency was of while the conversion rate was US$1=NRs85; now it reached to US$1=NRs95. The inflation increases with the change therefore it is quite difficult to run the programs in the indicated amount in NRs. We request to calculate the budget in US$. Thanks.--Ganesh Paudel (talk) 11:06, 2 July 2013 (UTC)Reply
As per the previous discussions and partial approval of the budget of 10th Anniversary of Nepali Wikipedia, the amount has been spent in advance (Credit from members personally).--Ganesh Paudel (talk) 11:06, 2 July 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for this revised program. Please address Tony's questions below and offer some measurable metrics for success, and we'll be able to proceed. Asaf Bartov (WMF Grants) talk 23:51, 6 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

Measures of success


Hi, I wonder if you could write into the application actual estimates of the minimum you'd be pleased with achieving, under the circumstances. I don't see any value for you or for us in the current generalised bullets, which could very well be in the project goals just above (the instructions do say "Please provide a list of measurable criteria"). Even if you don't achieve your numerical guesses, setting them out beforehand is good for motivation, for auditing, and for lessons learned for other affiliated entities—and it's not something you'll be held to. Examples might be (in italic additions):

  • Growth in number of edits in wiki projects from X edits a month in February to Y edits a month by November 2013
  • Growth in number of active editors in existing Wiki projects in Nepal from X in February to Y by November 2013
  • Growth in number of active women editors from 16 in February to 25 by November 2013"
  • Participation of people in WLM and Education projects (we hope for X in WLM and a total of Y in our four education projects).

Tony (talk) 03:47, 6 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

Please forgive me! I'm new in this grant process and might not fulfilled all the requirements in a grant proposal. We are also learning the procedures from this process. Can you please make us clear that CAN WE CHANGE THE GRANT PROPOSAL PAGE? or have to write in this talk page? -Ganesh Paudel (talk) 03:30, 8 July 2013 (UTC)Reply
Certainly, please do go ahead and make changes to the grant proposal! It is only after a funding decision is made that we expect grant proposals to remain as they are. Asaf Bartov (WMF Grants) talk 16:15, 8 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

The Measure of success for Wiki-Women Initiative is definitely the growth in the number of active women editors. This is reflected from the Wikipedia Education Program also.--Dipika Khatiwoda (talk) 03:45, 8 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

Okay, but please set a measurable goal for that -- a number, or a percentage. And list it on the grant page (not this talk page) under Measures of Success. Thanks! Asaf Bartov (WMF Grants) talk 16:15, 8 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

Please add revised budget to the grant submission page


Hello, Ganesh! Would you please add the revised budget with the new requested amount to the grant submission page so we may consider the grant in its revised form? Thank you, Winifred Olliff (Grants Administrator) talk 22:16, 8 July 2013 (UTC)Reply



I'm willing to give this one the thumbs up, once measurable goals (as stressed by Asaf above) are inserted, and any budgetary issues are dealt with. I keenly await the lessons we might learn from your report on the activities. Tony (talk) 03:22, 10 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for encouraging us. We've now posted the revised and prioritized proposal. We look forward to see the decision soon. --Ganesh Paudel (talk) 12:24, 10 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

Request for Extension of the Program


Hi, Various activities are running under the program. As you know we have requested for the grant in April 2013 and the program was approved in August. The timeline was 15th May to 14th November. We received the fund in 12th August. Till then we had already spent some amount in 11th Anniversary of Nepali Wikipedia. All other programs were pending. So far, we have done some activities i.e.

  1. 11th Anniversary of Nepali Wikipedia
  2. First Wikipedia Education Program (Pilot) in Nepal
  3. Wiki Loves Monuments Photo Contest
  4. By-Laws translation
  5. Some Outreach Programs
  6. Some Purchase (Internet Service) Partially

etc. Many other major activities are remaining so far.


  • Nepal is going to have a National Election for Constituent Assembly in November. We were to face various strikes and uprisings in past months. Now the nation is concentrated into the Election. We can't draw people's attention towards Wiki activities from the election though we are trying to give activities related to the election.
  • Election code of conduct is preventing us to do activities in education and other community centers. Most of the education institutions are closed.
  • We have got big Hindu festivals during October/November. People are in long vacation (including us) that prevents us to conduct activities nearly for a month.
  • The fluctuation in the exchange rate with US Dollars has given a bad impact to the market. Goods are not available or the prices has gone up. We are not being able to purchase Projector and accessories so far.

