Grants:Project/Rapid/Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2021 in Cameroon

Add photos to Cameroon Wikipedia articles lacking photos.
targetImages from Wikimedia Commons to be added in 1000 Articles of Wikipedia french and english language versions
start date1st July 2021
end date31st August
budget (local currency)960000
budget (USD)1758 US$ 1776 US$
grant typeIndividual (on behalf of the user group)
contact(s)••• wikimediacugcameroon(_AT_)
organization (if applicable)Wikimedians of Cameroon User Group
website (if applicable)

Review your report

Please see the sample Contest application before drafting your application.

Project Goal


Choose one or more of the following goals. You can add or delete goals as needed.

Project will touch four towns in Cameroon, Yaounde, Douala, Buea and Maroua.
  1. To improve the quality, reliability, and credibility of Wikipedia articles across french and english languages
  2. To promote the use of digital media files collected from various photography contests, photowalks organized by the Wikimedia community, on Wikipedia article pages
  3. Reinforce the level of the members of our User Group through trainings
  4. Engagement of existing editors of our User Group
  5. Recruit new editors to build new challenges in each town where there is wikimedia activities.

Project Plan


Possible programme

  • 4 Physical contest presentation session in each town concern about the contest
  • 4 practical sessions as part of the contest (July - August)
  • 4 online follow-up sessions for all participants
  • 2 special training sessions for new members (Zoom)



Tell us how you'll carry out your project. Be sure to answer the following questions:
1. What content will the contest focus on, and why is it important to your community?

The WPWP contest will be focused on to add as many suitable/relevant images as possible in Cameroon's wikipedia articles .

2. How have you let relevant Wikimedia communities know about this proposal? You are required to provide links to on-wiki pages to inform these communities about your proposed work. Examples of places where this can be done include community discussion pages, affiliate discussion pages, or relevant project talk pages.

We have whatsApp groups of our User Group members who live in the cities of Douala, Yaounde, Buea and Maroua; they have already been informed of the competition through this channel and are ready to participate. We will use more social media to facilitate new members recruitment.

3. How will you let participants know about the contest? In what ways will you be communicating with them?
For example, these can include on-wiki spaces, social media channels, mailing lists, messaging apps, or physical/online gatherings.

In addition to collaboration with the contest organizers, we will have to use the ISA platform to assess the number of contributions for each participant.

4. How will you judge the contest and award prizes?
Note: Grantees, judges, and other contest leaders are ineligible to receive prizes. Grantees who are serving as judges may not receive gifts through grant funding.

We will use tools provide by international organizers to determine the winners.

5. For photo contests, what is the strategy to get images used on projects?

6. Are you running any in-person events or activities? If so, you will need to complete the steps outlined on the Risk Assessment protocol related to COVID-19. When you have completed these steps, please provide a link to your completed copy of the risk assessment tool below:

The link

7. Is there anything else you want to tell us about this project?



How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets and feel free to add more:

For writing contests:

  1. Three languages Wikipedia (French, English, fufulbe) are improved
  2. Number of participants: 20
  3. Number of articles improved with photos: 1000



What resources do you have? Include information on who is organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).

We have two project organizers:
  • Bile Rene (Maroua) experienced in Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons
  • Eugene233 (Based in Yaounde) experienced in Wikidata and Mediawiki with knowledge on Structured Data on Commons.

What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense and include a total amount.

Item Description Qty Unit Price Total Costs
Communication outreaches (local press, twitter and blog) 1 37.04 37.04
6 Tee-shirts 6 9.26 55.56
Session in Yaounde (venue, snacks, travel) 1 287.04 287.04
Session in Douala (venue, snacks, travel) 1 194.45 194.45
Session in Buea (venue, snacks, travel) 1 194.45 194.45
Session in Maroua (venue, snacks) 1 166.67 166.67
Awards for participants (1st prize Laptop PC) 1 200 200
Awards for participants (2nd prize Android tablet) 1 112 112
Awards for participants (3rd prize Internet Modem/External Hard Drive) 1 47 47
Contingency Amount 1 37.04 37.04
Covid 19 tools 1 37.04 37.04
Internet connection(Trainers) 6 37.04 222.223
Internet connection(Participants) 4 46.30 185.186
Total cost of project 1776 USD (1 USD = 540,00 Franc CFA as of 12 May 2021)



Community members are encouraged to endorse your project request here!