Grants:TPS/Ankitashukla/FOSSASIA 2016

This Wikimedia Participation Support request was funded in the fiscal year 2014-15. A report is available.

summaryDelivering a talk on the extension Spelling Dictionary and in general, a beginner introduction on how to go about building an extension
event locationSingapore
event date(s)March 18th - 20th 2016
amount requestedUSD 1177 (INR 80848.13)
home countryIndia
submitted on13:59, 26 February 2016 (UTC)

Proposed participation


I am Ankita Shukla, an OPW alumna. I have been involved with the Mediawiki community since September 2014. I worked on Collaborative Spelling Dictionary and my mentor was Kartik. After completing my OPW project, I continue to be a FOSS user. Moreover, I have also been a mentor in Google Code In 2016 for Wikimedia Foundation. I am a passionate developer and highly enthusiastic about technical advancements. I have been contributing in Wikipedia and MediaWiki for last 2 and half years, and as a volunteer. I have also been involve with different outreach programs

Goal and expected impact


FOSSASIA is renowned open source conference across ASIA and developers from different parts of ASIA as well as from the world will attend the conference. In FOSSASIA 2016, people from different organizations will be present, my primary goal will be to enhance user based contributions to Wikimedia Foundation.

I developed an extension - Collaborative Spelling Dictionary, during my intern with the Wikimedia Foundation under the Outreach program of Gnome. After my intern, I created issues in the same extension for newbies to fix and guided them constantly giving them an easy and smooth entry into the open source community. I also mentored the extension's issues in Google Code In this year and had several students submitting their patches for the same, successfully closing number of the open issues.

I have been invited to present a talk on the extension. I have a 25 minutes session, 15 mins in which I will be delivering the talk and the remaining 10 mins are for Q/A's. I also plan on giving a demo of my work on my laptop so that the audience gets a better idea about the project. I'll use the opportunity to explain and demonstrate this extension to the FOSSASIA attendees and talk about the step by step process involved in building an extension. This would particularly be useful for anyone aiming to work on and develop extensions to be used for any wiki-project (which are already quite popular these days). Also, considering that GSOC is round the corner, we will be able to get some contributors who might be interested in our projects but did not know how to start.

Moreover, the extension still has scope for further development. In order to be able to contribute to the extension, it is important to understand how the extension works currently, so I would like to explain about this project and its code architecture and also discuss the possible features and their implementations during my talk. I also would like more people to enhance my extension idea and also help us maintaining it. FOSSASIA would be an excellent platform to share ideas and also get reviews from the large community so that in future we can try and incorporate those changes into this extension. I also plan on giving a demo of my work on my laptop (if time allows) so that the audience gets a better idea about the project.

I am looking forward to utilizing this opportunity to evangelize about open source and my enriching experience with MediaWiki, and thus get some newbie developers to contribute to MediaWiki.

I will be touch with the participants of the session and workshop via IRC, Mailing List. Every year, there are several MediaWiki contributors attending FOSSASIA and this is a great opportunity for us to interact personally with other developers from around the world and understand the way they conduct outreach programs and the content they use.

Budget breakdown

  • Travel (round trip airfare from New Delhi to Singapore): USD 600 (INR 41249.96)
  • Accommodation: USD 80 per night x 3 nights = USD 240 (INR
  • Speaker Ticket for the event = SGD 325 (INR 15962.10, USD 232)
  • Visa: USD 25
  • Local Expense : USD 80 (20 per day) (if any amount remains unused I wholeheartedly will return it )
  • TOTAL = 600+240+232+25+80 = USD 1177 (INR 80848.13)

Other instructions


Apparently, my department financially supports students for conferences with some fixed amount. However since it is not sufficient to cover all my expenses with it, therefore, I'll need some financial aid for the travel expenses. I'm still in conversation with them, and would update here with the progress of my conversation with the officials. I am ready to present all my bills post the event. I'd appreciate if I can get the amount in advance as I need to get the flight tickets booked.


  • I have personally worked with Ankita during the Outrechy'11 round, where she did a great job helping the org-admin team review and rank project proposals, connect tasks with mentors, help prospective interns etc. She is also an OPW round 9 intern, still sticking around, and even mentored for the Google Code In 2015 round. I also came across her name in - and happy to know that the Redhat community has recognized her solid contributions to Open Source. Considering the talk directly deals with her OPW project, and her contributions to the community, I have a +1 for this well defined proposal, from my little experience with the community. 01tonythomas (talk) 05:02, 28 February 2016 (UTC)
  • I support this request. Ankita is a very active technical contributor, and it is interesting for Wikimedia to spread the word about our technical efforts in Asia. FOSSAsia is a good event for that. I think it is the right time for Ankita to make a next step in Wikimedia tech engagement.--Qgil-WMF (talk) 06:54, 29 February 2016 (UTC)