For these reasons we request to extend the granted program by two months i.e. from 15th November to 14th January, 2014. --Ganesh Paudel (talk) 05:42, 24 October 2013 (UTC)Reply

This is approved. Thank you for the background. Asaf Bartov (WMF Grants) talk 18:37, 12 November 2013 (UTC)Reply
The new report will be due within 60 days of 14 January, or by 15 March 2014. Cheers, Winifred Olliff (Grants Administrator) talk 18:48, 12 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

Request for Project Extension and re-allocation


Stated, the project was extended two months back. We could not complete the project, we are again requesting for additional 45 days extension for the project. We need that much time because some time-consuming tasks are to be completed.

We had had an interaction of WikiWomen and three outreach programs during the additional two months.

The Result of WLM is not published yet. After the announcement of the result of WLM, the process of handing over the prize money and token/certificate will take a month more.

There are some important dates ahead i.e. 13th Anniversary of Wikipedia- (15 January), Open Education Day –(18th January), Start Learning Day (Saraswati Pooja)- 4th Feb. In these days we can conduct some effective programs.

We are still unable to catch the deadline of additional two months to complete our projects because of many reasons.

We have outlined some of the causes for the delay in executing the activities.

  • Late delivery of the amount (August 2013 that was supposed to be May 15)
  • Big festivals and long holidays in educational institutions
  • National Election and its After-effect
  • Winter Vacation in Schools/colleges
  • Small number of volunteers involved (and also no permission for hiring paid volunteers).

As most of our programs focus on outreach and education, we could not conduct most of our targeted programs on these ground.

Project Development Program wise

  • Purchase the Projector - (in final stage)
  • Wiki Loves Monuments- (Result declaration and Cash Prize Distribution remaining).
  • Education Program - (1 out of 2) Second Ed. Program is not possible to conduct this time.
  • Video Production -(1 out of 4)
  • Printed Materials - (2 out of 7)
  • Outreach Programs - (6 out of 10)
  • Wiki-Women Program – (Interaction with Gender Journalists on Gender-in-Wikipedia successfully conducted), 2 Outreach programs done, 2 outreach and an editathon to be done.
  • Getting Affiliation from WMF- (Bylaws reviewed by advocate, Bylaws Translated, Affiliation contract as "Wikimedians of Nepal" signed by either side. Wikimedia Nepal formation pending.)
  • Internet Connectivity for outreach program- (Partially)
  • 11Th Anniversary of Nepali Wikipedia- Completed.
  • Collaborative meetings with other open societies- (Two event completed, i.e. SFD and Awadhi talk, 4 programs remaining).

As we could not complete the activities, we have no other option than to request for another extension for the project.

We are requesting for extension of additional 45 (Forty Five) days from 15th January, 2013. Please consider our condition and give us the required extension.

Right after this we have to re allocation of the budget in different topics because we will not be able to conduct all those programs mentioned above in the extended time period. We will shortly request for re-allocate after our committee meeting.

We are discussing to re-allocate the amount to spend in producing printed materials, small merchandises and audio/visuals. Those materials are expected to help us to increase Wiki awareness and distribute in any type of outreach and activities. Materials like books and merchandises like T-shirts will help us to raise funds for future programs locally.

We think we can spend some more in producing Audio-visual materials to teach people about Wiki editing. Suggestions from communities for choosing effective options will be highly welcomed.--Ganesh Paudel (talk) 12:35, 10 January 2014 (UTC)Reply

Second extension approved


This second extension request is hereby approved. The new grant end date is March 15th 2014, and the report will be due by May 15th 2014. Asaf Bartov (WMF Grants) talk 01:35, 22 January 2014 (UTC)Reply



As per the previous discussion, we reached to the conclusion that we shall spend the unspent amount for printing outreach materials (Printed materials) from other topic. We think, printed materials are good tools of outreach to achieve our goals. In our primary calculation we need NRs. 438440.00+ NRs. 40,000.00 =478,440.00 for printed materials. So far, NRs. 106,370.00 is allocated for printed materials. We have saved all amount from Outreach activities although we've conducted all outreach programs as intended in the grant application. Please accept our request to reallocate. I'll update the spent amount and intended amount to printing materials in a table soon. Regards!--Ganesh Paudel (talk) 09:50, 14 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

We also request to spare Nrs. 10,000.00 to purchase a steel cupboard to store our equipment in our shared office.I've put the amount in topic "Others"--Ganesh Paudel (talk) 09:51, 14 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

Activities Amount in US$ Equivalent to NRs. Tentative Spent so far Inted Reallocation to Printing Others Balance
Getting Affiliation from WMF as Chapter 600 58,020.00 25,000.00 23,000.00 10,000.00 20.00
Lawyer's by-laws verification Fee; Bylaws translation (by notary public), Registration charge etc.)
Nepali Wikipedia 11th Anniversary (June 3, 2013) 600 58,020.00 52,000.00 6,000.00 20.00
One- Day event with Editathon, Formal Talk Program, Best contributor rewarded and Cake party
Outreach programs At least 10 Colleges and junior colleges 1,750.00 169,225.00 - 169,225.00 -
Hi-tea, transportation, Internet Lab
Wiki Women Initiative & Mentoring program 600 58,020.00 45,000.00 13,000.00 20.00
One Interaction program with women leaders from political parties;
at least 3 outreach programs in girls college and women organizations; One editathon on women & gender
Wikipedia Education Program (Piloting in 2 colleges) 1,150.00 111,205.00 70,000.00 41,000.00 205.00
– 2 College X 12 weeks program (As per the Wikipedia Education Program curriculum)
Wiki Loves Monument (Photo contest on monument sites of Nepal) 1,150.00 111,205.00 100,000.00 5,000.00 6,205.00
Meeting the Government authorities, forming calendar, run orientation program, indexing the sites and kick off the event
Evaluation and choose the winners, reward the winners with cash prize and certificate
Enabling Internet facility 1,150.00 111,205.00 45,000.00 66,000.00 205.00
For Outreach, Editathon and education programs
At least two wireless devices and internet broadband package
Collaboration Meetings 600 58,020.00 10,000.00 48,000.00 20.00
Meetings with other Open communities and organizing Open movement events (at least 5 events)
Open Document Event, Software Freedom Week event, Open data/ Open Map event,
Open community conference, ICT Conference
Media for expansion projects (Video) Production and localization to existing media, CD/DVD publishing 350 33,845.00 5,000.00 28,000.00 845.00
Media to support new users/editors about writing, editing articles and uploading photos etc.
will be published in CD/DVD and through the Commons and You tube
Printed Media – 1,100.00 106,370.00 10,000.00 96,370.00
Browsers, Stickers, Small banners, book on introduction to Wikipedia,
edit cheat-sheet (general tags), Why Wikipedia etc
LCD Mobile Projector for presentation-1 Qty (With accessories, long power cords etc.) 950 91,865.00 97,000.00 (5,135.00) -
Total Approx. 10,000.00 967,000.00 459000 508,000.00 103,910.00
Ganesh: Thank you for the reallocation request and your work on this project. It would be helpful to have a few more details and clarifications:
  1. Do you need 478,440 NPR in addition to the 106,370 NPR already budgeted to printed materials?
  2. So far, you have spent 10,000 NPR on printed material (out of the 106,370 NPR budgeted). How was this spent? What kind of feedback did you get to the materials?
  3. The proposed reallocation is quite large. Can you provide more detail on how you propose to spend the increased materials budget? For example, how much for audio/visual training materials, how much for books, etc., and how will these materials be used.

Please let us know if you have any questions on the above. Alex Wang (WMF) (talk) 22:03, 17 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

Re-allocation Details


Hi, I might have messed-up all topics out than discussing to the point. We need to re-allocate the budget to printing as follows.

Feedback and use of pre-printed materials

  • Distribution of printed material about Wikipedia and other wiki projects in Nepal is a very new practice. We started with the outreach booklets received from WMF WEP. The materials really helped us to approach to the academia.
  • In local level, we have printed and distributed some printed materials from last autumn.
  • At first, we distributed some printed browsers for Wiki Loves Monuments in September. This material could give some knowledge about WLM contest and also suggestions of producing free content and uploading them in Commons. This was spent under WLM budget.
  • As second material we printed 2K paper stickers (without lamination) to distribute. The demand for Wikipedia sticker was high although the sticker could not satisfy the users due to its low quality. People want to use Wikipedia sticker pasted in their notebooks, tablets and other devices. We see there is high demand of this sticker but we have to produce a better quality sticker probably printed in plastic.
  • We have printed Browser of Wikipedia with Introduction of Wikipedia, projects in local language, how anyone can edit etc. This is the main and only material we have in stock to distribute. This material is helping us to increase awareness on wiki. This is helping people that Wikipedia is open knowledge and can be written by everyone.
  • On the ground of the previously printed materials, we found that these materials are very useful materials for outreach. These materials will help us to reach to more people by using limited volunteers.
  • We also plan to distribute such materials via academic institutions and our acquaintance in small cities outside the capital city, involved in academies. We hope, we can mail them to our targeted people who are using Wikipedia as teaching tool.

Printing Plan

Material Qty. Tentative Amount Contents Use Remarks
Browser (A4 size in 150gsm glossy paper) 10,000 36,725.00 Introduction of Wikipedia, projects in local language, how anyone edit etc. Distribution in programs, outreach and individuals as well as students in WEP Printed, Payment in hold
Cheatsheet (A4 size in 150gsm glossy paper) 10,000 36,725.00 Nepali (traditional and Romanized) keyboard layout, general Wikipedia writing markup tags incl. picture linking. How to upload picture in commons. Distribution in Editathon, outreach and really interested persons who want to start writing in Wikipedia but do not know the markups. Note: We have included keyboard layout because we have to begin with how to write in Nepali. This material is assumed to be useful and may attract to all people. Printed, Payment in hold
Sketch pad (Notebook) 25 sheet (A5 size in 60gsm paper with 150gsm glossy cover) 3000 84,750.00 Inside cover will contains cheat sheets as mentioned above. Inside pages will contain watermark look of Wikipedia edit space with sufficient writing space. Distribute to participants of whole day event, Wikipedia Education Program and editathons. Can be presented to media people (reporters, editors, columnists) as souvenir. Design finalized, Dropped Order
Sketch pad (Notebook) 50 sheets (A5 size in 60gsm paper with 150gsm glossy cover) 2500 115,825.00 ,, To distribute for special contribution in Wiki project. Like marking 100th edit, article selected as main page article etc. Design finalized, Dropped Order
Bookmark (2.8*8 inch thick Glossy paper) 10,000 35,312.50 Links of Wikipedia in various language spoken in Nepal. Information about Wikipedia can be edited by everyone, but how? Distribution in programs, gathering and individually to friends and acquaintances as a souvenir. Expected to approach book readers to give them idea about Wikipedia and say them that Wikipedia can be edited by every individuals. Design finalized, printing order on hold
Bookmark (5*18mm Nepali Handmade Paper) 5,000 35,312.50 ,, ,, (More Nepali look) manually printed in handmade paper, small presentable souvenir to be presented to high academia and international level. Professors, college principals for maintain relation especially for WEP. Design finalized, Printing order on hold
Big Sticker (Plastic) 2,500 16,243.75 Wikipedia helps to share your knowledge in your language. Wikipedia can be edited by everyone Wikipedias in Nepal To paste in vehicle glasses, public flow places etc. Targeted to IT labs of schools and college through Education Programs. Design finalized, printing order on hold
Small Sticker (Plastic) 10,000 49,946.00 Wikipedia logo Widely distribute to use in notebooks, tablets and small devices. For publicity of Wikipedia. Design finalized, printing order on hold
Receipt 20 pad 1,836.25 Purpose and amount received Receipt to be issued against any amount received by Wikimedians of Nepal. Printed, Payment in hold
Voucher/Bill 20 pad 2,542.50 Purpose and amount paid Receipt of amount paid by Wikimedians of Nepal for rational travel expense and other costs. Printed, Payment in hold
Tea Cup Printing 200 40,680.00 Wikipedia Logo Nepali Wikipedia address Edit button A special souvenir to be presented to Partner Organizations, WMNe advisors, high academia. Professors, college principals for maintain relation especially for WEP. Design concept discussed, printing order on hold
Outreach Banners 32 50,000.00 Small hanging banners of all Wikimedia Projects Standing small banners (with stand) for all projects in Nepali Languages Using in outreach, Education events, and any other events. In concept phase

Note: Out of this plan, we discussed about the concept of notepad (sketch pad) and dropped the idea of printing it for now because of the cost

Cost calculation: Total budget in grant allocated for printed materials Rs. 106,370.00

Actual Spent Amount : (Including bank cheques on hold): Rs. 101,496.00

Breakdown Card, sticker Printing (8,300.00)

Cheatsheet, big sticker, receipt (56,471.00)

Browser (36,725.00)

Amount in stock from Printing topic: Rs. 4,874.00

Total Amount required for printing other materials: 227,777.25 (The following is the plan)

Outreach Banners 50,000.00 (Hempal, would you mind to elaborate this?)
Bookmark Glossy 35,595.00
Bookmark Nepali Paper 35,312.50
Big Sticker (Plastic) 16,243.75
Small Sticker (Plastic) 49,946.00
Tea/Coffee Cup 40,680.00
Required to be re-allocated from other topics. Rs. 222,903.25
Requested Re-allocation to Cupboard Rs. 10,000.00
Requested Re-allocation to Projector and accessories – Rs. 5,000.00

This is calculation for printing and cupboard. --Ganesh Paudel (talk) 10:36, 19 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for your response regarding the reallocation. We will consider the reallocation after we have reviewed your grant report and expense documentation/receipts. Please let us know when you plan on submitting your final report and if you need any support in completing it. Alex Wang (WMF) (talk) 23:34, 20 March 2014 (UTC)Reply
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